Dragon Ball Super

Just wait for it, Goku will purposely throw the match against Jiren at its climax, and allow Frieza to defeat him all to show Jiren that trusting others is worth it. Lines up with the spoilers, and the overall theme of the ToP of teamwork overcoming all.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>created to be a literal second fiddle and spare body to some watered down broly ripoff made by fucking Toei
Defend this. You literally can't.

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Doesn't matter what her origin was, she's a beloved character by by a community that's always wanted more female Saiyans.

>always wanted more female saiyans
Nice headcanon

The friends I know always liked the idea of female saiyans. And beloved might be too far, but this board alone proves she's gained a following, shitposting or not.

Jiren ryona tonight.

Why do people want female saiyans?

You don't hear about male sailor moons

No episode tonight I believe. Next week sadly.

>anti-u6fags still mad over best girls confirmed canon
Keep the tears flowing.

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Reminder toei messed with camera angle to avoid showing kale getting beaten up but when toppo crushed freeza's head they did no such thing

A race of beings isn't the same as a team of super heroines known for..being girls, ya know.

magical girl shows are for girls

dbz is for boys

That good enough?

I think the real question is why not?

They don't even have to be regular characters. It can still be Goku and the gang.

Boys absolutely watched Sailor Moon. I did a bit as a lad. My girlfriend watched/still watches Dragon Ball.

Toei can show a 4 year old getting his neck broken but an adult female getting beaten up is apparently unacceptable

Cause they always get favorable treatment in whats supposed to be a violent show.

You think in todays world, toei would show toppo crushing kales head or jiren stepping on caulifla and grabbing her by the hair? Hell no

sailor senshi.

As far as I remember they still were beaten by Son Goku. He didn't do it by fluffing their pillow.

The next eps is next week right? Or is it today?

And more importantly, they can't go shirtless. That's dumb as fuck in a shonen.

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>videl getting the shit kicked out of her by spopovich
>kale getting nearly raped by the pink sumo guy


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Videl was decades ago

Camera angel was changed when kale was getting beaten up

It wasn't even close to being a brutal fight

Goku black vs Vegeta
Toppo vs Freeza
Freeza vs Vegeta on namek

I can go on and on

He actually only held her in place so his team mate could use her as a punching bag.

and thats considered rape

And boys love feisty, sexy girls.

TO jerk off to not as main characters in a show

>Toppo vs Freeza
That one doesn't belong with the others, the only really violent bit is when Toppo tries to kick Freeza out, and in the beggining of the next episode Freeza already is up and throwing rocks on Toppo's face again.

It didn't need to be brutal? No one is trying to kill each other here, unless you count the whole universal erasure deal. Although Freeza is one of the few warriors capable of straight up murder in the tournament. It was saiyans sparring against each other. Fuck, Goku was even teaching Caulifla. And Caulifla autisically wouldn't shut up about it.

There's plenty of brutality in the show just not when those two are involved.

Jiren stepping on goku and grabbing him by the hair
Toppo crushing freeza's head
The entire Goku black arc
DBZ was full of it

Why not both?

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I wouldn't call hair grabbing brutal, but to each his own.

Goku black arc was about a deity trying to end mortal life.

DBZ in its entirety was about powerful entities trying to kill people.

You think boys would rather watch a male mc or a girl mc?

I'm sure girls would rather a girl mc in their shojo than a dude

Goku didn't teah her shit though. She came to him asking to teach her the SSJ 3 form, Godku then subtly denied it by telling her he would only do it if she could defeat him in a fight. And then he proceeded to use the fight to recover stamina and towards the end use her fusion as a punching bag to help master his ultra instinct.
Goku truly was the best character in this arc, making use of the dumb hoe to his own ends.

Depends on the show, and the boy and girl in question.

The spoilers don't explicitly state that Jiren gets beaten, though. The death beam from the back doesn't necessarily mean that it's a decisive blow.

Watch episode 100 again, they messed with the camera angles to avoid showing kale getting beaten up.

This same company had no issues with a 4 year olds neck getting snapped

Yeah, there's no bloodlust here.


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Stop trolling, you do this shit every week

I specifically remember a scene from something DBZ related where the camera turned away from Goku and him screaming like a banshee. It doesn't mean anything. You are just insecure.

I'm watching episode 100. She is being held up by pig man by the hair and they are showing her being punched in the gut repeatedly. 6 minutes in. They knocked her unconscious and slapped her around.

Aren't the last two episodes supposed to be airing together?


Even a broken clock is right sometimes

Nigga, its true. There won't be an episode today so you won't get to watch shit.

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El Hermano

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>Toppo being a GoD (except for the title) and strong as Goku? Ok but let us make this form! God mode Toppo, buy the card kids!
>GoD candidate tier Vegeta on pair with Goku? Ok but let us make this form! SSGSS Evolution Vegeta, buy the card kids!
>Goku learning UI via transformation? Ok but let us make this other form! UI -Signs- Goku, buy the cards kids!


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Is jiren ever going to be relevant again after super ends? I really hope not.

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>hype up a technique / form for over a year that not even the GoDs can obtain
>only the angels have mastered it
>Goku finally masters it


>spend the entire series licking a purple cat's anus to get "muh GAWD KI" and shitty recolor transformations.
>your SSG gets BTFO'd by a saiyan teenage girl in her base form.
>your SSB gets BTFO'd by a saiyan teenage girl in her LSS1 form.
>your UI form is so weak that you chicken out of a beam strugle against a saiyan teenage girl in her LSS2 form.
>you choose the shitty (((universalist))) meme form that anyone can achieve and is not exclusive to your race over Super Saiyan 4 to beat the final Boss in the series.
>get BTFO'd again.

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anti-GODkufags tryin'a bomb the hype with those shitty animedia spoilers. Can't wait to see Jobgeta and Jobhan fags cry when they realize GODku doesn't get eliminated nor jobs to Jiren.

>>GODku loses MUI because he is out of stamina
>>Seeminly falls off the arena but instead falls ontosome rubbish instead, still in the ring
>>They realize he isn't on the bench, but time's out.
>>Both Goku and Jiren check Grand Padre and Zeno's
>>Furiza-sama shows up and saves the day

He's the strongest mortal in the universe so no.
Sorry gocuck

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I'm arguing with some uppity retards that wanna say Goku's been training for UI since RoF, even though he hasn't
What do you think? Whis mentioned UI but Goku and Vegeta clearly weren't following his advice.
Goku mastered UI in 25 minutes. Those retards are saying he's been training for it for 2 years.

multiverse not universe.

>so you won't get to watch shit.
Joke's on you because CCS airs today.

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Ah, yes, a much better anime than DBS

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Please kill yourself.

Mexico likes a lot more than dragon ball it seems.

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Whats even funnier is that Kale only became more popular than Cabba.

Why is he so based?

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And dont forget Cabba kicking/punching Monna in the gut

And Yukana will return again to voice Meiling if the spoilers are true.

People gave her to so much shit for voicing Kale, when the blame goes to whoever cast her to work in DBS.

If we get a new series on an adult timeslot will we see dismemberment and gore again?

yo is it not airing

Read the fucking thread, you moron.



Remember when db used to look good?

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Not necessarily.
There's no violence because DBS is meant to air globally and they wanted to avoid editing and remaking scenes for countries with tighter censorship.

I just got back with half a rotisserie chicken from the local shop, ready to watch Goku kick some ass like when I was 4! What are you guys eating?

>mfw Goku actually beats the shit out of Jiren and willingly loses to teach Jiren about trust

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How come they never did that with z?

Because DBZ aired much later in the west.
It was originally meant only for japan because nobody knew it would get so popular worldwide.

Makes sense, I just wish we could see violence in DB again instead of "atatatatatata".

where did you get the idead that we ONLY watch DB? from mexico and below think of countries where ironic weebs watch even obscure animes and you would listent the ones not hiding their powerlevel in unis talking about hentai awfully pretending that they only heard about the latest rape anime (both boys and girls on this)
everything post 2000-2010 (depends if you live on a town or the city) went full retard here
there is a reason why hentai groups and erogames translations pages in facebook are filled with spic names, just check it

That's another matter, you can make well choreographed fights without having to show blood.
Thing is, DB and Z had the advantage of having the manga to get the battles from and to trace from.
For DBS, the animators are on their own, and since not all animators are good at animating fights, having no base is a problem.

>still the more popular of the two
Weird how that worked out. Dragonball fans are a different breed than the normal waifufags and aren't as into the typical waifu types.

Kefura is the best girl anyway.

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What are you talking about? Goku and Vegeta have went shirtless in this arc. if you are talking about the girls then that's stupid, only shitty haremfags care about shirtless girls


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>nigger goku

To be fair saiyans are the niggers of the DB universe.


They'd never put it in an adult timeslot. DB being a show made for children will not change no matter how much manchildren scream about muh blood

When is episode?

No episode today.
If there was, it would have started airing 10 minutes ago.

Still better than generic superhero backstory.

>no new episode tonight
Holy fucking shit, fuck TOEI. Just end the fucking show already.

>not Fuji TV

you say it like that's something to be proud of

super got cancelled
next week is kitaro ep1

Schedule isn't up to Toei.
And we've known that there were no episodes these two weeks for a month now, retards.



DBS threads consistently have the most stupid people in this entire website, rivaling scum from Reddit and Twitter.

It's not but jiren literally has the worst backstory I've seen in db.

>end one nostalgia pandering cashgrab to inmediatly start with another nostalgia pandering cashgrab
Sasuga, Toei.

>rivaling scum from Reddit and Twitter
Where do you think these people come from?

No villain up until now has had any backstory whatsoever aside from Buu.

Is this on today or another break?
>You don't hear about male sailor moons
Super Vegeta Blue