ITT: GOAT-candidate episodes

ITT: GOAT-candidate episodes

Overall quality of the show doesn't matter.

kyon-kun denwa


Was that the artsy one with the plane motif and Yuki visibly down? They really should've skipped to the final loop after that one, since the remaining loops didn't do anything interesting that I can remember.

Yeah it was the second to last loop IIRC.

>not Dance Like You Want To Win

Why does she sit like that?

Asukafag detected.

Fuck no.
Its concept was just super novel and cool and I'm a sucker for music being integrated like that.

Maybe her butt hurts

It was good but yashima was a real roller coaster.




this episode is GOAT filler
too bad the rest is shit.







By far the best animated episode of the entire series next to The Big Fish is Huge, Baby.
Now that I think about it, there is no space dandy episode I don't like.
Not a single one.

The greatest single episode of anime is the second episode of the first Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou OVA, which adapts Yokosuka Cruise


Did we skip a step?

Non Non Biyori Repeat episode 4 is the greatest anime episode of all time, transcending its genre by illustrating the beauty of life's simultaneous transience and permanence with a masterfully directed juxtaposition of life and death.

YKK is better because it expands beyond the lives to people to all things.