This is Omegamon Angel, say something nice about him
Digimon tri. Episode 6 Trailer #2
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Good lord, all 6 movies could have fit into a single movie and not lose any important content, what the fuck were they thinking.
I love Digimon. I watched the first tri "episode". It was so bad I lost all interest in watching anymore. Was I wrong?
eh, is a rollercoaster
Remove Meiko.
Everything is so entirely predictable
What is so predictable? Taichi being alive?
Omegamon saving the day, rest of the cast being useless, 02 kids being useless. Taichi being alive was a given.
Taichi has to be alive so they can show his wedding with Meiko at the epilogue.
Taichi might be alive, but the PV suggests he's gonna be out of the picture until the end. That's such a shitty thing to do from the staff. He's been treated like shit in these movies
That ship sank already. They haven't even talked to each other once.
>02 kids being useless
What the fuck even happened to them? I don't remember them giving any answer to what happened at the very start. Are they just dead or what?
>Omegamon saving the day
I think no one was expecting something else honestly
Why Toei have a boner for Omegamon ?
Translation (thanks to /vg/):
>Agumon: Taichi, remember–We got to meet each other again.
>Hackmon: This is the only option left for humanity.
>Koushiro: It’s not an evolution… this…?
>Hackmon: Your suffering too shall meet its end before long.
>Takeru: The Digimon everywhere are—!!
>Yamato: Yggdrasill….Homeostasis…no matter which [of their plans] go forward as planned, the Worlds won’t be saved…
>Koushiro: I’m not giving up. I’ll continue searching for other ways right to the end!
>Sora: If Taichi were here…I wonder what he’d say…
>Tailmon: Meicoomon is suffering the most out of any of us
>Agumon: Let’s join forces for Tailmon and Meicoomon’s sake!
>Daigo: Never give up…Go make your future!!
>Hikari: All of the light is within Meicoomon…
>Meiko: Don’t go!!
>Yamato: We’re not Chosen Children anymore. We have no choice but to choose. No matter how painful [it’ll be], our future…
>Hackmon: This is the power of the Chosen…!
>Agumon: Taichi!
>Taichi: We’re going to end this. Let’s go!
>Agumon: GO—!!!!
oh really?
>What the fuck even happened to them? I don't remember them giving any answer to what happened at the very start.
They haven't said. General assumption is that whatever happened to them has something to do with the dark ocean.
The trailer has Sora holding Taichi's goggles
>these losers need Omegamon Blanco to stop Yggdrasill
Jesus Christ, what a weak cast. Based Masaru ended that computer god with nothing but his fists and an Agumon.
>Based Masaru ended that almost everyone with nothing but his fists and an Agumon.
That sums up savers
Eh Digimon has always had a boner for anything that's part of the greymon/garurumon family. Only makes sense for their fused form to be shilled as well.
But will it be cooler than Omegamon Alter S?
I don't like alter S so probably
I'll wait for the Bandai's design though
Its Omegamon you piece of shit
Are you new to digimon? Every digimon season has a not-agumon as mc digimon and not-gabumon as rival digimon. Just look at latest digimon season (appli monsters).
Obligatory post
>Tailmon: Meicoomon is suffering the most out of any of us
And here is the reason why Tri is shit.
>Taichi has to be alive so they can show his wedding with Hikari at the epilogue.
Omegamon is strongest digimon they have. Of course they are going to use it.
>02 kids being useless
They were useless from start. Final villain in 02 was weak and a joke. And they even used Omegamon power to defeat Armageddemon in second movie. Pathetic.
>Tailmon: Meicoomon is suffering the most out of any of us
At first I read that Meiko said that, it's something she would say.
>it's something she would say
nah it ain't. If anything, she blames herself (and Meicoomon by proxy). She probably believes that the other chosen children and their digimon are suffering far more than she is.
How many fucking omegamon clones do we need.
How many are there now like 8?
Will any other digigirl be able to top Hikari?
dirty brocon
see and that doesn't even include Omegamon X
>dirty brocon
There is nothing dirty about the purest form of love.
>>Tailmon: Meicoomon is suffering the most out of any of us
I will never ever trust this fucking hack director again.
I can't wait for this crap to be over. The worst part is that Kouji died during its run.
Do you still want a Tamers continuation after how Tri ended up?
It's funny how all ophanicucks went silent when pink fluffy dragon was confirmed canon.
If they have Omegamon then Taichi IS alive, no "might be" about it.
If only.
A new Garurumon is always a rare sight.
>another form when they could've just used X
Why are the writers of tri such enormous hacks?
x antibody is for fags
only a faggot would say something like that
I have a boner for Weregarurumon
You would know
Eh it could be worse, you could have a boner for pic related.
>Why are the writers of tri such enormous hacks?
If they weren't they'd be working with a better studio than Toei.
Fuck you. Mach Gaogamon is cool.
Why was the digital world in Tamers so badly handled? They actually managed to make it more boring than the episodes that took place in the physical world.
It's all absolute garbage and it only gets worse.
B-b-but meicoomon and what is her name are good characters. Taichi's character isn't ruined. Digimon adventures more like SOL ADVENTURES
Because the most interesting parts of Tamers were the scenes with adult characters and the mystery of whatever happened with pic related's old programmer buddy.
You're missing the point.
I’d like to act surprised that Toei chose the worst mega evolution for Gatomon, but with the myriad of mistakes they’ve made with tri, garbage decisions are the norm.
This basically . I thought it would get better, but each movie just felt more and more padded with useless crap.
What was the point of making Taichi such a cuck?
digimon sucked when they turned to machines and we can't appreciate their finer assets
scalefags OUT
But OP called it Omegamon, you idiot
>that doesn't even include Omegamon X
Or chaosmon
>and that doesn't even include Omegamon X
And Susanoomon
>why they didn't used this old form with almost zero fanbase instead of marketing a new one exclusive to the movies?
Gee, i wonder
Eh you're right, Omegamon inspired digimon should be counted about omegamon clones even if they're not direct variants of Omegamon.
could someone post a stitch version of this?
Well, Susanoomon is the perfect Omegamon, he is a Greymon/Garurumon fusion with all the others
Geogreymon > Greymon
KYS Masaru. Your Agumon sucks donkey dicks. If you weren't his partner, no one would give a shit about him.
Pff ShineGreymon doesn't even have an Omegamon form
Yggi sucks ass though. It seems that Omegamon Blanco will defeat Jessmon, Alphamon, Yggdrasil, AND Homeostasis.
Masaru could barely even defeat a low tier Knight like Craniamon.
>Alphamon is in Tri, perfect chance for X to show up and not be made in cheap CG
>Strongest digimon together with alphamon
>Why is him saving the day
Geez user, I don't know.
Its asking for pole officers to not help people
Seems like english isn't your forte
I posted this exact image 2 days ago, disappeared to p10 with not one reply. WTF Sup Forums?
>Masaru could barely even defeat a low tier Knight like Craniamon.
In lore he is one of the weakest Knights.
He is an ant compared to Jesmon, Alphamon, and Omegamon.
>Koumi is best ship
>Gets less fanfiction than TaiMi
>Izzy is the most chad based character and
fucking made himself a millionare but Tai, Matt,
and fucking Jou is all anyone care about
Nerd ship since middle school. Where the nerd got the highschool stacy. But fandom cucked me of it via less fanfiction than fucking Joumi.
Are you mentally ill?
Need to be clear.
Looks cool and original, I would have called it
Mega evolution: Mega Omnimon or just Omnimon Blue for short.
Caring about fanfiction is a sign of mental illness.
checked the archive, yours was a picture for ants
>>Strongest digimon together with alphamon
They aren't even the strongest royal knights if you count their founder.
So guys, will ZeedMilleniummon ever appear in any Digimon anime ever? I've heard lots of cool stuff about it, it looks cool, it is very powerful.
But they never want to animate it for shame.
Fuck off Ryo, nobody likes you.
MaloMyotismon is a bit underrated imo.
I mean the forshadowing with Wizardmon was much more subtle then i'd expect from even the better seasons and the whole Oikawa arc was pretty decent by itself, shame it had to be in 02
I was sure they were building up to it when the poster to the 3rd movie with machinedramon was released, i mean it was the best explanation for why they had to shoehorn the Digiemperor in there and a Reset that specificly brought back Machinedramon sounded like a cooking recipe war Milleniummon but now it's apparent that nobody working on tri knows about the more obscure stuff, most of them probably didn't watch half of the show.
>implying digimon has consistent power levels
I remember when lucemon was a pawn and omegamon would get oneshot by alphamon.
>yet another Omegamon
Their founder needs Omegamon in order to come into reality
>I was sure they were building up to it
You were delusional
Not this specific Omegamon though, not sure which one he originally used in this canon though.
Doesn't really matter though since there are definetely stronger Digimon the even Paladinmode, the fact that they didn't really show up in the show doesn't mean that they could't bring them up instead of just another Omegamon.
>Not this specific Omegamon though
Actually, the only Paladinmode showed in the anime used Adventure's Omegamon
As for the Paladinmode of the lore yes, we don't know, but the powerlevel of the RK always change
Why is Dragon Mode better than Fighter or Paladin Mode?
>You and your friends go missing for like a year
>None of your other friends seem to notice or care
>After a year, they finally realize something's up and decide to look for you
>They give up and forget about you again after five minutes
Some nice friends you got there, Davis
You're right, but i really hope they won't try to write some explanation about this being the same Paladinmode.
That's basically why the Royal Knights shouldn't be in this canon, half of them are fanservice to the show.