ITT: Underrated Gems
ITT: Underrated Gems
Aria, a show about everything.
>Rec thread
>Being this new
Gurren Lagann? very good
Eureka 7, more like Gurren Lagann 2.
Daphne in the Brilliant Blue, it's underrated ecchi series with an interesting mystery plot.
Gintama, Bobobo with better animation.
Evangelion, makes as much sense as a wise old man.
More like overrated, but I agree.
Berserk, good anime and even better manga.
Missing the joke
Or did I miss your joke?
But the anime posted was called Rec
Baccano? More like baka, YES.
Lurk more nigga. You're too new to be posting.
don't try to fit in too much and just say lurk more.
Shit Eater? More like Soul Eater. Better than Naruto.
I think almost everyone in this thread missed it, actually.
Darker than Black? More like Better than GOLD.
Planetes. As vast as space.
Hellsing, Twilight except great.