Hakumei to Mikochi

Hopefully the mods do not delete anymore of these threads and we can actually discuss this show.

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck off this is not a shitposting thread.

Why did the last thread even get deleted

What the fuck happened. God damn it mods this show is already dead enough as it is, please don't just go deleting threads about it like that.

Hakumei and Mikochi doesn't deserve this.

Konju's really grown on me.

Mods are deleting a bunch of threads right now. I have no idea why. It might have been a mistake but that is kinda hard to delete the wrong thread. We get a thread once a week.

Was going to create the same thread with the same screenshot. At this point it's hard to guess what's going on in the mods' heads. My guess is that the mouthbreather thought that Sen was a loli and deleted the thread on sight. Full retard even if she had been one.

Kill yourself.

Hopefully it was just its OP getting banned for shitposting too hard somewhere else.

I dropped it after 2 episodes, but one day I got really bored so I started watching it again it's actually pretty good.

We just have to post a bunch of sen then don't we? Need a stitch of this anyway.

This episode made me like Sen.

Why are all the characters in this so wonderful.

Why are these tiny fairies so sexy? I don't even like flesh hooves

I wish i had a tiny Necromancer to dress in cute clothes.

I thought they were mushroom people?

They just are.

How can one anime be so fuckin' comfy?

Deleting a thread about a show (in its airing day nonetheless) just because its OP picture supposedly has a loli is so fucking retarded that I don't want to believe anyone in our staff would be capable of doing something on that level. I'll just choose to hope it was an accident.

What was the OP pic anyway?

Such a comfy show. Really wanting good fanart of them normal sized desu

Is this show brap kino?

The one you quoted. The colors make it kinda looks like Illya.

The same Sen as the post you quoted.

An user was mentioning they might be using an algorithm to delete threads now. That might explain it.

Is sen a different race than the other small people? She has fangs and pointy ears.

Well given the level of the last few threads that were deleted (according to the archive) I guess that HakuMiko one simply was caught in the crossfire by accident.

>pointy ears.
All of them do.

That does not explain that it got 404.

Would you kill such a cute necromancer?

Threads 404 when they're deleted.

Crossfire of what happening?

You're violating the rule about not complaining about moderation, and the rule about trivial OPs.

why are these fucktards in charge?

Here you go

Last thread did nothing wrong and there was a thread before that as well that got auto saged. But lets focus on the anime instead of the mods.

Now let's just shush about that, talk about cute tiny things and hope it doesn't happen again.

Sen is fine, but stylist lady is still the best Tiny Little Lifelet side character (better than Mikochi too, if you ask me). Konju is dead last.


If you mean , it just died of inactivity. 50 minutes with no posts.

They get toes now.

No one gives a fuck about this shit show lmao

Mods just want to help us with keeping our threads tiny.

Mods are extra butthurt today. Must be that time of the month.


mods are making space for FranXX threads

>Naruto always has been welcome in Sup Forums
Spot the newfag mod.

I trust you're all watching the MTBB-PAS version of this?

Is this yuri?

I see so often people complain about autosage when really it was inactivity due to lack of discussion that is normal then for thread to archive then. And even if there has been autosage, usually the thread has been fucking garbage yet some anons aren't self-aware at all about them being the issue. And to begin with, if you don't like the place there are always other places, why suffer in one you don't like, people sure can be dumb if they can't handle something and feel need to chimp about it as if the world was ending.

Absolutely rude, this show is incredibly cute and makes you wanna sleep in a good way and consume booze while at it. Cute forest potatoes are cute and their adventures fun.

Difficult to tell.


>Mods are deleting a bunch of threads right now. I have no idea why.

There is some retarded mod banning people for no reason and deleting threads left and right. It's not just today it's going on for days.

Strike Witches or YuYuYu threads were getting deleted because pictures were slightly lewd.

What do you mean deleted? I'm pretty sure the other thread 404d naturally.

I should since I saw it tick down to page 10 and eventually go red.

Any mango reader can tell which chapter(s) in this week episode? I hope to see the submarine again, maybe some underwater harvesting stuff though seeing its a river, not much could be there at the bottom.

This creature is unbelievably cute.

>YuYuYu threads were getting deleted
Not that it matters anymore, the franchise died.

Threads don't 404 naturally. They archive.

>pictures were slightly lewd.
Those threads were fucking garbage with the OP's literally breaking a6 as they are in lots of cases. This started last summer and isn't anything new for all types of threads for shows. And I've only seen it happen few times, for a good reason too, looking at archives I see hundreds of threads that weren't instead, you retarded mong.

It was natural yeah, some anons are just retarded as per usual.

Well what's your point? It did get archived. An user linked it a few posts above.

there was another thread that did get deleted

You don't see everything that got deleted because usually they are put on auto sage.

Deleting active on subject threads because you don't like OP very much is idiotic.

Thread with as OP pic got deleted when it was around page 5 though.

Chapter 20 for the submarine.

If you keep going meta on this this thread will be deleted too please talk about Hakumei to Mikochi.

And your point being? Autosage usually follows a good reason, let it be imagedumping, offtopic shit, waifufaggotry, thread not dying naturally, etc.
I can tell most of them haven't been on subject as with most threads you personally seem to feel bad about. If you don't like it, why even suffer here in the first place? OP's are important, nothing idiotic about that.

I really hope we'll get Night train and the fishing chapter.

Yes, I saw that thread deleted, we were talking about the thread before that which died naturally though.


Oh shit nigga I just realized her hair regrew

>rule 6
That's the newfag rule, forced in by a mod who has no idea of how Sup Forums works without consulting anyone on the board. Not only does it put way more importance in this board's OPs then we've always had but it also forces Sup Forums into a reddit-like state where all OPs need to be descriptive and informative - and that's completely unlike anything in Sup Forums. I still can't understand how something as stupid as that made it into the rules after they've been unchanged for years, most likely to give mods an excuse to delete whatever the fuck they want. They know that if it were to be enforced, absolutely nothing would remain, in particular nothing that makes this place unique.
But in any case that's enough meta from me.

Mikochi and Sen are just too cute.

I'm sure you know better right, there's just no way they could be on board with things, right? If you feel like it's reddit-like, I'm sure that's the truth! That 'newfag rule' of yours helped make Sup Forums look a lot more like the old days last year when it was introduced because now generals and shitty threads have gotten the boot more, for better or worse I'm sad threads like fish and koume gone but I didn't care that much about those. You're not the collective of Sup Forums either, I for one liked these changes and thought the rule was great and what followed it. So you're really wrong in the end about it being stupid or uniqueness gone. Maybe you should go to Reddit then, since you seem to know what place looks like, I for one know nothing about them. Why do people stay in a place they never seem to like how it operates baffles me to no end.

So how big are they if they can fit inside a turtle? Also what kind of turtle is it of? I know Sup Forums knows it's animals.

official spec is 9cm (3.5 inches)

sad visions of accidentally stepping on a character while walking in the forest and scraping them off your boot with a stick

That must be a sea turtle then. Inside must have been at least 8 inches. Unless it is a snapper which do get big and are found in rivers and lakes seeing that they live in a mountainous region.
Get your guro out of here. It would be like the the 2hu face gore that /jp/ likes.

Is her whole house a turtle? I got a feeling that the skeleton was arranged to fit her house and only the important parts/limbs were attached to move it around.
9cm is actually pretty big.

Posting art from wrongfully terminated thread

Her house is a turtle. It must be a large one to fit all her stuff.



Where are my accurate 1:1 scale nendos of potatoes? I need em.

The work of the apparently knowledgable mods/jannies (of which there really seems just one or two) is completely fucking undermined by ignorant pieces of shit who think they """know""" Sup Forums, but really don't. They think because they have been on Sup Forums 10+ years that they just learn all boards by osmosis or can figure it out eventually even if they don't use it. Such blatant sciolism is at fault behind a lot of issues from some of the mods. They think that their hubris covers for their ignorance when it's really just laughably sad, they're like Master Shake from ATHF.

They ought to step the fuck off the board and leave it to the guy who actually fucking knows what he's doing. It is literally better for the board to govern itself than witness fucking pathetically ignorant people try to mod it. It's always around this time of day too, late nights US are by a longshot typically the legit-mod hours.


How come tiny is so comfy? It reminds me of those miniature space cooking videos

I want Mikochi to give me that seductive gaze.


I feel like watching small stuff or any videos on repairing/woodworking/craft just make your internal time slow down and chill. With the series being tiny creatures doing stuff mentioned earlier, the effect is amplified.Good shit.


Its really well written despite its simplicity. All the characters are there to forward weaving the worldbuilding without compromising their characters.

Plato. get to it.

I want to have sex with Konju's voice.

When is the full ED gonna come out?


Sen a cutest, a CUTEST!
Seriously though, I loved her character development, her character design already cool, but now I regard her more as normal person instead of a complete nerd weirdo that defies death itself.


How do they steer this thing

God I want to fuck these creatures.

She's adorable

I want the gambling chapter.

Why is this anime so boring?
