One Piece

Now that WCI arc is wrapping up, what were its most memorable/iconic moments?

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Other urls found in this thread:東映アニメーション公式YouTubeチャンネル

That bit where lady luck drops out the sky and saves the strawhats asses for ____ nth time

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This a million times

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best panel

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Jinbei is the MVP of this arc.

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see you in wano, brothers

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Thats not how you spell brook

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I don't recall Baccarat being in this arc

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Collapse of Whole Cake Chateau

Idk man it's pretty close a tossup

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sad that this moment got kinda lost in the last few months, i love the capones

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>The panel that s̶a̶v̶e̶d̶ ruined one piece breads

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There was shipping before and afterwards.

That shit has to be the biggest sin of this arc. We could have been shown Jinbes helmsman chops a multitude of ways, why did he have to go with this bullshit?


What bullshit?

This and the line about changing the future were great. Also that panel where Capone realizes that the Straw Hats are insane.

Kata eating forbidden yummy donuts

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Can we agree that One Piece peak is over and it's been all downhill for a couple of years now?


Wano will be its peak. Oda has been planning it for 20 years

No. WCI is arguably the best arc in the whole manga. You life probably peaked long time ago tho, you bitter old man.

The past 5 chapters have been really good though


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Fuck me. Meant the one above it.

it's time to drop the manga user. No need to try to spread your cynicism.

I know. What bullshit?

WCI's been great. Best arc since the timeskip

this song:東映アニメーション公式YouTubeチャンネル

no matter how much you hate toei, this was fucking amazing


Arguably the best in the manga. Just switch Enies Lobby and WCI and you guys would be saying "Wtf this arc sucks, WCI was miles better."

Here's your (You)

meant to post the subbed version

What a semen demon. Shame her design was wasted for the movie.

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The entire greenroom surfing shit. It's the same type of cheap gut punches as someone coming back inexplicably from death.

>Oh no, Big Mom is controlling a Tsunami! We ded Luffy.
>next chapter
>lel nvm jinbe is bae

It was cheap as fuck.

I love her laugh at the start.

There are other big contenders. Arlong Park, Alabasta and Marineford were all amazing as well.


It's called a cliffhanger user. No one with a triple digit IQ thought the strawhats were fucked.

That "MU GI WA RA" at the end always gives me the chills

Did you really think they would get hit by the wave? what else were they supposed to do?

That's why it's cheap dipshit. He put them in an "unwinnable" corner right before a break and bullshitted his way out. Jinbe has been showing his helmsman ability all throughout his chase with Smoothie. That whole portion is dumb as shit even on re-reads.

>A wave that a lot of people guessed would be surfed
t. Brainlet

Literally every manga has cliffhangers. Over half of One Piece chapters end with a cliffhanger. There's no reason to be more butthurt about this one than any other.

My favorite arc was Arlong Park. I used to like one piece more when it was more chill.

Too short, too long, too messy. But still good though.

Brook fighting Big Mom by himself
Brook succesfully rusing Big Mom and getting the Poneyglyph copy
Brook Breaking Caramel's photo
Brook Slashing Zeus and nearly dropping Big Mom to the sea
Based Gastino
Sanji's ride of suffering before the wedding.

All around, I can safely say that this was th YEAR OF B R O O K

Are you fucking stupid? The idea of a ship the size of the sunny surfing is retarded asspull in itself. You're the brainlet here if you actually enjoy that shit, fag.

It's not that it was a cliffhanger, its that it was dumb as fuck and used cheaply.

Arlong Park is perfectly fine in its length. Not every arc needs a hundred chapters to be emotionally impactful.

Big Mom hyping Kaido. Toei can put their drag to work there.

You've not really explained why it was dumb as fuck. And if you think the idea of Sunny surfing is ludicrous, wait until you see the powers the main characters have.

>I don't like thing
>If you like it you're a fag
There's been several "impossible" things in One Piece, and your beef is with a giant wave that they surfed to survive?
How buttblasted are you?

beat this

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>hurf da wurld is waky so shit dunt mater
Get fucked pleb. Even the Coup de Burst makes more sense.

Yeah? We're discussing the wave specifically dipshit. I know you've been outed as a brainlet but try to keep up.

This is the only good answer.
Also maybe later when people will calm down they'll realize pic related is one too.

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>I wanted the crew to die
>Surfin a tsunami it's impossible in a fantasy world
>Even the most retarded people in the community -the youtubers- theorized the wave could be surfed
t. Brainlet
t. Brainlet

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it would have been cheap if the chapter ended with, i don't know, perospero announcing that they managed to indeed sink them. and in the very next one, jinbei was shown actually surfing the tsunami

a very similar situation back in dressrosa, with mingo saying that law was dead but in reality, the latter managed to swap his body with a random fodder. that's the definition of a cheap cliffhanger and a shitty cop-out at that too

>shitter: the post
Good job user. Truly stand up work.

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No, Coup de Burst makes significantly less sense. A ship taking off like a rocket propelled by the CO2 in a few barrels of cola is ten times more ridiculous than a ship riding a wave. Nothing about what happened is internally inconsistent. I don't know why it bothers you so much. I'm being extremely honest when I say I think it's confusing that it makes you so mad. Like, I'm really baffled that this thing in particular stand out to you. Much, much, much stranger things have happened and continue to happen all the time.

Okay, let me rephrase it so you can specifically understand it, since your tiny brain can comprehend it
>I don't like the idea of surfing a giant wave
>If you like it you're a fag
Clear enough for you kid?

Shanks have been to Raftel before, Buggy have been to Raftel before

Why can't they both just sail back to Raftel and end the One Piece bowl, unless One Piece is really something intangible

Checkmate atheists

>a very similar situation back in dressrosa
a very similar situation happened back in dressrosa

Keep crying bitch nigga.

Cute but no long bottom incisors in sight here user.

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This why you should never bother taking opinions on Sup Forums seriously. They unironically get sperg out mad about a ship surfing a wave in a manga with a samurai that can talk with his farts.

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Nami was the one who said they were done for and Luffy had no way of knowing otherwise. All he heard after she said that was crashing until they went through the asspull. It's exactly the same category.

Please seriously consider suicide.


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The panel the solidifies Jinbei as the best strawhat

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Because you aren't supposed to just find the One Piece. Once you have that done you need to use the ancient weapons kick the ass of the WG. They just don't think they are the ones to do that.

>Somebody called me kid so I must tell them to kill themselfs
12 year old confirmed

This site is not for the underages kid. Consider leddit or dumblr. That's an appropiate place for kids suchs as yourself.

Has it been confirmed they were on the ship when it made it to Raftel? Neither one of them seems particularly interested in it anyway.

Except they haven't been to Raftel

the roger pirates disbanded and roger went missing for a year or two, then he suddenly reappeared and announced the existence of one piece. we don't know enough details yet and not even the ex roger pirates know if one piece actually exists

>tfw there will never be an OP thread free of this level of autism

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>calling people "kid" over the internet
>trying to pull ruank and force people from Sup Forums
I just care about the future of the world anons. People like you guys don't deserve the air you breathe. Please, do the world a favor and buy a sturdy rope for yourselves.

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What the fuck did I just see?

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>leaving best crew for worst crew

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>It's exactly the same category.
it's not. read again my post, here's the dressrosa situation
>chapter ends with mingo highlighting law's "dead corpse"
>action already happened
>next chapter, lmao that's not what really happened
and the green room sequence
>chapter ends when the tsunami hasn't hit the sunny yet
>action hasn't happened yet
>next chapter, action happens and jinbei manage to outsmart perospero
see the difference?

It has been confirmed that buggy hasn't been on raftel. I think shanks also.

Whatever you say kid. Here's your (You).

who gives a shit about raftel. it's obviously "your nakama are your treasure" bullshit, and some wg genocide

No because whether the action happened or not, what was being showcased by the tsunami was the BMCs strength and tenacity while Doffy was baiting Luffy. The problem is the cheap asspull they used to get out of the scenario makes the build up a giant joke. Everything up to the wave was BM tanking the lightning, Pedro, all the other explosions etc etc and also highlight her crew outclassing the SHs at every turn. It was showing the might of a Yonkou and their crew. It went too far though, because of course the crew has to survive it, and everything ends up deflating like a whoopie cushion. It was fucking lame man. Cheap asspull status.

I feel like I should put some fears to rest though. I genuinely like Jinbe, and with or without a job I was happy for him to join. This moment was dumb as shit though.

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>who gives a shit about raftel. it's obviously "your nakama are your treasure" bullshit
Look at this newfaggot and laugh.

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you are legitimately the only person I've ever seen complain about this. Also just stop ising the word asspull because you aren't using it right.

Rayleigh literally said they went there and know the whole history... What the fuck are you saying?
They most probably did. The One Piece is about defeating the WG. They just don't think they are the ones capable of doing that. There's probably some D. prophecy and neither of them are.
No, it has not. It's literally confirmed the Roger Pirates went there. Why wouldn't they have been there with the rest of THEIR crew?

>muh edgy antinormie board theories

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I am definitely using it right, but thanks for lookin out I guess.

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Whats went wrong with this thread?

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Not him but it's just so obvious you know so little about One Piece's lore.

they rode a sea current up to the sky senpai, what are you even worried about

Keep embarassing yourself newfaggot.

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>Mommy I was being retarded so I was called a kid, so I tell them to kill themselfs because that's the mature thing to do.
Kids this days I swear.