Why is every KyoAni show so fucking girly? Why is this shit even popular? Is everyone on Sup Forums an actual woman now...

Why is every KyoAni show so fucking girly? Why is this shit even popular? Is everyone on Sup Forums an actual woman now? Can't they just make a normal show that isn't the most feminine trite thing imaginable?

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The future is female. Get used to it, virgin.

We're all little girls here, OP.

Get back to your shounen shit threads retard.

>implying the target audience are women and not fat, virgin losers fapping to lolis in their basement

Which K-ON do you want to be like when you grow up? I like Mio

Simply not true. Next thread.

I want to be strong and bushy browed like Mugi

Is mugi bushy down there too?


I want to be as cute as azusa.

How new are you? K-On is a seinen.

>implying this makes it okay.
You're a fucking faggot, just look at regular loli porn.

>Why is this shit even popular? Is everyone on Sup Forums an actual woman now?
Kyoani is by far the most hated studio on Sup Forums, almost nobody likes them. K-On is especially hated because it supposedly killed anime forever by making every other studio clone K-On, which of course never actually happened.


>2008 Sup Forums: user wants to be the little girl
>2018 Sup Forums: user obsessed with masculinity, alpha/beta males, cucking
Where did we go wrong?

K-On is actually global.

Everybody can relate.

Newfags used to cycle through Sup Forums or come right to Sup Forums. Now they cycle through Sup Forums

I agree. They should remake K-On! with burly men.

They will never make it. They know the cuteness of burly men will overpower our love of cute girls.

user stopped drinking from plastic bottles

You mean like a slice of life Jojo?

>actual woman
Try again.

Shame, it improved the board quality


Too much moe loli fanservice

Anyone who likes this shit has a major case of gay.


Sup Forums

>why you watching this gay shit?!? go watch some quality shounen shows and self-insert as the most powerful dude, while all the bitches want your dick, fuck yeah!! being 12yrs old is awesome!
I found K-On while I was going through a rough patch in my life, and it pulled me out of very deep depression. Without even exaggerating, in a very real, and therapeutic way, it saved my life. I feel nothing but love for the Kaions and always will

This so fucking much. The world is going to be a much better place when women are the default/dominant gender and I can't fucking wait.

not even masculinity itself, but hyper-masculinity

There are still regular threads about wanting to be the little girl. There's just more of a counter-culture now. It's whatever.

You're so cool, OP. You like men so much.

Isn't Kyoani full of female workers?

But kyoani has some man-ish shows too. Like Haruhi, Amagi or Hyouka. I think phantom world counts too but that sucks. Maybe chu2koi too I don't really know on this one.

Found the closet homosexual

There is literally NOTHING wrong with wanting a strong man to hold you and put his penis into your body.

Because "manly" Kyoani shows are like this.

Firs category are aged anons. 25 and older.
Second category are teens and young adults with juvenile maximalism.

We can combine it.

>muh bro science about plastic bottles
I also heard you guys stopped eating bananas because the potassium turns you docile, and it's a fruit made to turn you gay because it has the shape of a dick when you put it in your mouth

It's not in a shape of a dick though.

>Why is every KyoAni show so fucking girly
Pic related.
Though you could argue that they're girly bishounen, in which case you'd have a point.

It was a joke, my dude

Nice b8

Those are little girls trapped in muscly teenage male bodies.

hibike is for the most masculine of men only

Girls don't like K-On. They know real high school girls don't act like that.

Cancerous newfags.

>Can't they just make a normal show that isn't the most feminine trite thing imaginable?
Ask them to do so. Maybe they'll listen to you.

>real high school girls
Are they alright?

I wanna be Jun

It's the best anime of all time. Simple, 11/10 ending and good music. Most anime can only dream of making grown men cry.

It's not an achievement to make a weeb cry. A touhou doujin make me cry the other day, that's how easy it is.

Bang Dream does Haruhi.

Bang Dream does K-On.

Bang Dream says "Don't be Lazy"

I have been here since 2004 and i have always liked manly men and so have a lot of people here in 2008 too.

>go watch some quality shounen shows and self-insert as the most powerful dude, while all the bitches want your dick, fuck yeah!!
What is wrong with wanting to be manly? Is it somehow nowadays wrong?

Attached: 1518873573724.jpg (1090x614, 123K)


Not wrong. Just overated

Yeah, Sup Forums is pretty much new Sup Forums

I like both. I wouldn't mind watching Fist of the North Star after I finish watching K-On!.
Got to like ep 40 or something of FotNS and I finished s1 of K-On so far. Both are fine series desu

I wanna be a cool, smart and succesful woman like Nodoka

SJW movement happened. Anons always want to go against the flow of normal society, so now that being progressive and open-minded is the norm everyone wants to be a traditional masculine man to prove how different they are from all the "cucks".

>Just overated
Nowadays? I don't think so

Most people obsessed with manliness are cancerous 12-years olds.

>Is everyone on Sup Forums an actual woman now?
Someone post THAT image

Fair enough, but regardless K-ON! does have an amazing ending and not many other SoL shows even come close. The movie was great too.

k-on is not a sol

Could have fooled me.

poor azunyan she is going to be alone with her sempais

fuck you kakifly why you didnt place the k-ons on an eternal winter like other slice of life authors do.


I wouldn't have it any other way.

There's no anime like the one you described though? Literally does not exist. The closest I can think of is a random slideshow by Toei. But no anime.