Darling in the FranXX

Episode 9

Ichigo and Goro, ''JUST A PARTNER''

Filler episode

Nishigori had no idea what he wanted to do with the story past the 6th episode. We've been going in circles for 3 weeks now.


Jian book


>these last 3 episodes

Goro deserves better.

I think the end-game goal is Hiro going against APE because they're obviously evil assholes, but Nishigori has to fill a 24 episode run time so we've been getting episodes that aren't important in the big picture

Birds and the bees, anyone? No?

gobro > bird enthusiast > papa fan #1 > milkman > fatman

The hug was cute. Hiro is a good husbando.

Goro was really fucking pathetic this episode.

Why does Gilbert looks like Ichigo father?

Remove Ichigo and you basically remove all the love drama in the show. Would you still watch it?

Which is in itself cliche as fuck. All that potential from the first 5 episodes is gone now.

Yes because I'm watching this show for Hiro and Zero Two interactions.

But Goro needs a partner. How do you plan to fill the void left by Ichigo?

It would literally be a 10/10 show then. And you'd still have Mitsuru Kokoro Futoshi Ikuno thing.

Zero 2 and Gobro are currently the real interesting characters.

Hiro and Mitsuru display some hints of being interesting.

The rest of the group isn't all that great, though.

Give him Naomi or something.

>Kill Ichigo
>Replace her with Naomi
Rate it, folks.

Yabuki is better than Nishigori

Might be cool

The mirror was from Naomi

Legit sounds like a huge improvement. Still room for plenty of character moments and fun, but less spend on worthless drama leading to nothing and more on the plot.

What potential it was always shit outside of maybe the first episode.

Point me to the exact line

>Goro deserves better than perfection


**1,465位 (**1,228pt) [*,*14予約] 2018年04月25日 【Amazon.co.jp限定】ダーリン・イン・ザ・フランキス 1(メーカー特典:「線画A3ポスター」「田中将賀描きおろし複製色紙」付)(1~4巻連動購入特典:「描き下ろしB1布ポスター」&全巻連動購入特典:「描き下ろし全巻収納ボックス」引換シリアルコード付)(完全生産限定版) [Blu-ray]
**2,327位 (***,784pt) [*,*16予約] 2018年04月25日 ダーリン・イン・ザ・フランキス 1(完全生産限定版) [Blu-ray]


But that's literally shit you posted.

Yes, because all I care about is 002 and Hiro.

The first 5 episodes were pretty good.

>This is the face of a man in love

>Goro deserves being Partnerzoned
Ichigo a shit! A SHIT!

Salesfags should be permabanned

>Onifags seething because their waifu got no screentime

It feels so good

Ichigo went from bad to absolute shit this episode

Fuck off to your containment thread

What a qt.

he hardly cares more about 02 hugging him

So if we're going by 3s like the BDs are going to have:
4-6 > 1-3 > 7-9
Really hope the last 3 of this cour pick up.

Just because she didn't immediately jump on his dick doesn't mean she never will.

I missed the episode. What did Ichigo do this time?

nah, only 4~6

Nah complete trash. Awful actions scenes pointless drama that had an obvious conclusion and characters with the charisma of a doormat.

02 was the only barely interesting character and it's all gone nowhere.

Partner-zoned Goro. Didn't even wear the hairclip which he made for her and kept by his side how many years.

>Seething Ichigo haters

Save Goro

Kokoro is showing some hints too, she became more assertive last episode you know. Maybe she'll serve as a kick-off for the other parasites becoming more interesting in adult things.

Nothing happened

>it's an Ichigo episode

>we will never get an episode as good as 5 again

02 is with Hiro and Ichigo is with Goro. We're almost there to the way things should be.

>Japs are happy Goro didn't get killed and think Goro and Ichigo are super cute


That and bullying are all she's good for.


You keep posting this, but a couple of people on twitter doesn't make it true you know.

For once, Nips have good taste.

>happy with an outcome that was obvious since episode 2
Bunch'a cucks.

Best taste.

manga sells like beer
anime is a failure sales

So why bother ejecting her in the first place?

This is pretty much all people on twitter and 2chan are saying bro

>Meteora ruins Re:Creators with her pointless bullshit
>Ichigo ruins Darling in the Franxx with her pointless bullshit
I swear I will heave a panic attack every time there I see a short haired girl in an original anime form now on.

I dropped this show a while ago, It's going to be a one-trick-pony.

After we see the reveals it will not be worth rewatching.
It hooked everyone in by the sexual aspects, then dropped them for the censors. Anyone that sticks around to see that are never gonna get it. Everyone else wont care for the story because we dont know whats going on like the kids are. The kids have no character-action; as in they do not influence the world and are just drones.

The show only has the REVEALS to impact us (and the kids) After that the show has nothing to go for it.

Meanwhile, in the actual episode Goro got cucked hard.

episode 3 literally killed the sales


Because this.


Nice "proof"

I'm seeing a lot of the same comments about how it feels like something that is dated or would have been popular a decade ago and feels too cliche at the places I'm reading.

Ichigo is such womanlet to be Gilberto's daughter.

So the damage feedback wouldn't kill her

Ichigo will see him differently and their love can finally bloom.

>02 was the only barely interesting character and it's all gone nowhere.
a plot divece for the MC, screaming: I want MC's dick


And you got some screens to back that up?

>that tumblr gif

How did she swim back in then?

Did Ichigo just win?

Nope. It was episode 7. The show got a big nump after episode 4, but episode 7 tanked it hard and it hasn't recovered since. Episode 9 was pretty much the burial ceremony.

DITF is dead. Most fans only care about 02 and Hiro, yet we keep getting pointless shit like Ichigo's annoying drama.

To be expected he is Ichigo partner after all


>Hiro: Phew...
>Hiro: Bathing together with everyone when it's noisy is fun but, it's nice on my own too...
>Hiro: Relaxing on my own every once in a w-

>02: Darling!
>02: Come on, I'll wash your back for you!

>02: I wanted to bathe with you Darling so-
>02: Because I'm showing you of course~

>Hiro: What if people come in afterwards...?
>02: Don't worry, I made it so no one's going to interrupt~

>Sign says: [In the middle of bathing with Darling!!]

Looking for a typesetter

No, that's Ichigo. Brainlets can't even watch the show properly.

Also it looks like the Nips really like Mitsuru, people wanted more of him, or any of him in this case

No, she partnerzoned him. All that for nothing.


Tis a shitposter.

Nah, this will be a cliche love triangle. Everything that happened so far in this anime points to it. It's dead. Just give it up.

win worst girl? she's had that title for awhile now.

These past epiosdes have been awful tho

I'd rather have more of Mitsuru rather than Ichigo too.


People on twitter never say negative things, they just drop shit they don't like.

>All those mad Ichihaters in full damage control

If being shocked by those little Klaxosaurs was enough to knock Miku out the massive Gutenburg class explosion would have probably done shit tons more.

I liked 8. It was fun, even if uneventful.

Don't we all.

Nice. I hope he does a lewd second part.