The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan

Why did they not just adapt the remaining main series volumes?

Alternatively, why couldn't this just stick closer to the Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya Nagato like it's meant to?

Attached: The_Disappearance_of_Nagato_Yuki-chan_volume_1_cover.png (230x345, 87K)

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Because it flopped.

We're living in a post-haruhi world user... Not even nagato fanservice is enough to make people care anymore. Just enjoy what is around and don't worry about what might have been.

Because it's not the same author? And Haruhi's main series also went to shit in the last volumes. That's why the author stopped. He's afraid of screwing it up like all LN authors do.

Haruhi-chan was the last sigh of the franchise. Even Puyo has gone to greener pastures.

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>why couldn't this just stick closer to the Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya Nagato like it's meant to?
Because it's fanfic.

It's official publication, so not.

Did anybody here read author's new manga?

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Doesn't stop it from being fanfiction.

It stop. Fanfiction from nature CAN'T be officially published. Otherwise, it's no longer FANfiction.

If it is a FAN that writes it and not the original author it is by definition FANfiction, being offical have nothing to do with it.

Get lost nigga.

It has everything to do with that. Since when is author officially employed, then he is no longer mere fan.

>Since when is author officially employed, then he is no longer mere fan.
Certianly didn't stop the author to write like one.

But stop term making sense in general. It's spin-off.

>But stop term making sense in general
I have no idea what you are trying to say here.
But I have never heard that the term fanfiction has to be only for non-official works, and if its looks like fanfiction and reads like fanfiction, then most likely, its fanfiction.

>I have no idea what you are trying to say here.
That you should learn to use term properly.
>But I have never heard that the term fanfiction has to be only for non-official works
Even dump Wikipedia is smarter than you then.
>and if its looks like fanfiction and reads like fanfiction, then most likely, its fanfiction.
It's not. It's spin-off.

>That you should learn to use term properly.
Maybe you should learn how to type in a way other people can understand.
>Even dump Wikipedia is smarter than you then.
>Fan fiction is rarely commissioned or authorized by the original work's creator or publisher, and is rarely professionally published.
Seems to agree since it doesn't say it has to be unoffical.

Because Disappearance was the only good part of Haruhi, Disappearance Haruhi was the only good version of Haruhi, and Yuki, Kyon, and Asakura were the only good characters in Haruhi.

>he didn't like Endless Eight

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>Seems to agree since it doesn't say it has to be unoffical.
This means essentially same:

"Fan fiction is rarely commissioned or authorized by the original work's creator or publisher, and is rarely professionally published."

Turkey-chan should never have existed and Yukifags disgust me.

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Notice the
This means it is uncommon, but not impossible, for fanfiction to be official.

>why couldn't this just stick closer to the Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya Nagato
Because it's a self insert fanfic created by a Yukifag.
But that's fine too, this is not as bad as some people want it to be. It's just not scifi adventures Haruhi, it's romcom haruhi.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan - 13 [720p].mkv_snapshot_17.28_[2015.06.26_14.5 (1280x720, 41K)

It's barely even Haruhi. It's just a bland romcom.

It's uncommon, because usually when fanfiction gets approved, then it's no longer fanfiction in general sense.

Again not fanfic. Spin-off.

This isn't a fanfic purely for the fact that a fan of the series probably wouldn't have butchered everything about it this much.

Butchering the source material is a staple as old as fanfiction writing itself.

Spin-off is only right proper term for this.