Did Sup Forums like 2013 Rozen Maiden?

Did Sup Forums like 2013 Rozen Maiden?

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Rosenfags are next to non-existent on Sup Forums nowadays.

It was pretty good.

It was honest to God awful.

How does it compare to the original?

It's a good adaptation. It is just that it adapted a part in the middle of the Manga for some reason. You should just read the Manga instead desu.

The 2013 Anime was pretty good. I very much like the feeling it captured of Rozen Maiden as a very tragic franchise. I think if the same people that created it made more of Rozen Maiden outside this Arc from the second Manga, it would be pretty great.
I also absolutely love the artstyle of that Anime on top of that. Nomad's style looks a little corny nowadays, although it also has charme.
I don't like however, that it feels so unfinished at the end since it ends in the middle of the manga. I wish the rest of the Manga got an adaptation as well from all heart with the prequel Manga currently going on following before it's way too late, though.

It was actually really good, definitely my favorite adaptation. I kind of wish they'd finish it, but then Rozen Maiden finished so shittily that maybe it's a good thing they don't.

I like the older one more.

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I liked it a lot more than the original anime.

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I liked the first episode and any time Suigintou showed up.

But seriously I'm just happy I got a new Rozen Maiden anime.

>a little corny nowadays

Was Rozen Maiden's art style out of place even at the time, or was it standard for a mid 2000s anime?

I forgot how small they were in the new one.

Never was a fan of any of Peach-pit's stuff even when it was airing back then.

It looked a little better than average. Average anime back then looked like shit.

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I know, it was great. They actually felt like dolls, something the original seemed to have forgotten the majority of the time.

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I liked.

I hope you don't mean to say Akikan is representative of 2000's anime. Rozen Maiden was part of the new wave of anime starting in 2003-4 when they finally figured out how to do CG that didn't look like shit. It was the year Fumoffu came out which made people take notice of this "minor" studio in Kyoto.

I enjoyed the most recent Rozen Maiden. The older series still has plenty of worth in going back and watching, though. I'd argue that watching both old and new would be worth the time.

>Was Rozen Maiden's art style out of place
It wasn't out of place. It definitely had it's own style which fit well with it's characters and story, but that didn't make it 'out of place', just not generic and boring.

Boku best doll

I still name my recycle bin "Suigintou"

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I like rozen maiden, do you like rosen maiden? it had some pretty OP and ED.

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2013 Maiden wasn't as popular because it was an adaptation of a more grimdark less cutesy manga.


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But this one was depressing as fuck tough, thinking we will become the MC but without having dolls to make one life better.

How's the mango?

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Its its a 10 out of whatareyoudoingherewhenyoushouldhavereadthemanga

I just wanted him to fuck Shinku

It's pretty great

But wasn't it dead?

It died, came back, died again and came back again.

No. It was continued by Tales, and now Rozen Maiden Zero.

Better than the anime, but it has a standard Peach Pit shoddy ending. Rozen Maiden Zero is ongoing I believe and is pretty nice as well.

I want suig to cause permanent psychological damage to me.

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I prefer the first anime.
But I was also more than happy to get more rozen maiden after all those years thinking it was dead.
so there's that

the first one is much better imo

traumend ED best ED

I still miss this series.
Why didn't DEEN just adapt the manga from the beginning rather than starting at the halfway point? No fucking shit people were gonna be turned off by that.

Oldered Jum was depressingly realistic mirror that reflected your average aging anonymii. Jum, without being blessed by DESU, simply grew up into an introverted, low-energy man with no friends, no family, a shitty part-time job and attending a shitty college, completely directionless until he got MOAR DESU in his life. Of course at which point his life became fucking awesome getting a cute GF, lots of theatre troupe frineds and a creative passion turned towards constructive purposes. Also he learned how to brew a decent pot of tea so he'd stop being a fucking uneducated savage.

I would still like to see an even oldered older jum whose madness peaked, reaching the same mastery level as Father had, and become capable of building fully functional adult doll bodies with rosa mysticas for all the maidens and then live the dream of being surrounded by HEALTHY maidens.

>Rozen Maiden Zero
Oh shit, didn't hear about this. Thanks for the heads up.


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The big problem with 2013 was that it missed the second half of a 26-episode series. At least that's my impression of its pacing.

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I like how people waited years for it and compare it to Doom meme but the moment it came out no one actually watch it.

Because we wanted a S3... well I sort of liked the show at least. And it had good art style.

Is the mango still ongoing?

I think it ended. Last I remember the last few chapters had really shit scans and translation.

It missed all the things that made the original series so fun to watch

The shower fight scene and aftermath where they're wrapped in towels was my favourite thing in the show

time is the best shit filter.

Rozen Maiden Zero is still ongoing
Tales ended a while ago

Yes. It was okay.


God just put it to rest already. Tales was already bad enough I cannot imagine how shitty Zero is.

I didn't like how small they were so I didn't bother with it.

Yes me and the 5 other people who were excited for this. Does 2013 Sup Forums seem very different to anyone else?

The older version was better. 2013 version looked too CGI.

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More Zero when?

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The original series ended midway through a tank.

I suppose that gives you a rough idea of what to expect.


Not particularly. It's largely the web in general that has changed, and that obviously had an impact here as well.
I wouldn't even say 2006 Sup Forums was all too different. Perhaps a little more innocent and slower, if I had to name any difference at all.
It's ridiculous how much attention shit like SaiMoe got back then, though. I feel like nowadays that would result in and the likes.