Hair colors of anime characters are not just selected randomly...

>Hair colors of anime characters are not just selected randomly. In some cases they express significant elements of that person's character (based on color symbolism in Japan).

>Black: Power, evil, emptiness, sadness, mystery, sophistication, completeness, death
>White: Purity, simplicity, peace, humility, cold, heaven (can also mean death)
>Blue: Peace, calm, stability, dependability, male, cold, loyalty. With dependability, dark blue means more responsible than light blue.
>Purple: Royalty, wisdom, spirituality
>Red: Passion, joy, aggression, energy, love (basically strong emotions)
>Pink: Femininity, purity, childlike, love, kindness
>Orange: Energy, balance, enthusiasm, warmth, seeking attention
>Blond(e): Wealth, heaven, childlike, courage
>Green: Fortune (good and bad), envy, harmony, life, vigor, tranquility
>Silver/Gray: Reliability, intelligence, maturity, sadness, boredom
>Brown: Comfort, simplicity, endurance

Your waifu isn't just a walking trope, is she?

What about baldy then?

Does the shoe fit?

baldies are above all judgement

>many large swathing descriptions designed to apply to as many as possible
Anime is astrology now

So what your saying is that she's best girl?

That's common color symbolism in the whole world, retard. It doesn't mean shit.

Pink stands for sluttiness.

I mean she and Lusamine make good arguments for why 40+ ain't bad

>all muslims and spics are evil
I see...

what about baldness, aka SUPER invisible hair

>the vast majority of anime protagonists are evil because they have black hair
Flawless logic

Rainbow hair must be a category in itself.


Reminder that pink is shit.
There's a reason why we call them pinkshit.

>people interact with people based on prejudices which result in the people acting like the way they're treated, becoming a self fulfilling prophecy which reinforces prejudices


>tfw no wealth
>tfw no heaven
>tfw no courage
>tfw childlike

that means she got the big gay



Baldies are for rapists on the background

Yeah using western color theory to explain anime characters is pretty dumb

What's this expression trying to convey?

Each color has an image and distinct effects on people. This is both clever and working. I don't see where the problem is.

My wife is a deconstruction of her tropes, making her the smartest anime/manga character ever made. One for the intellectuals, such as myself.

Blue is the best.


such a lewd face!

What now, mother fucker?

Attached: kkk_green_hair.jpg (1920x1080, 230K)

Satan, is that you?

I love KKK.

Attached: 1451765894856.jpg (1280x720, 58K)


You should crack open a dictionary and look up the word "trope," your mind might be blown

Intentionally balded, to show that he "doesn't fit in", he's doing things differently, and, by sheer willpower, he overcame the common limits and boundaries for characters. He basically broke the trope.
He's intentionally bald. Just like 0 is a number, no hair is also a haircolor.