Are trucks the greatest plot-device of all time? Collisions with them create tragedy and can set-up stories...

Are trucks the greatest plot-device of all time? Collisions with them create tragedy and can set-up stories. A source of endings and new beginnings.

Attached: truck'd.gif (629x329, 1.95M)

Truck-kun is part of a huge underground organization in Japan designed to isekai potential protagonists to create new stories for the media industry to rake in the $$$$ on. They scout out potential MCs and send truck-kun to do his job. Once the MC is in another world they monitor him and if his new life is interesting it gets turned into a LN and later an anime. They can't keep getting away with it! Truck-kun has done no wrong. He is merely a pawn in the grand scheme of things trying to make ends meat.

why a truck thought? a normal car would suffice provided they don't slow down

stop being truckist

A huge truck makes it 100% assured that the subject is going to die.

or that their about be sent to another world/gain superpowers/the series is about the afterlife

A person drives a car; a faceless corporation sleep depriving their employees drives a truck.

Attached: japanese truck smells prey.webm (634x463, 1.53M)

Its amazing because they don't even have muslims in Japan yet Truck-kun is running rampant through the streets of Tokyo

And making ends into meat!

that's not even a real truck, that's a 軽トラ. Shit is smaller than American pickups. How is anyone gonna get isekai'd with weak shit like that?

Ameircan pickups aren't real trucks either.

>Actually tries to hit her.
What a fucking asshole.

Truck kun vs truck of peace.

Who wins?

If you think about it Truck-kun isekais other people to a fantasy world, but The Truck of Peace isekais themselves to 72 virgins.

Attached: 1516361908633.jpg (155x145, 9K)

I hope the driver of that dies a painful death.

His view was blocked by the other car but yes, he was still driving recklessly.

>Hoping that a Jap dies
That's what they want tho

He wasn't just driving recklessly. He is actively aiming for the girl once she enters his field if view. Just look again.

It was a two-lane road he was moving back to the first lane and didn't see the girl or was distracted. You can't prove malicious intent.

>You can't prove malicious intent
Maybe not. But this is not a court of law, so he is guilty in my mind.

I knew a guy who got hit by a proper truck, harmlessly bounced off the asphalt and walked off. Didn't even break a bone, just fucked up half of his face. Trucks aren't any more deadly than regular cars, just harder to stop.

To me it looks more like he expected her to keep going right so he goes left to try to avoid her, but she goes back to the left too which is why he barely misses her

Also, you can clearly see the brake lights, light up,

If automated cars will work in a few years, do you still think that the killing truck trope will still be used?

>Evil AI hacks the truck

Automated cars is a meme at best. Remember all those incidents where self driving cars would try to kill their owners a few years back?

Thats a significant improvement compared to retarded humans behind the weel.

Kinks that need to be worked out of course. But once the automated vehicles kill less people than the ones piloted by sleep deprived driver, it might already be a huge gain.