How is this show doing compared to KLK?

How is this show doing compared to KLK?

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Flopping badly as it should

It's fine.

It's better.

Is not ever near to KLK's hype levels.

It's nowhere near as good

Well KlK was terrible so don't know.

8.0 on MAL, so you can safely assume it's shit.

KLK was a mediocre show that sold probably more than FranXX will.

Which sucks, because FranXX isn't a mediocre show.

What score does it need?

FranXX is a show that is doing a lot of good things (actually paying attention to the characters who aren't the MC, focusing on couples development, giving development and realization to feelings instead of having awkward faffing around for half the season and letting them materialize) but some weird decisions too, like not presenting the overarching goal yet and the battles could be a little more suspenseful.

KLK had way better sales and maybe character designed, Darling has better everything else.

Yeah, good character designs and wacky fights made KLK sell well, but couldn't salvage the lack of depth and fact that it felt like they were writing it week to week.

>listening to mal
that would mean Aria is shit

And why is that

I think DarliFra has a lot of potential, but its too early to say if it will follow through on its promise to get a little deeper

Why the fuck are like 10 daling threads? I fucking hate nu-Sup Forums.

Also the show is shit.

Triggerfags like spamming the board with threads.

Because KLK was a mess? A lot of the episodes were completely unnecessary and outside of very few first and last episodes, the animation quality was like a bastard child of 90's berserk and internet flash cartoons with all the stills and cut-outs sliding around the screen. The story was unfocused, the characters weren't interesting and their quirky nature got old pretty fast, especially Mako. It had some fun action sequences and some good character moments but that's about it.
Darling is all around a very solid show so far. It tries to actually establish all the characters and their relations with each other, has solid action and animation while also doing some world-building in the background.

> Episode 9
> Still nothing happening
> "It's just a slow starter like klk"

This Anime sucks ass and you guys will waste half a year waiting for MAYBE a sick last episode.

As long as it has a cheesy last episode full of imaishi sparkles and rule-of-cool shit Triggerfags will be happy, you can't really expect brainlets to have their critical thinking skills developed.

KLK was F U N

This EVA wannabe shit is worse in any way and you know it.

The mechas? Holy fuck they will go down in history as one of the worst, most bland dogshit designs to ever exist. I would not get a single toy from this shitfest, not even the 02 Mech with is still pretty awful by any standard.

The enemies are the laziest designs i have seen, not even the shittiest lvl 1 enemy you would find on TERA or any asian MMO would be as ugly and lazy as the klaxosaurs deisgns, they are EVA Angels done complete fucking wrong and shit.

The story is meh, the characters outside Hiro and 02 are meh but at least their designs are not as shit as the 2 previous points.

Overall this garbage feels completely dull, bland, insipid, uninspired, completely devoid of any feel and passion.

You can clearly pinpoint the exact moment they stopped giving a single fuck for this show, only Hiro, 02 and Sterilizia get to feel some resemblance of attention and caring design wise, everything else just feels forgotten.

Nice reddit spacing.

Guys, I'm a massive faggot, I don't know why has literally nothing on it (e.g. subbed anime).

I searched on TT and found torrent links on which is the old (and lame) cartel IIRC.

Are fansubbers not uploading to anymore?

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its doing ok fanbase wise
KLK was like it was literally shilled ala Marvel on Sup Forums right now.


Suck a cock son, not everyone is autistic here and types like a nigger, some of your posts are shit to read because you are scared to be called leddit and that is fucking hilarious.


Franxx fanbase has very low IQ on average to be honest

Fansubbers killed nya pantsu, also nyazi has consistent updates.

EP9 Darling in the FriendZZone

>complaining about one show having multiple threads the day a new episode airs
You lot with your whining and your generals is what's killed Sup Forums. Goddamn newfags.

While "reddit spacing" is one of the dumbest concepts I've ever heard of here, paragraphs aren't supposed to be split randomly or after every sentence like (I presume) you just did.

That sounds like something they'd do. But did they have to make pantsu so retarded that they do this shit? Why are dubs, raws, and Multiple Language in "Anime subbed" category?

Which one are people using more? .si or pantsu?


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Pantsu is very much dead since HS flooded their scrapers with fake data.

if a show is between 7.6-8.2 on MAL is very likely shit. if its higher than 8.2 it has the potential to be very good. if its below then its a total wildcard. often just too complex or "offensive" for the average viewer to understand and appreciate.

Fucking HorribleShits has never stopped being cunts. It's the first I"m hearing of this but it sounds like something they'd do. It's why I never download their subs ever.

So are we stuck using the cartel-backed

I don't think this ever happened, they just said they won't use pantsu because they're faggots

>So are we stuck using the cartel-backed

Oh it did. Imagine over 60 pages of this.

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So...the bad guys won in the end after all?

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They won years ago when most fansubbing died.

FranXX isn't really a trigger show, it's an A1 show that's being animated by trigger.