become meguca
Become meguca
no qb
sign contract
>ywn experience the original meguca thread for the first time ever again
Season 2 when?
If that shit happened for the first time again half of Sup Forums would be calling it reddit nowadays
Homura is the cat guys. Just look at the clocks.
Become Homura.
The purple girl is often a sign of enchantment and love at first sight. Those who have been enraptured by feelings of love and adoration have used her to express their romantic feelings and intentions. The color purple also has a traditional association with royalty.
Guys do you think Homura was justified?
Given her existence, and the longing for presence in the world the blue girl symbolizes unattainableness. She represents someone who is destined to remain as a dream, and as a never-to-be-fulfilled wish.
Rebellion was a mistake
>i wonder who that could be
The red girl is an unmistakable expression of love. She conveys deep emotions - be it love, longing or desire. She can also be used to convey respect, admiration or devotion. She also can be used to convey heartfelt regret and sorrow.
Known for her life giving warmth the yellow girl is the age-old color for the warm feelings of friendship and optimism. In many Eastern cultures, the color represents joy, wisdom and power.
Is that really mami ? I mean REALLY
The pink girl carries with her the connotation of grace and elegance, as well as sweetness and poetic romance. She is symbolic of gratitude and appreciation, and way to say thanks. She’s also associated with gentleness and admiration, and can also be used as an expression of sympathy.
Do you not understand what’s inside Mami’s heart?
Hello. I have discussed this matter with an attorney, and I am ready to make a wish.
I wish that upon my death or permanent loss of humanity (indicated by permanent loss of my human appearance or my transformation into a creature that fights against other magical girls), I am automatically taken to an afterlife (with afterlife being defined as a timeline or a universe separate for the one I am currently in, and specifically not a virtual simulation or a comatose dream) in an isekai-style universe (as traditionally defined in Japanese media of non-pornographic nature), where my humanity is restored (by which I mean that I regain all of my memories and my personality up to and including the events that resulted in me being taken to an afterlife, with the memories that contributed to my death or loss of humanity restored in a manner that may not cause damage to my personality or death or loss of humanity) and get to live my life as a moe immortal witch girl (where "moe" is defined as "cuteness that matches the cuteness of Yuno from Hidamari Sketch", "immortal" is defined as "not capable of dying or permanently losing my humanity until I choose to end my life, where upon making this choice I am taken to a space from which I can go to a different afterlife in which I will also be a moe immortal witch girl, and also can optionally wipe all memory of my life up until me being taken to the afterlife that I choose in this space, if I so desire", "witch" is defined as "a mage character as traditionally seen in isekai-style universes, with aesthetic traits similar to those of Marisa Kirisame from the Touhou series, including a big hat and frilly dresses", and "girl" is defined as "human being of the same gender as Yuno from Hidamari Sketch").
Thank you.
Shit, I'm gonna have to actually reference my Monkey's Paw manual for this one.
Kyubey is actually really good with wishes going as far as to give you bonus effects you didn’t even ask for in a positive way. The only downside is you have to pay your share by becoming a witch eventually which isn’t really a downside because at this point you already know what you’re getting into.
tl;dr Madoka
Sayaka is a literal cuck
Never! I’ll follow you to the end of the world Madoka, you know that?
granted but you're gay lol
to become a QuarterBack ?
>get turned into a girl that likes other girls
literally nothing of value was lost, if anything, value was gained
Okay sure
You are now Megucci Gal.
Can I throw souls if I do?
Wait, was this a thing?
Who the fuck was your lawyer?
Homu is sex
QB shunts you around various torture hell dimensions forever since you never specified the nature of the isekai universe you're getting transported into. You are now an example to any others who feel like getting cute with their wishes. Rejoice.
sign contract
Lay out the terms.
Since you didn't specify which/when Japan of Japanese media, I'll scour around the universe/dimension/timeline until I found a Japan where Isekai-style means something that will accomplish my goal.
I wish that the heat death of the universe will never happen
Kyubey BTFO
The problem is that when I try to get to her heart these two walls of flesh get in my way.
being meguca is suffering