Classroom of the Elite

Why can't other /a Girls be like Kei?

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Just look around psychiatric wards, I'm sure you'll find a couple of retards.

Kei is Tauwa and Pure.

coz i seriously wanna kms if one of muh waifus get bullied and raped 24/7

No need when there's superior girl.

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All those Horikitafags...

Sup Forums
Kei or Horikita
who is worse

Classroom of the Elite best girl

>Not flat and petite
I'll pass.

Thanks, you're the best.

>reposting blatant proxy polls to validate taste even though Kei being currently most popular is already known
Keifags' increased insecurity is getting the better of them.

√Karuizawa manga is coming.

Don't joking!

√Karuizawa manga = profit.

√Horikita manga = shit nobody buys so canned.

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shitty shop Keifag. even infants can do better tahn taht.

>Horikita loses
>i-it must be proxy!

>20 votes over 3 days that had 16:4
>suddenly 114 votes as of 8 hours ago
Proxyfag please.

The bane of Youkoso threads.

None of those are official, and more importantly they are too easily manipulated. Until there's a new official tweet poll, this one is about right.

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>Why can't other /a Girls be like Kei?
easy question
because Kei is a slut that's why the other girls do not want to be like her
Next question please

give a harder question next time thanks in advance

Kei a shit

>√Karuizawa manga = profit.
>√Horikita manga = shit nobody buys so canned.
her manga is fine now
she has her manga at least unlike other heroines
Keifags are very jealous
because is the proof Horikita is the main heroine so it's normal that it stings their asses

But theres loads of shit girls.

Don't mind me, master race passing through with best girls.

Attached: 420518 horikita_suzune karuizawa_kei seifuku thighhighs youkoso_jitsuryoku_shijou_shugi_no_ (1498x1989, 521K)

nice exercuse stupid.

Sure are some falseflagging in here. This emergence that reorts resort to that sort of deceptive and distasteful "funposting"
instead of being straightforward and sincere is so low.

Sorry, wrong link.

What the fuck does this word mean? You are the only one using that word and you've posed as horikitafag and keifag now, ESL shitposter-kun

I love this art!

>you've posed as horikitafag and keifag now
are you okay?

Because they can't be as loyal as Kei and aren't miracles. Kei clearly the best.

The usual 7.5 is not canon. What else to expect from Horiktafags