Shingeki no Kyojin

How many from the SL will Reiner kill in chapter 104? Is Reiner Grim Reminder time

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>mfw jeanbo dies because he didn't want to shoot an unarmed child
Too pure for this world

>all of Isayama's favorites die from being too good hearted

Daijobu, Jeanbo! I will always rescue you!

But Armong is still alive despite giving his life to make Eren fulfill their dream.

I was talking about the characters Isayama actually mentioned as his favorites, when being directly asked about it.

>mfw JAr has been foreshadowed even in the Drama CDs
Someone needs to make one of those "Friendship Ended" memes like they did with Eren and Flocke kek

He's an MC, has a bigger role to fill than Stinkmir or Jean. Plus Daz is still alive.

You must be blind if you don't think that he likes Armin more than Jean and Ymir.

Is Isayama gay? He based Armin off of his own childhood friend, and Eren off of himself.

Still when asked about favorites he only ever says someone else.

>mfw JAr has been foreshadowed even in the Drama CDs
It's usually as a pairing of spares because EM get put together too often.

0. Or even better, negative one, because he's gonna get an ass whopping from the supreme Founding Titan Eren Yeager.

If believing that makes you feel better, just because one of the MCs gets more screentime than them.

True. But their friendship seems to be real. Funny since in all the other AUs Isayama has drawn, Jean is his bully. But in this universe, they actually get along.

Reiner better kill one of JSC next chapter or I will go to Japan and spit on Isayama's sushi.

If I were Hange I would be more offended

Reiner is definitely a favorite now in both the writing and what he says but he is still alive despite wanting nothing more than to protect his cousin and her friends.

>Jean kills Falco
>Reiner kills Jean

He underestimated her stench. Drove all the titans to suicide. A very powerful weapon.

>Reiner kills himself

>current year
>being insensitive to the body odor of a proud trans womyn

Thanks, you triggered me with that one comment by giving me tumblr PTSD more than anything else ever could. there was a post on there about how bathing was "oppressive" and created by "white straight males to oppress women's vaginas"

>rifle-chan is out of bullets so Reiner keeps on living

She always had had bad odor, she is just underrated
The ones who hate the white straight males are the ones that can't fuck with them, I don't see any cute woman hating white men

So we can confirm that Eren fucked with Dina, Carla and Kenny in his visions, right?

Armong is different because he's Isayama's self inserted childhood friend.

Post time skip Eren has been the best thing of this manga.


I've only seen maybe 3 cute ones who are raging tumblrcunts, and their cute is automatically negated by their shit attitudes.

>implying Frieda didn't molest Hisu and erased her memory each time

How do you think SNK will end, lads?


>I've only seen maybe 3 cute ones who are raging tumblrcunts, and their cute is automatically negated by their shit attitudes.
That's because they are young, wait when they lose their youth and start saying that they were always traditional women hihihi

>See you later, Eren

I actually look forward to that day if it means SJWs and feminism fucking die on the obese hill they carved themselves.

So in a way EH happens? And congrats to LE fujos, Eren might have been fucked by a male Ackerman even if it was manlet's uncle

most likley 104:
>Jean faces off against Falco
>Gabi goes Caracino on Jean
>Jean is Kill.
>Gabi is now soon to be an ex-Gabi, says SL

Eren has gathered all the titan powers except CT. Armin wants him to eat him and put an end to it all, and right when e seems like he will, he pulls out a knife and cuts his own head + neck off. All the powers are given to random Eldian children, but since the world is in chaos not a lot were born. Except Mikasa's. Who is also Armin's.

Most likely 104:
>Jean fires/does not fire rocket
>Falco calls Jean a retarded pacifist/bastard
>someone shoots Jean/titan swats him away
>Jean is kill/is not kill
>Falco is kill/not kill
>Pieck is kill/not kill
>Eren hucks the WT into the ocean out of spite
>Zeke is seen huddled in a building regrowing his hands and feet

That was meant to be Flocke in the second one.

>Falco channels his inner ragetard

Eren made Falco discover what it is to hate a faggot.

When does he start climbing Eren's ankle yelling at him?

>Falco tells Jean to spare Pieck
>Jean spares Pieck
>Falco calls Jean a retard pacifist and proceeds to shoot Jean
I admit, I'd laugh. It's just so random.

you've already answered it

read his sentence again retard, his favourites have changed overtime and he has been vocal about it, recent was reiner, as for armin he never publicly stated he is his favorite no matter how much he likes him, get it now?

>so random
What do you think Falco's reaction will be when he discover they killed Zofia and Udo?

>REMOVE SL remove SL you are worst eldian. you are the eldian idiot you are the eldian smell FUck but fuck asshole eldian stink paradis sqhipere shqipare ake a fuckin bath gruger REMOVE ACKERMAN FROM THE PREMISES yeager genocide will be best day of my life



I think I'm going to rewatch Season 2 in anticipation of this.

Mikasa wakes up Eren and they continue to gather fire wood. It was all a dream.

Whats Isayama's bamboozling count?

Life is good boys, trailer soon for the patrician s3, golden week soon, then s3 and the probability of Annie

>s3 probability of annine
kek no.

I hope you're all sending Reiner your love. He needs to know we want him to live.

Give me ONE (1) reason why Historia isn’t the new FT.

because she is the queen not a soldier

I just hope he wakes up and gets his beaten the fuck out of him for a third time by eren.

>Jean shoots Falco
>Colt shoots Jean
>Sasha shoots Colt
>Magath shoots Sasha
>Connie shoots Magath
>Gabi shoots Connie
>Eren shoots Gabi
>Flocke high fives Eren

The chain of tragedies is unending

Because the crystal can't be broken. It seems like Annie's still in her coma.

>and the probability of Annie

do you know how to read a single sentence? or even use greentext?

check the meaning of probability

>Jean shoots Falco
>Colt shoots Jean
>Sasha shoots Colt
>Magath shoots Sasha
>Connie shoots Magath
>Gabi shoots Connie
>Eren shoots Gabi
>Reiner shoots Eren
>Mikasa shoots Reiner
>Karina shoots Mikasa
>Then zombified everyone eats Flocke.

Gabi will shoot Jean and then Falco will hate Gabi

For saving him and Pieck? He wuvs for life Reiner for saving him.

Isn't the entirety of Reiner's lower body supposed to be gone?

do you think they left a dormant enemy titan in their defenseless country?

My guess is if she didn't disolve the crystal herself they dumped her in the ocean on the way to marley

What makes you think Paradise is defenseless? Because Eren and Armin aren't there?
There's almost certainly still soldiers there. Plus it wouldn't be hard to come up with contingencies to Annie freeing herself. Keep the crystal underground. Set up a bunch of explosives around it to take her out if she does free herself. etc

you are retarded lol.

He was talking about Annie in the manga, not in the anime you mongoloid.

I hope Eren starts using maid-chan as a weapon. Throwing her at his enemies and stuff.

I hope cute barman is playable in the next game

>Jean shoots Falco
>Eren throws WT at Jean
>Flocke high-fives Eren

she a lil thicc

Reiner does not have the will left to fight for himself. He just wants to die.

But he does care for Falco, Gabi, Zofia, and Udo. He transformed to protect Falco and Chapter 93 show's that he clearly cares for those 4.

Reiner most likely will not join SL or fight alongside Eren as some here have theorized.
And he most likely won't fight for himself. How will learning about the death of Udo and Zofia make him feel?

Falco is going to get him killed. This kid just can't stop fucking everything up.

Forgot the pic.

Negative one would be if he saves Jean’s life by getting eaten.

she a thiccy


When the zeppelin comes for them I would like to see a dialogue between traitor Zeke and Pieck

Wow great plan
>dump her into ocean
>annie breaks crystal
>transforms as titans dont need air And float
>swims to the shore

Why didn't you protect Faye-chan?

Why didn't you worship thigh-chan?

Because she's boring shit.

don't reply to him, he's off his meds


Haven't been here since before G R I M R E M I N D E R

Trust there's been plenty of laughing at the skeptics?

/snk/ forever BTFO

ah, finally, been waiting for this for weeks

/snk/ isn't a hivemind, I for one loved the grim reminder


God bless Japan.

Saving Armin was a mistake

Ymir didn't deserve to die like that