Violet = Ugly.
Violet = Ugly
Is this an actual statement or something ironic, because she is kind of cute.
>more than half the series is done and still no axe-surfing
dont bulli her, shes trying her best :(
>name is violet
>only has blue/white clothes
I thought they told her to become a person that matches her name?
Name 3 girls more beautiful than Violet from this season not named Zero Two.
Violet is not ugly at all.
Violet = Used goods
i dropped this after the first episode, so was she a robot or what
No. It's meant to lead you with a girl that looks and acts like a doll as she grows and becomes more human. The first chapter in the novel, for example, is from Oscar's perspective and it sets that idea from the get-go.
no but she sure does have autism
you really have autism to make shit post like this .... grow up
>useless straps and buckles
>air vents in the back
Japan? Japan.
OP is a cum guzzler.
Mai > Violet as far as blonde Kyoani girls go.
I love these bizarre art with the two of them
Their friendship would have gap moe
Is she seriously only 14 like mentioned in the show or is she older but doesn't even know herself?
A 14 year old being that integrated into the working class like she is and looking as mature seems out of place, doubly so when her colleagues see her as "about their age" when one of them had left hometown years ago to get a job in the city.
Also Deko, Tsumugi, EEEEHHHHHH, Midori, and probably a million other background characters I'm not thinking of. But not air. Air a shit
factually incorrect
did you miss the part where she was a military weapon and then educated by her superior
you can't use normal standards of maturity on her
I meant her appearance. She looks nowhere near 14, even considering girls hit puberty faster than boys. Compared to the other young females in the show, most prominent example being the princess, she definitely does not look like a girl in the middle of puberty.
She's a bit older than 14 but regardless, people don't age well if they're stuck in WW1.
OP = Faggot
OP calls Violet ugly, then proceeds to post an attractive picture of her.. what did he mean by this?
op is tsundere?
The only thing that bugs me about her is her slight tumblr red nose.
I don't mind it when it's appropriate, in last episodes violet seems more human, but she definitely was autistic in first episodes.
I really like her design, especially her dress.