Why is SBR so highly rated?

Why is SBR so highly rated?

It replaced Berserk as babby's first seinen.

Because everybody loves travel stories.

How is it even a seinen?

I dont know, I found it to be a slow burn honestly.
4 > 6 > 5 > 7 > 1 > 2 > 3

because its pretty good

It's published in a seinen magazine.

>pretty good
It's the second highest rated manga in MAL.

I get that seinen is a demographic but this shit was a cookie cutter battle manga.

Because it's a seinen, it wasn't supposed to prioritize the battles.

Because of Araki's meme writing.

Crazier fights, weirder stories exciting new artstyle, drawing horseback stuff is really hard.
I liked 7 better but, Gyro is a fun character and shit like YOU MUST RESPECT ZEPPELI'S BALLS is hard to forget.

Because it has the best american in the history of manga.

Skill Bind Resist?

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure part 7: Steel Ball Run

It's got really high highs but it's kind of inconsistent. And I fucking hate spin and think both Johnny and Gyro's powers were retarded. There's only so much you can do when your main characters have such shitty powers. The Sugar Mountain arc was the peak of the part imo.

It was also the peak of Jojo art-wise, which helps in its appeal. And on top of that Araki was pumping out pages like a madman for quite a while during it.

>muh MAL rating


Good art, good characters, and good development for those characters. That last one is what the earlier parts of jojo were lacking.

I guess the anti-JoJofags were the redditor normalfags all along. Can Sup Forums go back to liking JoJo now?

>It's the second highest rated manga in MAL.
What is the highest rated one?


only redditfags talk about MAL ratings unironically


Johnny was awesome.

MAL ratings are what's verboten, idiot. It's a valid concern especially if you're going to bring up plebbit.

Of course, but using "kys" is just as Sup Forumseddit-tier.

Because Araki figured out how to do character arks.

Get the fuck out

Go back to re ddit with him newfag

it's justified in this case

>The Sugar Mountain arc was the peak of the part imo.

Hell yeah.

How was Sugar Mountain better than D4C?


Are you...me?

2 Jojo threads ??? This one's going down buddy, but This part has the best villain in the entire series. I also love the concept of the spin and the religious references. Johnny sucked as a JoJo though

>he fell for the "part 3 is the worst part meme"
You newfags are too easy to spot

Part 3 has a lot of pacing and structure issues and it was the first part to have stands so their use wasn't as well done as in later parts. I also don't like the setting as much as some of the other parts. Also I'm not him and don't consider it the worst part but it's closer to the bottom than the top for me.

I think people dislike part3 because its supposed to be the "best" and the most popular one, and end up being disappointed when it's not up to expectations.

It has best boy Diego.