How much Fate-related shitposting will Alice attract once SAO season 3 starts airing?

How much Fate-related shitposting will Alice attract once SAO season 3 starts airing?

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She is, by the way, the indisputable best girl.

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Fatefags will go nuts with it. Of course I imagine they will be quite easy to piss off with any
>Alice is better than Saber
threads. I honestly look forward to it.

Baioretto is best saber clone.

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I don't even have to watch this to know she's better than Saber. Because literally anyone is better than her.

First third: Isekai shitposting
Second third: Fate shitposting
Final third: Bleach shitposting

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God I love armor girls


Gameverse: Kancolle shitposting
TTK Alice a cute.

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Not looking forward to “SHIROU IM HUNGRY” being spammed in every other thread like VEG

something something burry my dick so deep ill be crowned the next GM of saoland

I'd rather shitpost about Kureha's insecurities instead.

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Is that what they call Scotland in 'straya or something.

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I'd rather talk about how beautiful Kureha is

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She looks more JANNU than SEIBAH to me
so expect DRAGON DICC being spammed

>implying enough people have watched Apocrypha to shitpost about it

>so expect DRAGON DICC being spammed
>one of Alice's defining traits is absolutely adoring her pet dragon
Oh boy.

I'm sure a lot of people say that about her sister.


DLC where her sister shows up to play GGO as well when?

Still kinda disappointed that Zeliska wasn’t her sister. Honestly thought she was for a good portion of the game

Guys, Alice is top cute
maybe the cutest SAO girl

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I fully expected that one. What a letdown.

>has been ranting about how much she hates being in her sister's shadow to Zeliska for a good portion of the game
>Zeliska sacrifices her life at the end of the game
>Kureha finds her sister's dead body IRL
>realizes that Zeliska was her sister
>realizes that the last thing she said to her sister before she died to save her and her best friend was how she's sick of her and being compared to her
Do you want to completely mindbreak her?

I dunno lad, Strea does things to my kokoro
Asuna too, depending on the outfit

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>sexualizing a two year old

I don't get it. She doesn't look like Saber at all.

I'd agree if it weren't for this literal miracle

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Same here.

Hey, that worked really well for Philia.

Apparently all blonde girls wearing armor are Saber/Jeanne clones now

>apparently all blonde girls are Saber/Jeanne clones now
You see any armor on Baioretto?

To be fair, Violet's clothes looked vaguely similar to Arturia's

At least then the ending requirements being linked to affinity levels might actually make sense then.
>low Kureha affinity
>she kills herself because she feels worthless anyways
>low Zeliska affinity
>she kills herself out of a feeling of guilt and responsibility
>high affinity for both
>sisters work together to save (you) and nobody dies

Is that where the FBI director sets the Americans and then the Koreans against grorious nippon?

He's an American PMC, but close enough.

It still doesn't make sense for the rest of the Kirito club affinity or why you should submit the whole group to sustained sniper fire for a couple of hours.
That sucked. The whole game past SBC Flügel sucked.

Koreans don't need any excuse or burger orders to go after nippon

>game starts focusing on Kureha
>it starts sucking

Kureha wishes the game focused on her. She just threw a tantrum, got her ass handed to her after losing her own challenge, and went sulking until her inevitable demise. Fuck that bitch.
I don't actually hate Kureha, but the post-Flügel could certainly have been handled better. Thank you Dimps/BNEI/Reki for fucking a character over.

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>didn't even get a redemption arc
>just shows up in the final battle after storming off and going "uhh, sorry about earlier"

At least the true end had the two best girls in the same shot.
I think like Sinon's BoB outfit better than her FB one. It has better emphasis of her assets.

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What if her sister is a pre-existing GGO character?

>inb4 it's Musketeer X

>Final third: Bleach shitposting


The incarnation system in practice is basically bankais for everyone.

Alice's Fragrant Olive Sword is quite literally Senbonzakura with cherry blossoms swapped out for olive tree petals.

Damn, she has larger racks here compared to what I see in the LN illustrations?

Threadly Reminder that my wife Shino is best girl!

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What does SAO have to do with Fate?

Female knights.
And that's pretty much it.


Lis is for love

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They're both isekai.

I would manatransfer.

Why is she so thirsty?

Lis is for bullying

>olive tree petals

This is diabetes-inducing and all, but with this pair n particular I have no fucking idea who's NTRing who anymore.

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I see Sinon, but wheres Ahosys?

Lost Song not have been the best game, but its definitely go the best opening theme out of all the games.

I'm afraid she got lost on the way to the beach and has to be escorted back.

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What is it with Aoi always voicing best girls?

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Go back to Sup Forums with your gameshit.

>Lost Song
>not Fatal Bullet

Piss off if you dont like it.

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We never saw her wearing anything other then armor or fairly modest dresses in the LN illustrations

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>the final arc of SAO is implied to be Yui going Skynet on everyone's asses
Oh boy.

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>mfw season 3 uses the movie art style
I know it wont happen but fuck it

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Thats because Aoi is One True Best Girl.
I like LiSA and Thrill, Risk, Heartless, but i didnt feel it as much as her other songs. Hikari no Cynthia just hits all the right spots for me. Luna Haruna a shit tho.

It has the best ending theme and animation too.

She doesn't even look like Saber it's just Fatefags being retarded as always.

Why is Yui so worst.
Literally shittest girl that ruins everything ruins things once again.
I hope Yui gets written out of Progressive entirely.

>Yui gets written out
>gets replaced with Strea

>not Aho-sys

Yui is for mamoru

Theres something about Strea...

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The Japanese government has no one but themselves to blame if she does. After everything that happened in Alicization, it would not be a surprise that Yui might take steps to be prepared for future incidents. Underworld produces another Quinella who escapes? Walks into an entrenched Yui. Government or military tries to fuck over Yui or her parents? Yui already has every computer in Japan by the balls to counter them. Foreign governments try and pull some shit? Time for "Japanese hackers" to make American, Russian, and Chinese hackers look like script kiddies. Yui, her parents and their friends get left alone to enjoy their lives? Well then no one has to deal with a pissed off Yui who thinks she needs to do something to protect those close to her.

I'd sign up for a dual hacking session with Yui, if you know what i mean

Imagine how much worse things will get in the Gameverse, what with there being multiple of these outrageously intelligent AI running about uncontrolled

Instead of doing something stupid like "absorbing bad emotions", protecting Japan as a military AI should be her job. Of course, this will still lead to Vabel after everyone is dead or if she has to be separated and kept under government supervision.

Now I really wonder how the hell an Alicization game's plot ends up with all that many external AIs.

SAO only has a niche fanbase here, so none. troll cartel only targets shows that are popular on Sup Forums, like kyoani and trigger.

Should I bite the bullet and just watch season 2?

I read the first few books and got bored after they left Aincrad, I heard it gets better though. Barely managed to finish the 2nd half of the first season.

Help. I can't find the sauce.
The 2nd half of S1 is SAO at its worst, so don't make too much of it. That said, the first half of S2 is not so great, although it has best girl, nice art, and some funny moments. In the second half, Asuna takes over, so if you hate Kirito, you should definitely watch it.

At the very least, I'm sure you'll enjoy Mother's Rosario. Best animation.

I’m actually legit surprised at the amount of actual OPERATING that SAO Alternative has. Looking forward to seeing it all animated now.

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This. Now that Aoi Eir is back she needs to sing the OP from the new games and Alicization too

Is this best SAO girl?

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>Lux voiced by Akasaki Chinatsu
>Fukaziroh also voiced by Akasaki Chinatsu
My different-characters-need-different-seiyuu autism is activated.
Its written by the Kino no Tabi guy, right? Isnt he one of the few people that actually knows his shit?
Fingers crossed the AGGO OP is good.
Second best dead girl maybe.

It is written by him and after seeing the first few manga chapters I feel this could be something on another level compared to standard SAO power trip affairs. Like, one entire chapter of the manga was basically “Snake, try to remember the basics of CQC”.

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GGOA is basically operators operating operatingly while learning gun trivia.

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"Hey Kii-bou, wanna /ss/?"

I'm loving the frequent SAO threads we've been having

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>small avatars get no strength penalty
>have much smaller hitboxes
>only downside is shorter reach in close range combat but that doesn't matter much in a game about guns
Wouldn't all esportsfags in GGO want to play as midgets then?

my wife sinon is so cute!
me too

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It's probably du FBfags taking refuge from Sup Forums in a more Kureha-friendly board.

Less stride, lower mobility?

The question is whether AGI is measured by your average running speed or average strides per minute then.