What are the most iconic anime moments?

What are the most iconic anime moments?

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>posts a ripoff of the rukia meeting ichigo scene


Alternatively the omedeto scene

Rock Lee vs. Gaara.


> literally just googling "iconic anime scene"




>Not the DEEN version
Come on user

It's getting to the point of being too similar to DBZ retards

I mean, that shot is pretty iconic. DEEN version more so, though.

Light realizing what he can do with the note
super saiyan shit
Not NGE because people like to pretend anyone likes/watches it when it's obscure mechshit

I know at least a dozen people who don't watch anime but have seen NGE, including my fucking parents, user. It's really mainstream.

Name a more iconic scene. I'll wait.




Gurren Lagann reference?


I've literally come across 1 (one) person in the wild who has already seen it before I mention it in the five years since I saw it for the first time.

>DEEN version more so, though.


DEEN version came first. It's the one that anyone over the age of 13 remembers.

>Nami...omae wa ore no nakama da!

the VN came first though

Nigger I don't think you know what that word means.

I heard it


Yes, but this thread is about iconic ANIME moments. As well, the DEEN anime did a lot to introduce the franchise to English speaking audiences.

Asuka has nice biceps

probably "Bang"





If any part of that scene is memorable it's the "help me" line
God damn that shit hurts.

Also noteworthy:
Bellamy punch
Enel gets his bell rung
"shoot that flag" (runner up Robin's monologue)

I could probably go for days with this shit.

It's gotta be the chips

Fate/stay night, Fate/hollow ataraxia and Fate/zero were released before the DEEN anime.


And? How does that, at all, counter what I said? The Fate series, to this day, is largely consumed by English speakers through fan translations and patches. Before the DEEN anime, the only English speakers who were acquainted with the nasuverse were the small subset of the "anime" fandom who actually knew what a visual novel was and read them. Even today visual novels aren't that popular, and they were much more obscure in 2005. Animation is, and has always been, the primary way that English speakers have gotten exposed to anything "otaku."

Also the bad day for rain scene obviously.

sorry for la espaniola

Wasn't Tsukihime popular?


This moment was something else

Kill yourself.

Among the visual novel crowd? Yes. It was a "literally who" series to everyone else though. Hell today, I'd say Kara no Kyoukai is more remembered among English speakers.

Casca's demon deflowering

Oooo, a edgefag.

before I got into anime I thought NGE was some weird occult shit

turned out I was right


Can't be a ripoff when this scene has romantic tones behind it while IR is completely platonic


Go back to Instagram




Wrong subs, it should be "Omae wa mou Shindeiru"


Cagliostro -> Car chase
Nausicaa -> God Warrior used hyperbeam!
Laputa -> Balse
Totoro -> Bus stop

I cried.







You literally can't. Ashita no Joe rocked the entirety of nipland.


I liked this one but I felt so bad for MC (sorry forgot the name). Spends years in a coma and wakes to find the girl he loved had already married and had a kid.

barely count. I mean everyone knows those shots, but not whole scenes.

SAN ...



>the girl he loved
Please stop self-inserting.

Yeah he maybe had a crush but that isn’t love. Plus she definitely didn’t love him back








>Caring about the English fandom



The ending of Gundam 0079 is ground breaking

actually can't

I would say the most iconic is the Final Shooting, though.

True I just wanted an excuse to post how obviously kabaneri ripped off the scene

Nauscaa floating on the golden bug tentacles.
Totoro at the bus station in the rain.
Mononoke spitting out the blood.
Chihiro and No-Face on the train.
Kaguya leaving Earth with the Buddhist spirits.

That 6 year old. I want off this ride.

Couldn't find a gif.



Why even watch anime if you aren't going to self insert

>self inserting

>someone at gainax painstakingly animated several frames of nothing but shinji's dripping cum.