Would you watch anime on a plane?

Would you watch anime on a plane?

I'm too scared to go on a plane. Not because I'm afraid of crashing or anything, I just dont like that many people in such a small space.
I would if I were piloting a single-seater though

I guess it's not rare if you have never used a plane.
I'm not scared though, every city in my country is just close so using one is not needed.

Yeah I watched all of Dog Days on a 5 hour flight. They're wasn't anyone directly next to me though so, I don't think I would have done it of that weren't the case. Not dog days at least.
I watched Wings of Hoenassime on a long bus ride next to someone though.

I would not watch it on a plane. I would not watch it on a train.
I would not watch it here nor there. I would not watch it anywhere.

I did, shit wasn't comfy.
Chairs are cramped wherever you sit at, aisle or window. Ears popping. Setting it all up and have to put it away when you land.

I figured I'd just watch something on my phone seeing I have a 6 hour flight coming up. Less trouble dealing with a laptop

>ears popping
>setting it all up
What? I mean it could maybe be a valid complaint maybe if you're flying for an hour from city to city in your country/state.
Chairs depends on the airline and where you sit. I guess you could be a fatass too.

only if its something dark or with a lot of action

I usually find myself getting anxious in densely populated spaces, but I actually find planes comforting. It's an opportunity to sit back and feel at ease, knowing that for the next several hours my life is in someone else's hands and there's not much I can do about it.

Usually I'm flying for 2-3 hours just from North to South so it could be that.
I guess I'm standard, though it also depends if the person beside you is a fatass or not.

No, it's too loud in the cabin. Just bring a gameboy or something. I would watch it if it was quiet though

I regularly watch anime on my commute on train to university and in university when I got nothing else to do between lectures.

My friends either don't care or watch the stuff themselves and I don't exactly care what random strangers think of my choice in entertainment when my outward appearance is otherwise normal.

I don't want to get arrested for sexual harassment because the person beside me looks at what I'm watching on my tablet.

Of course!

Depends, do you give a shit about what strangers think of you?

Headphones, phone, kickstand. Fuck everybody else. Why the fuck are you staring at my phone?

I watched Your Name on a flight from Tokyo. It was pretty nice because it was a plane full of nips that wouldn't think it was weird, plus it was on the in-flight movie screens

Fuck off Suess you're dead.

I have never been on a plane but if I watched something there it would be Snakes on a Plane, what's the Snakes on a Plane of anime?

I go on business trip at least once a month so of ofcourse I watch anime on a plane.

I watched most of DEEN/Stay Night on a plane

I came here to post something along these lines.

I watched Bakemonogatari on the plane to Japan back in middle school.

These days I would probably have too much shame to watch anime in public.

Depends on the anime. I certainly would not watch OP on a plane. Any moe show is a guaranteed no.

Noise cancelling headphones, mate. I wear them on flights even when not listening to something. Really cancels out the engines.

What does a business trip do that a phone call doesn't?

I guess you could say they cancel noise.

Conferences but I don't expect Sup Forumsnons to understand anyways

It would be extremely embarrassing...

This is what I was looking for

Better question is what anime would you watch on a plane?

basically what said

For you, maybe.

Fuck yes. Either the stranger next to me who I don't pay attention to thinks I'm a weeb, or the dickbag next to me who should just stfu is forced to sit next to anime

Planes/flying is my #1 fear
so I guess thats a no

I usually watch manime or shits from the pre-90s so people won't judge me or even bother to come at me.

but manime appears to be gay as fuck though
just a bunch of big muscly sweaty dudes going at each other