How fucked are they?
Hunter x Hunter
Who gave Kalluto herpes
First for Neon is alive!
The troupe will dominate the boat until Kurapika and Hisoka intervene.
They're there to clean the fodder.
She's dead
I haven't read the manga in a while, Illumi's in the phantom troupe now?
Did Hisoka really get zenkai or is it just a brainlet meme?
Chrollo is actually pretty fucked, isn't he? He can't take anyone's power without a very high likelihood of them getting killed, but he can't defend himself if he doesn't take their powers either.
Illumi is
He's also married to a guy
Cammy, Cammy; in this chapter she had no part,
But Cammy is still in my heart!
I honestly think they'll all job in the end, however for now I'd say they're putting on a show for Hisoka. Acting this vulnerable and proclaiming publicly a dumb plan is probably all a ruse, it can't be real.
>dem kalluto lips
I want to kiss his lips as I make love to him.
What are his chances Sup Forums?
>two zoldicks in the spiders
gee, might as well recruit Killua for the set bonus
Contrary to popular belief, he won't be the first to die.
Hello. I’m Illumi.
It's real user. It's supposed to mirror how Hisoka was before the fight, desperate to kill and rash. That's Chrollo now, he wants to kill Hisoka so badly that he isn't making good desitions, and it's gonna end up getting them all killed
>tfw you will never see gon again
Who killed her?
Thank God.
two chances. slim and none.
who /chrollo/ here
Hisoka'a wife sure is autistic.
He'll be back. One day.
is someone gay in hxh now or what happened
He will kill Hisoka most likely. Everybody forgets him until they get Jupiter'd.
Possible, but you don't know that. It really might be a ruse, take a good look at their behavior, expressions and the shit they say. Especially Machi and Kalluto, they're your main hints.
Gay for pay
Literally revealed this chapter. After Hisoka learned Chrollo got his Nen back he decided to go all out and start fighting the people he’d wanted to fight for years and hired Illumi to join the Troupe and paid for an assassination on himself then challenged Chrollo at Heaven’s Arena.
I hope Togashi spends the next 10 chapters only on the princes.
Also lol at anyone who thinks the mafia will be anything buy jobbers.
Just a retarded mangastream translation
Yes, every character in Hunter x Hunter is gay. That's the last reveal before the hiatus.
Do people really want an enhancer as the protagonist? They are the least interesting nen users in existence, Togashi clearly doesn't even want them in the story anymore seeing how boring they are.
Killua would be fine, but Gon can fuck off.
>next 10 chapters
Cut the act Hisoka, we know it's you.
Built for breeding.
Yeah Hisoka’s finally making his move on the Troupe to kill them all and Chrollo (he’s already killed Shalnark and Kortopi) and after he lost to Chrollo he’s going all out to make it as fun as possible and took out a contract on his own life with Illumi to make him join. Illumi also probably has his own agenda too, since the boat the Troupe are on is headed to the Dark Continent where Nanika is from.
If only.
So the Phantom Troupe are dealing with the weed mafia under the weed Prince. (Sha)
sadly she has no bullets left
Hisoka paid Illumi to try kill him and they got engaged so that Illumi would still get his money after he dies.
Yeah, next 10. Or do you think Togashi will die before he ever releases 10 more chapters?
Holy shit this art is bad.
His aura was reset back to normal so if he starts training Nen again he’ll have to create s new hatsu and will probably pick something less stupid than Janken.
Hisoka, that's the reason Kalluto want to kill him
Already dead.
Tumblrinas just reading too deeply at a small joke Togashi made.
Makes me wonder what the other mafias do. Luzurus’ affiliate mafia are undoubtedly the drug mafia, and I’m certain Tserriednich’s would be human trafficking and sex work. What do you think Zhang Lei’s would be? Guns? General extortion?
Nope, he uses such descriptive language to describe their "prenup" for the death-battle. Only fags removed the death-battle part and replaced it with "marriage", who would have thought.
I feel like mobs got to her after Lights wjole operation failed and Kurapika moved on and built himself from the destroyed remains of the group
Just some humor from togashi about hisoka being the type to arrange a pre-nup for a death battle.
>Troupe vs. Hisoka
>Nen Beasts get to lower decks starting a massacre
>Pariston jumps in to release 5000 chimera ants
you can't breed for the ass
A cruel, angry god
Not Illumi. He's got plot armor since he's got the whole Killua/Alluma storyline going.
There is no greater feeling as a characterfag than knowing he'll be finally going all out in a fight and that he'll definitely survive.
Illumifags are the real winners here. Meanwhile Chrollofags and Hisokafags are sweating like animals.
I was wondering why the MS translation was different than the actual translation. I forgot about that shitty joke that guy made in the reddit translation thread.
Neither Hisoka nor Chrollo will survive the ride
Probably on the mark on each. Tse definitely has some doings in organ harvesting
hisoka originally
>1v1, but its on your terms
hisoka now
>me versus everyone, but its on my terms, and i'll slowly whittle you down and cripple chrollo's book
why doesnt the phantom troupe just stick together? why do they have to split up like retards
God I’m so glad to be an Illumifag. Thought he’d never be relevant again
who /jiren/ here?
They want to die.
Because they are looking for him and therefore need to cover ground.
Because they are really shit at teamwork.
to lure Hisoka
He does indeed say "engagement and prenup", but it fits hisoka well since he's the type to call a contract for a fucking death battle/match be like a wedding agreement. He's that odd of a man
>why do they have to split up like retards
They're merely pretending, they're not actually retarded. I keep telling you guys, it's all a ruse.
That's gay call their creampies.
Hisoka 's dick
I want to agree but I really can't imagine this series without Hisoka. It'd be odd to actually kill him off here.
Where the fuck is gon
Do people forget the Spiders in CA on purpose or is speedreading a matter of virtue?
On Whale Island catching up on 2 years of missed schoolwork.
He's on the whale island.
Studying, going to school, having fun normal life etc.
Smashing this 27 year old woman on whale island
worst thing would be if this shitty hisoka vs. spiders subplot destroy the prince-mainplot.
To be fair I forgot about them the first time reading CA because it happened so early on and they weren’t involved after that. I was actually surprised on a reread because I completely forgot they’re short little arc.
thanks for the explanation
no one, she's still alive and fine and telling prophecies again
Same. Thought Togashi gave us the Election arc so that he could starve us for another decade plus.
What a pleasant surprise, and not only that, he's got stronger plot armor than the meme clown and the 2cool4u edgy thief.
Or she was murdered, at the very least that is what Chrollo assumes
Is neon the new theta?
People taking Illumi's dry sense of humor way too seriously. He's fucking with the spiders by talking about the guy who murdered their friends in such a friendly way. That's why there's a dead silence at the end of his introduction.
The spiders are in the middle of a manhunt for the guy that killed two of their friends. Chrollo asks him to introduce himself and give his thoughts on "where you think Hisoka is and what you think he's doing". Illumi doesn't even answer the question, and instead immediately states that Hisoka sent him, that they're in a game of tag that they "take very seriously" (in contrast to the Spiders' beef with Hisoka). The entire dialogue is frankly so trollish that I'm shocked someone other than Hisoka is having it, the spiders are supposed to be this super tightly-knit group of comrades and Illumi's pretty much making a mockery of it in his introductory speech.
which spider dies first
my moneys on kalluto, just to incite illumi
What is so good about some literally who's fighting to become the new king of some country that we will likely never see?