Buyfag thread
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cute moot
Your previous lord and savior.
Cannot wait to have sex with sensei!
This lovely lady showed up today.
>Merchant meats spicy wold
Should I be a Fakuu sellout? Since I can't find a book of one of my favorite artist works through the recommended sites the buyfag guide recommends for doujins.
Starting my buyfaggotry with R-18 stuff is probably not the smartest decision.
I like the Flare (not)Rei and this (not)Asuka, but for some reason I remember that in the Yamashita's artwork where this Asuka is based on, Asuka was smiling, but the scale is not, maybe it will be an online bonus?
And I like the Mari one too
and I agree with user on the previous thread about a Yamashita's Misato and Ritsuko scales on this style of clothing
All fakku artists' works can easily be found with the guide. You are doing it wrong
>46% off
>6980 yen
Wow she binned hard.
If anyone wants, she's available at amiami's ebay store for $69 with free ems shipping after coupon PSPRING20
I probably am user.
These dirty hoors finally came in today. Feburary was a good month for me.
Thanks but I don't like figures that look like whores.
Asuka not smiling is more in character.
>New paypal fees.
What the fuck.
>Using paypal conversion
What are you talking about?
>We’re removing the variable rate pricing for sending money to friends and family members who have PayPal accounts in a country other than the United States when you send money using PayPal balance or your bank account and introducing a new flat fee of $2.99 or $4.99 per transaction depending on the recipient’s country. However, when you send money using your credit card, debit card, or PayPal credit you will be charged the new flat fee per transaction depending on the recipient’s country + 2.9% of the transaction amount + a fixed fee based on the currency.
Am I being retarded or missing something?
no ass
That just applies to personal payments, not payment for goods, returd. If you ever used it to pay you are retarded to begin with.
We need more THICC figgies
When did Rem become obese
Where can I find the Megahouse Angewomon for non-rape prices? Am I shit out of luck?
It's almost as if they completely missed the point of the character.
The guide
What guide? I checked manda and amiami but they don't have it. Ebay has anal gaping prices
Then you found your answer
not less than 16k opened.
Imagine the shipping cost on this whale
that morrigan costed me 6,6k in shipping, wtf.
oi, post that sg one
Did anyone order any of the Isekai Shokudou merchandise at all? Missed on getting some of the keychains/shirts and trying to find where else to pick them up.
I have $88 in TOM points but don't know what to buy and want to get rid of the shit. What should I get buyfags?
A brain
whoa toxic
Should have been the SFV outfit. SFIV looks stupid.
Even that's almost okay, where can I find it?
It's fine, but it doesn't match her proportions in it. Not a fan of her SFV outfit except when people edited out the black latex parts to be bare.
That's just your dick talking. Having holes in a jumpsuit like this makes no sense. I wouldn't be mad at it, but the black latex makes sense and is way better than shitty baggy pants with tight ass top that covers barely nothing.
Still think I prefer this or one of her unused concept art outfits from IV.
Yeah, this one looks fine too.
B/B at amiami when it appears.
All their shit on there are overpriced as fuck, even with the coupon included.
What does alicebooks write in the customs declaration for mousepads?
Shit tons of candy. Barring that, go bin diving.
booby cushion
Re: Zero was seasonal as fuck, it died out quickly.
why are her armpits not exposed? the black just needs to be skin and this would be 10 times better
Just ordered this tomato for $80 brand new free shipping. How did I do, friends?
What have you pre-ordered recently buyfags? I ordered pic related on AmiAmi. The mouth doesn't look so good in particular but I'll have to buy it anyway because I'm a Noirefag
adult toy
I'll take three.
One for the future, one to use, and one replacement.
Thanks boys.
Look at these disgusting welded toes. I'm sure they arent supposed to be that long either too.
You're supposed to be looking at her midriff and armpits. Ignore her feet.
Dumb feetfags, I swear.
I really wanted to buy this, but the mouth is an absolute deal breaker. It looks terrible. Here's hoping they make a Paladin Nep and it looks better than this, even though 4GO's Noire is my favorite design.
I've pre-ordered this Kurisu re-release though. Didn't bother looking for it before because it was obvious it would eventually get a re-release or a new figure with S;G 0, and it's quite cheap. Likely buying GSC's as well when they decide to also re-release theirs.
OH, niuce
Who is this semen demon?
Dunno, they got posted a few hours ago
Made for hotglue. Don't bring her near me if you want to be safe.
I won't.
>Thailand Miku looks like a whore
Ah wait, apparently their names are Chris and Sarah
You picked a very pretty tomato there, about as much as I got mine for.
Thanks. I wanted to give my Russian wife a bit of company. She's been lonely for too long.
>Racing Miku 2016
>releases august 2018
I'v been so tempted to get that Eli because she is my second favorite raibu, but I can't get past the silly looking tongue expression. Everything else about it looks fantastic, but it's just a feature I can't get past. I do have her other Alter scale though so i'm not too upset over it.
Source? reverse image search is coming up with nothing
It's a picture I took last time I went to a farm.
The mouth, and mostly the face, was enough for me to pass on this. I'm not buying items like this even if I do like the character.
This is my most recent pre-order - I liked the heavy armour better than the "limited" light armour version.
First time I've seen a limited version be cheaper than the regular as well.
Fucking shit man , I picked the wrong shipping for super girl and she's still stuck in Japan after almost 2 weeks.
Uh what? Are you sure its still in Japan?
I wish they made a scale for Cammy's battle costume.
I want to get that Kokonoe Rin from Max Factory.
Is 100$ shipped worth risking having the FBI plow through my window as I open the box?
Yeah man , been checking every fucking day and she's still stuck in Japan think I might contact amiami and see if they can do something about it.
Hasn't it reached customs at least?
I would try to find something exclusive. Whether TOM exclusive like the Kizuna Ai figure, or at least something that you can't easily get on amiami, like an amakuni exclusive.
So not even the outwards office of exchange status has shown?
Good choice. Armored looks way better imo.
Guys, whatever you do, NEVER browse the GK's section of e2046 and sort the items from lowest price to highest.
As of yesterday only posting/collection had shown since 2/20
I don't like the face and the sword looks like a toy.
I’m a Noirefag but that face just ruins it for me. The rest of the fig looks great, though. To each their own.
I like this one. It'll be great if the figure can capture the illustrations body tone.
Could be worse. I spaced the pre-order window like a dumbass and had to get her from a domestic retailer. On the upside the cost is less, but I'll probably have to wait an extra month or more for it.
Why?what happens if I do? Do I get cursed or something
Man I'm glad I browse amiami almost daily , I got to pre order power girl re release as well as cammy
yes i love her little child nippies
But the guide said that PayPal is what you’ll be using the most, depending on the store.
Which doesn't mean that
a) You MUST use their currency converter
b) You MUST pay as personal payment instead of goods/service which is the default option to begin with
Use your brain
Is it true that e2046 just uses recasts of recasts, while GK-M uses recasts of the original thing?