Waifu/Harem thread

It's that time again.

Post yours, rate others.

Attached: Harem.png (680x587, 441K)

Other urls found in this thread:


template 1

Attached: 21dfqra[1].png (1000x689, 19K)

template 2

Attached: AXH5C[1].png (800x624, 23K)

7/10 thanks to Shiki and Asuka

Attached: 000000000000.png (800x846, 372K)

+ Shiki, Asuka, Alpha, Lafiel
+ Rei, Asuka, Anna, Miria, Kanna

Attached: Favorite girls across all worlds.jpg (3666x2754, 2.45M)

I like it when the girls care about me.

Attached: yandherem.png (1231x883, 1.57M)

This seems like a really bad idea. Like really bad.

0/10, 'cause of seasonal garbage girl.
>unironically liking 3DPD


This is the way to go.

Attached: trap harem.png (1022x1613, 2.63M)

Attached: harem.png (1000x689, 607K)


Your layout is horrible, fix it first.

Only the Sup Forums section: 3/4




Attached: harem02.png (800x624, 451K)


My nigga.

Attached: m'harem.png (2305x850, 3.67M)

Attached: Only My Railgun.jpg (3968x4044, 2.55M)

I wonder how noticeable my fetishes are.

Attached: My Anime Harem.png (797x1569, 1.67M)

You waifufags disgust me, go back to your waifu threads if you can't into harems.
Just kidding, you have good taste.

This is the best harem in this thread.

One waifu.

Attached: My Sweet Lady.jpg (3968x4044, 3.95M)

Too lazy to make one, but Iori, Anzu, and some lolis.

Who gives a fuck about the layout

Attached: 1510549331512.png (1024x576, 528K)

My harem is so pretty. I love them all so much.

Attached: My Mami harem.png (1500x1034, 1.63M)

my saliva wife is cute

Attached: urabeharem.png (800x623, 452K)


mommy issues?

You like dykes and or to be emasculated?



You like crazy people?

I know I am basic no bully pls

Attached: 1520768484737.png (991x680, 595K)


This is the way to make a harem

I need to update this.

Femdom is your fetish.

Attached: anime harem.png (1427x1248, 1.75M)

user those are all men

What's your point?

Attached: 1511314921779.png (530x591, 314K)

no u!

Preferences are preferences.

Nice taste in Sup Forums , /h/, and /s/.



Attached: Cozy harem.png (576x650, 413K)

Shirase and alpha are all you need out of that bunch OP. Send all those other narsty bitches packing.

>Not having Ami on one side and Mami on the other
Nice. I'm especially fond of Fubuki and Faye.

Attached: 1511814789127.jpg (1000x689, 347K)

>Rei Ayanami
My african americans.

Attached: My quiet humble harem..png (1175x1225, 2.64M)

Attached: haram7.jpg (2000x4790, 2.77M)

get out, loyalty to one waifu is the only way to go

Attached: 1509707762431.png (991x1379, 1001K)

>still being a waifu monogamist in the 13.772 billion year since the universe has existed

Attached: Waifuclaiming stamp.gif (500x390, 1.83M)

Attached: harem.png (1599x1356, 1.53M)


Attached: 1520768555841.png (800x1051, 546K)

just realized that I fucked the image up

Attached: 1520768555841.png (800x620, 543K)

Attached: gays welcome.png (640x509, 453K)

She is all I need

Attached: 1520768484737.png (1000x689, 267K)

I have a real life twin and I always imagined Ami would marry him.

He got married though so I think now it's my responsibility to marry Ami too. Separating them would be evil.

Attached: 674e46f323d701afd7066ec446ba2806fa374b2d.jpg (1820x2558, 874K)

get cracking

Attached: mosaic92232dbb9d4bc02c6374dc5b114cf7d1f3242841.jpg (912x912, 248K)


Attached: indifferent.jpg (1200x935, 775K)

Kill yourself.

>Having only one waifu
Why are you guys so gay?

Attached: mywifes.jpg (2964x2975, 3.97M)

You haven't watched many anime, have you?
Fuck off.
8/8 Amazing
10/10 for being true to your waifu

excellent tastes


8/8, kudos for Bernkastel

Attached: harem v2.png (1000x689, 879K)

Gentlemen of most supreme and enlightened taste

Attached: harem.png (1000x689, 621K)

Jesus user, you could conquer a small continent with that harem at your back.

I don't want to be straight, then.

Attached: The cutest fisherman.png (1000x689, 520K)

Is that a Louise in the upper right corner?

Attached: harem vs anti-harem v2.jpg (800x1472, 390K)

The only decent ones here.

Attached: CE62295F-67B5-F38D-E941-4D35FD1B99611.png (1000x689, 650K)


Attached: Harem.png (1000x689, 603K)

My blade can only swing for one nation.

Attached: Girls Bravo_Episode 10 31 Kirie Turns To Black Bird.jpg (1366x768, 356K)

Notice any patterns?

Attached: harem3x3.jpg (920x920, 222K)

>Having more than one ''waifu''

>Megumi along with Yozora
That's' a pretty rare taste and harem my man.

>You haven't watched many anime have you
I try not to have a lot of waifus and only those who I deem really special

Guess my fetish based on my harem.

Attached: All you can eat.jpg (2836x2224, 987K)


Attached: †Sacred Fallen Harem of a Thousand Leaves†.jpg (3968x4044, 3.93M)

Attached: 189371343.png (1600x1103, 1.14M)


Attached: 1484246542054.jpg (3968x4044, 4M)

I get it, you have 1 waifu, but she is also many waifus.

How many of you treat this waifu stuff seriously and how many just like to fill in charts and put in attractive female characters they like. I'm not judging either way, just interested.

Call me a faggot.

Attached: harem.png (1000x689, 663K)

I take it seriously. No memes here, just pure feelings.

Attached: Moonlight harem.png (996x923, 1.18M)

I don't know about seriousness, but I have favorite characters that don't get into the harem, and shows I really liked that aren't represented in my list. Also, taking anyone in the list out to "make room for more" is kind of sad and painful.

Attached: harem.png (1000x689, 702K)

If you think you have more than one "waifu" then you actually have none. A waifu is your significant other in a committed parasocial relationship, not just any girl in your top X favourites or whatever

Genuinely in love.

8/10 Mostly because of Holo

Attached: Harem.png (1004x693, 671K)

Can't decide on the center spot. Guess my type


Entry level

Not bad

I can't fathom the kind of autism that goes into putting together so many images for a single waifu but you have excellent taste

Mostly the latter, though I try not to include anyone unless I genuinely like them as characters.

Attached: 1519314215146.png (1084x1082, 1.39M)

>crossboarder filth
>calling anybody else's opinions shit

Kill yourself post-haste, Sup Forumsermin.

>the kind of autism
It's called love

>traitorous critic
Your opinions ARE shit

The magnet gave me a chuckle. Also good taste.


You were also neglected as a child, I see

>tender loving
You fucking wot m8

This is so wrong. The idea that I have only enough love for 1 person is wrong.The fact that we are only allowed to love one person is wrong. I have an infinite amount of love in my heart, and I can share it with more people than one. If I want to love multiple people, who has the right to say that I can't?

>but I have favorite characters that don't get into the harem
How do you judge that? Are they characters you like but don't find attractive? Like they're too young or old.
> and shows I really liked that aren't represented in my list.
I think this is understandable either way. I mean some of my favorite anime don't even have characters, so it would be rather hard to pick someone from those.

>some of my favorite anime don't even have characters

waifus & daughterfus.

Attached: 1517896799934.png (800x624, 502K)

This one for example:

I see you are also a fellow father.

Attached: left.png (960x822, 755K)

I want to fuck blue squiggly line.

>putting in all sisters
That's cheating, cunt.


Here is mine.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-03-05_024837~2.png (720x896, 1.17M)

Attached: 1516138644495.jpg (1835x1530, 662K)

Why is the photoshopping in harem threads so consistently worse than 3x3 threads?

Attached: small harem.png (798x397, 207K)

I love Lilly Satou!

Attached: lilly do it for her big.jpg (2756x1575, 1.44M)






Who is left on second row?

Attached: harem.png (1000x689, 661K)

Miyako is for Yamato

Attached: 1518574002211.png (1002x750, 1.18M)

Attached: harem.png (1404x964, 1.05M)