Darling in the Franxx

What the hell happened

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Darling in the FranXX - 09 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_19.51_[2018.03.10_18.40.48].jpg (1910x2140, 327K)

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Goro got Ichigo.
Now Ichigo can get over Hiro and let him be happy with his dino waifu.

Good things happened

How long until they have babies?

End of the show. They will name their son after Hiro who died saving everyone

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I want to Fuck Ichigo’s ichigo.

Goro set up a bunch of deathflags.
Hiro is now aware of Ichigo's feelings.

Miku has nice tits for a midget

Michlan and ichigofags BTFO

You mean Goro destroyed a bunch of deathflags

lol no
Goro is dying in episode 11.

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Ichigo is such an asshole!

Deepest lore!

[muffled screaming]

kardashian happened

Sidonia reference?

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Oh god please no, I want it to end with 02xHiro.

I wonder which shitty scaler did you use? Doesn't look like waifu2x or neuron doubler.

I dont understand bro, the original looks like shit

The original is 800×1465. There's noticeable aliasing along the edges, I kinda see that it's a brush the artist used but still if you do that use something decent instead.

Why are people making these edits? There are no Gorofags to trigger.

I did not use a scaler, i just saved it from the pixv
But i was bigger 10 minutes ago, now its smaller

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That's the joke retard

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nope, she's into Goro now

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hey she just got a thousand times cuter. Ichigo, that is.

This show is going to be endless episodic horseshit with cycling relationship drama, isn't it?

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>a show about relationship drama has relationship drama

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I forgot what happened in the previous episodes...does ichigo know what "love" is? (that it's the same as a person being "special" and it's a thing related to kissing?) I don't remember whether 02 dropped the word to ichigo during their confrontation in the ruins or not

She overheard the guys talking about it, thats why she was blushing

Within four episodes the two leads were practically fucking, I figured it might actually be a show that just puts it's characters in relationships and doesn't faff about with will-they-won't-they nonsense, and plunge head first into the plot while the relationships grow out of that.

Instead the formula is pretty obvious. Character has unresolved issue with another character, monster of the week shows up and gets beaten, character brings up issue to other character in the last 2 minutes and then happy music swells.

Their role-play game is awful

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>Hiro has a larger dick than Goro so Ichigo will have to mask Goro's dick aswell.
>Ichigo can only shout Hiro during sex.
>Goro's tears cannot be seen due to the Hiro mask.
>Hiro and Zero-Two end up walking in on them since they were planning to have some fun themselves.

Panel 1
>02: Here, I said I'd wash your back didn't I?
>Bottom right: [He gave her a towel]
>02: Don't worry, it'll just be a normal wash I swear!
>Hiro: O-ok...

Panel 2
>Hiro: HEEE!!?

Panel 3
>Hiro: W-WAIT, D-DON'T
>02's Oppai: "Munyuu"~ ("Boing" if you want, otherwise just leave it in kana)
>02: Fufuu, Darling~
>02: How about to wash you aaaaaall over without missing any "spots"~?

Panel 4
>Ichigo: What's going on here?
>Sign says: [In the middle of bathing with Darling!!]
>Goro: Ah.
>Futoshi: Ah.
>[Ichigo 5 seconds before breaking in]

Hope you're still around typesetter user, I'm done

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: How about to wash you aaaaaall over without missing any "spots"~?
Make that:
>How about I wash you aaaaaall over without missing any "spots" instead~?

Only episode 9, 4 and maybe 6 in any way match that though, and your description is reductionist as all hell.

I'm asking to know how ichigo is taking his confession in the newest ep. Does she even know what suki is?

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they talked about it here, and thats how she knows

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Darling in the FranXX - 07 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_12.03_[2018.03.11_17.03.14].jpg (1920x1080, 222K)

None of them really know what love is, but yeah it's definitely fair to say that Ichigo knows that much and that it's related to kissing.

For real though, this episode fully made me a Gorobro.

so will they ever show what naomi's franxx looked like?

How is goro so leveled headed about this? I wish I could have been so clairvoyant and clear with romantic feelings when I was a teenager.

Hair down Ichigo > Stupid hairclip Ichigo

he's chad

loli saved the show. sorry 02fags

He's introspective and has access to a control that he's willing to compare himself against.

More like Goro saved it by putting the shitty love triangle on its deathbed.

He's a good boy unlike you.

You would be the same if you grew up in his environment.

>it's an Ichigo episode

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It was Goro's episode, user. And he did good.

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Oh, so Ichigo knows that Goro feels for her the same way as Hiro and 02 feel for eachother?

I watched it yesterday on my tablet because I was travelling
I should have waited. Watching it on a bigger screen with good audio made it for me.

Holy shit this entire fucking episode. It was absolutely fantastic!
This is the best episode so far, in my opinion.

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Yeah, she should understand that much at least.



>Okie dokie it's done. I tried to get a little creative, never really done sfx and stuff for previous chapters. Hope you guys like this. Feel free to give me comments, I still have the .psd.
>P.S. If you guys repost later (since this thread is reaching limit), please repost with the above comment too.

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Okie dokie it's done. I tried to get a little creative, never really done sfx and stuff for previous chapters. Hope you guys like this. Feel free to give me comments, I still have the .psd.

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Nice timing...

You guys are cute. Thanks, Nero.

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Thanks a lot user, and here I was wondering why your post was deletd in the previous thread.

>great episode with healing, a great confession and Ichigo being a good girl
>bucketloads of fanart, oc and porn to look at it
>an accompanying manga that is excellent in its own right
It's going to be a good week.

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delet this

>Oh wow a mirror
>What a lame gift
>Is that kid really stalking me right now?
>whatever he's trying his best. I guess I'll just pretend, I get to assert dominance over that obsessive stalker again too.
>yeah this is lame I fucking hate myself

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Darling in the FranXX - 09 [720p].webm (1280x720, 2.19M)

Was that Re:Zero scene really that bad that it became such a meme?

>here is my dead gf's mirror u can have it
what did he mean by this?

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>02 isn't a lia-

I cant believe mirror is fucking dead

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More like
>A mirror?
>But I hate how I look
>But it's a sweet present from darling

Naomi wasn't his gf from what I recall. And she told him to distribute her stuff. Plus he probably doesn't really have any personal belongings he could have given her. Had he met 02 before he wrote his wishlist, he'd probably have asked for something from Papa to give to her.


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everything is just passive-aggressive actions between 002 and Hiro


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>fuck me I hate how I look
>but at least darling is showing me he cares
>I should be happy about that

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Yeah receiving a gift from Hiro is what matters. Granted it might not have been best gift but there probably wasn't any thing wrong with it from Hiro's perspective considering how he views 02.

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what did her and hiro's franxx look like?

Anta baka?

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she didn't notice Ichigo and she loves the attempt he made, you shitposter. When are you going to stop forcing your stupid meme.

It's the best he could give, I think. If they were to experience another Papa-Christmas, he'd probably wish for something to give to 02. He just wanted to give something to her now to show her how much she matters.
But you know, it doesn't seem like the Parasites have a lot of personal belongings, and she didn't seem to be into the book he had.

Will we see Mitsuru and Ikuno childhood flashback?

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There needs to be more Asuka Miku fanart
Too bad anyone besides 02 and Ichigo to lesser extent dont get much art

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Posted this in the almost dead thread.

So considering how they seems to be trying to pair everyone with someone (Ichigo+Goro this week).

What are the chances that:
> Futoshi+Kotoro
> Mitsuru+Ikuno

Ends up being re-arranged to:

> Mitsuru + Kokoro
> Futoshi + Ikuno


Never commissioned I guess.

I'd be surprised if she really didn't realize Ichigo was around, though. Hiro not hearing it, I can get. But 02 could hear a transport ship land from where she stood with Nana and Hiro.

>forgetting 02 has spidey senses

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Mitsuru gets both girls
no joke

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high-grade shitpost

need some source there

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No, the scene was very good, but the interpretation Sup Forums did was too superficial, resulting in brainlets calling it as a low point.