His waifu doesn't have blue hair

>his waifu doesn't have blue hair

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But she does

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> his waifu doesn't have silver hair.

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my waifu doesn't but blue hair usually does mean best girl

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Chidori is shit.

>his waifu doesn't have pink hair

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feels good having patrician taste

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It's black in the LN.

She does.

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you could said is brown-reddish.

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Blue hair canonically means that she is shit and is going to lose.

>tfw no tomoyo gf
Why live?

My wife Vigne's purple hair is just as good as blue hair, if not even better!

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>no contrasting eyes
Absolutely disgusting.

You are shit.

That new FMP season will spawn so many NTR doujins, it's not even funny (if it's a 1:1 adaption of the LN plot that is).

I'm more of a red/orange hair man

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Cocona has the best hair.

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I don't like the sound of that at all.

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I need a golden-haired husbando

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>his waifu has a boyfriend

It doesn't count if the boyfriend is a self-insert.


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But she does

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Yes it does.

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So are they going to adapt the rest of the FMP manga for season 4? All the way to the end? Because if they do, the NTR shitposting will be amazing. The animeonlys who waifu'd Chidori ten years ago are in for a rude awakening.

Danganronpa had the right idea, portraying all blue-haired girls as horrible people

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Fuck off evil digits, Chidori is fucking awesome.

>his waifu doesn't have a boyfriend who she has regular sex with

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does that really happen? never read the manga and only watched the anime for fap fuel.

Pls spoil me.

It does in my fan fiction

>using fmp as fap fuel

Your waifu is a hussy and the only chance of winning she had is killing the competition.

The arcs after the Second raid get really dark really fast. Tessa's brother wants Chidori, Sousuke ends up killing a ton of soldiers in front of Chidori and it freaks her out. Long story short, Chidori ends up leaving with Tessa's brother to help him in order to stop the violence. the rest of the manga is about Sousuke chasing after Chidori and Chidori telling him to "forget about her." about half way through, the real retarded shit happens. Chidori gets possessed by the original whispered, who was some Russian girl. There's some timeloop bullshit in their for good measure. At this point, she goes from Leonard's hostage to the final boss. At one point, possessed Chidori willingly gives herself to Leonard, who is thirsty as fuck for her, but Chidori's inner self rejects him. At the very end, Sousuke saves the day. They return to school, after almost two years of being absent, to celebrate their classmates graduation, and kiss in front of everyone.

There's a ton of shit I left out, but Chidori's arc really drags on and doesn't get resolved until the very end. It's basically one giant NTR bait cocktease for 70 chapters. There's also a ton of really grim things that occur. It's basically the opposite of Fumoffu in every way. Way too serious, way too dramatic, and not fun.

that user posted a Girls Bravo pic, I was referring to Girls Bravo.


If they can do it succinctly in S3 it might be good.
I enjoyed it when Sousuke got his not!revenge and went nuclear

Who are you quoting?

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If TSR is any indication, Gatoh will give his own work a second editing pass and improve it significantly.

there are some good parts. I really hope they do justice to the Kalilin knife fight But I'm more of a Fumoffu guy myself. I liked the comfy shenanigans with Sousuke going operator more than anything else.

The only good part of the Yuki spinoff.

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I liked both. And the way the story was going, it was obvious it'd go full Tom Clancy at some point.

I’ve read bits and pieces of both the LN and manga and the remaining material is like a better version of TSR. Kurama is the best villain in the series.

Mai waifu is not even Sup Forums related and she has blue hair.

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She does though

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>His waifu doesn't like さんま

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blue and purple are typical colors used by animators to "symbolize" black hair, because you can put better contrast with blue or purple then you can with black, to make the hair look less flat and dull.

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you sort of have some headcannon mixed in with this.

Chidori left with Leonard to save Sousuke's life (Leonard had him dead to rights). Yeah, he did freak her out with a slaughter and she tried to justify leaving with Leonard (later) that it would all be for the best (she was being very self hating at the time). There never is any NTR cock tease. She won't even let Leonard within arms length of her. Eventually she shoots him in the face with a gun in an attempt to kill him and escape. unfortunately she shots him in the forehead at a poor angle and the bullet deflects off his skull.

Then Leonard gets really wifebeater with her until sophia takes over her body and Chidori/sophia starts to cooperate with his insane plan again. in fact the only reason his insane plan doesn't work is Chidori saw how Sousoke would be like in a "perfect" world without the wispered and war, and he was just a normal nip teen, she got bored of him in no time flat and realized what she loved was the crazy gun toting soldier-boy, not his pretty boy face.

Guys is FMP! actually worth watching or just prime shitposting material?

The bluest.

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That's actually a good way to see it.

Tomoyo is not THAT unrealistic, so there is still a very feint hope to meet someone like her.

Though she's probably going to treat us like she treats Sunohara.

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Pic related's Husbando rank is EX

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that ova still hurts

truly best grill

I almost envy you despite the high likelihood that you're a brainlet secondary because I can never read through her route and her VN for the first time again.

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>his waifu comes from anime and not superior video games

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user your taste is truly a shining example to us all

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What about the extra Tsuruya content?

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It isn't me who is shining. Unless you're a secondary there's no way to not like her, unless you chose to skip her route for some reason.

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If I remember correctly, Kaname's original hair color was actually black and Shikidouji changed it. I think she changed it either because it was too boring or another manga had a similar colored heroine and so it was done to make Kaname stand out.

What kind of retard would skip her route

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Maybe if someone goes in blind they might choose the wrong option when she goes to the courtyard and you're prompted with "I'm (not) interested in this". I don't know if it locks her out but it might.

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I think Sunohara goes to look anyway if I'm not mistaken so you're still prompted with the option to go and watch him confront her even if you don't go to the courtyard

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I wanna cook many delicious meals with Tomoyo.

True, but if you ignore that as well then you don't meet her again. I did that when I was going through the Fujibayashi routes and she doesn't show up after that.

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She might get upset if you help her. She'll think you doubt her cooking ability. Are you going to apologise?

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Of course not nigga, I'm a killer chef.
Quality cuisine is well worth taking a beating from Tomoyo.
Not that I wouldn't desperately crave it anyway.

She does though
Atleast she does now

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Thoughts on Kyou, for me she isn't far behind Tomoyo
Still behind though

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My waifu has Brown hair, but it was kind of Pink in the anime, for some reason. I guess some of the promotional art used a pinkish hue, but those were limited Palette type works.

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> implying you'll be able to cook after she's done with you
Although if you're heartless enough to make her angry you deserve every bit of pain she'll deliver.

I found her route to be very underwhelming. Basically (spoilers for the general structure of the route) you have to suffer through Ryou's autism for a while and bond with them both before the two of them sort out their feelings. Unlike the Tomoyo route you have to deal with both twins and as a result you don't get to learn much about either of them. There were a lot of boring parts and even the ending wasn't nearly as satisfying as Tomoyo's. I think they would've been better off letting the player choose which one they want early on which would result in one of the girls taking centre stage for the majority of the route.

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> tfw Miia will never coil herself around you and let you tug at her erogenous zone while getting you off with her hands.

But she does.

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How does that swim suit work????