Why is this show so good? 10/10 so far. I can't believe I missed it when it was airing.
Why is this show so good? 10/10 so far. I can't believe I missed it when it was airing
Show sucks. Manga a better
It's fucking awful pretentious bullshit that looks absolutely disgusting and fails to properly adapt the (already not-all-that-great) manga.
Your taste is irredeemable and you deserve to have your anime license revoked.
Like Lain or NGE pretentious?
I don't enjoy it so it's pretentious
Why would you watch something you don't enjoy? That sounds like some sort of attachment issue.
I forgot to add >
We're not on Sup Forums here. Don't shitpost so hard.
Why would you watch something you don't enjoy? That sounds like some sort of attachment issue.
I read premise sounds fun. Is is good ?
It's binge-watching good.
It's very realistic and very tense. It's also a bit creepy especially with the ED music.
Is there satisfying ending and is there too much of some annoying drama ?
I'm at the 4th episode. It's pretty much 100% drama.
I already downloaded so aswell I might check it. Well some drama is good depends on how is it made. Some seem forced and idiotic other are good.
The OST is pretty good though.
It's a solid 9.
The season 2 dicktease was too painful.
the art-style is fine
it's original and the realism fits with the tone of the show
The problem isn't the art style, it's the story. The manga is even worse.
It's fucking awful, but that scene in the classroom is kino.
And the first time you hear the ed was good too.
stop posting arthur's sister, manga was better
I stopped reading it after the timeskip because it was the edgiest Catcher in the Rye wannabe ever.
I admit I haven't watched this yet because of the art style.
t. contrarian
The internet exploded when it aired, how could you miss it? Also manga is better.
I remember seeing the threads on Sup Forums but I didn't watch it. I don't know why.
It aired the same time as shingeki no kyojin so it probably got overshadowed by the hype.
best rape scene ever, other than that...
ED was great. Art style didn't bother me too much once I realized that it worked better than typical anime style. They changed a couple of things slightly and the s2 tease was bullshit. Decent show, manga was better. I like Oshimi's stuff, would be cool to see a Happiness adaptation eventually since Mari would never get one much less a good one.
It isn't, read the manga.
Are you new to anime?
i wanna spam the shit out of the creator in hopes of season two
if sao can get a season 2 then so can aku no hana
Where the fuck do you live that this shit is realistic?
>very realistic
1. It's not
2. Even if it is, that doesn't mean it's good
Classroom destruction scene is 10/10. Remained is alright, but not as good.
Yeah it's pretty good.
Sup Forums hates it because the main girl is not a loli anymore.
>that looks absolutely disgusting