Isn't FRANXX a deconstruction of mecha anime

MC isn't a beta male.

He was always very popular with everybody and also with the girls.

Trigger is teaching everybody how to do a normal happy character with a lot of depth without having to resort to depressive cliches.

Shinji fags BTFO!

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it doesn't deconstruct anything

>generic chad fearless good-personified MC is now a good thing

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>Shinji fags BTFO!
This is a very dangerous thing to say on Sup Forums.

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> deconstruction
I'm pretty sure you don't know what that word means but just if you were serious about this:

Up to this point Franxx is most definitely not a deconstruction of anything but Trigger itself.

Furthermore, the point of deconstruction is to take the cliches and portray them how they are in real life; most males are betas, even more so in the current age than back during Evangelion and even Gundam's times.

Off topic but do you guys think theirs a guy with code name 007?

Everyone has an assigned partner, they still manage to fuck it up and have love tringles sh*t.
They're supposed to be in an hight-stress/ life and death environement, someow each mistakes they make has 0 consequences. >This anime is a parody of itself

Yes he is the lone British survivor

>isn't a beta male
>is a cuck in the second episode

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Franxx is a reconstruction of the Mecha genre

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watch more anime.

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Slick hair boy deserves to be beaten with a stick for rejecting glasses-sama

Is OP's post a deconstruction of bait?

Let's wait till the final before we declare it as such. I trusted hows one to many times in their first half.

Holy Fuck!

My Eyes Are Open For The First Time!

>muh deconstruction
how about you go to the muh hero academia threads to spout on about "deconstruction"

The only thing it deconstructs is my interest in watching anime

That's not a deconstruction, it's a subversion, get a fucking dictionary.


Stop samefagging


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It makes the genre look bad.

Based user.

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Actually, from episode 1, Hiro has been portrayed as very beta in the currently active timeline of the show. He hasn't been able to pair with his partner and pilot a franxx and he becomes very listless and depressed about his lack of purpose. Sure, it's a reasonable reaction, but his aimlessness and loss of self-worth is very Shinji-like and "beta MC"

It's only when they go into his past / flashbacks that they show him as a very sociable / popular toddler. So it is multi-faceted in a way. Not saying the show is groundbreaking though. Episode 9 was a drag for me

I wish the would take 02 and put her in an anime I care about, same goes for armpit-sama

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I wish I had an anime I card about...

Isn't Franxx just knockoff Evangelion written by horny teenagers?
That I'm still watching, for some reason?

Have you tried Yu-Gi-Oh!

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It took me a while to get the double 0 seven, I kept thinking of Japanese slang for zero zero seven.

yes, its a proper deconstruction of mecha anime. its also a subversion. I feel like best way to "trigger" Sup Forums (kek, get it? as in, the animation studio) these days is to create a post even slightly praising this show, regardless of how good you think it is. Thats literally all it takes.

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You cheeky bastard

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/his/friend here. Hiro never struck me as a Shinji figure. There's always been this mysterious leader-quality to him - Charlemagne-like, Carolingian. He isn't quite a full-blown raw-testosterone alpha male, but he certainly is not a beta male.

In other news, more Karling in the Franks. Goro has echoes of Roland. The boys have certain similarities to the American Founding Fathers. A revolutionary plot may or may not be brewing. If I am not merely projecting my /his/boner onto this, this is approaching LOGH in historical allegory. Sup Forums and /his/ were meant for each other.

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let me pilot the robt, plz zerro2

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Watch more than two mecha anime before talking about deconstructing the genre.

floweranon and karling posting are the best part of this show prove me wrong.

I wish there was some Hotaru and 02 crossover art.

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Kek very nice dubs

You and me both sister

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shitposters were anoying enough when they tried to say the same with one piece when it started and now with hero academia about the deconstruction of shonen, and now they pic franxx

There have never been an anime that is also a deconstruction and FranXX isn't it either.

Do people keep talking about deconstructing the mecha genre because mechs ar things that need to be constructed in the first place?

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He's still popular for no reason. Just another self-insert.

Well he was the one giving the kids their names, thus kickstarting the tiny bit of independent development they were allowed to have, thats not nothing.
