What's the appeal of this girl?
What's the appeal of this girl?
her smile is beautiful
she's great for stupid people with no self esteem
someone post the gif
there are no good girls in eva
shes submissive and i can relate to that. i also want to die
She's better than Acyka.
Rei is boring but her fan art is god tier
Only because Misato is a woman.
She's my mom.
Shinji leave
>Rei is so weak willed that she allows a crowd of weebs to molest her
I used to like Rei but after more time alive and more life experiences IRL I like the other one more.
problem with Rei is IRL she would be like Zoe Quin. come on admit it. quite IRL but a total spam bot online.
The best thing about Rei is when you wear yours out you can just fish a fresh one out of the aquarium.
Only boys
she comes with backups
Mecha is the shettiest genre of anime and the girls reflect this.
>EVA is mecha
no, it's not
Could rei get pregnant if she is a clone?
She was impregnated on screen. Maybe she can't like a human, depends how you read "a woman who doesn't bleed" and the pills.
Fans think she's a doll for your control.