What's the appeal of this girl?

What's the appeal of this girl?

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her smile is beautiful

she's great for stupid people with no self esteem

someone post the gif

Attached: rei fan.gif (300x300, 5K)

there are no good girls in eva

shes submissive and i can relate to that. i also want to die

She's better than Acyka.

Rei is boring but her fan art is god tier

Attached: rei head pat.jpg (567x800, 91K)

Only because Misato is a woman.

She's my mom.

Shinji leave

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>Rei is so weak willed that she allows a crowd of weebs to molest her


I used to like Rei but after more time alive and more life experiences IRL I like the other one more.

problem with Rei is IRL she would be like Zoe Quin. come on admit it. quite IRL but a total spam bot online.

The best thing about Rei is when you wear yours out you can just fish a fresh one out of the aquarium.

Only boys

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she comes with backups

Mecha is the shettiest genre of anime and the girls reflect this.

>EVA is mecha
no, it's not

Could rei get pregnant if she is a clone?

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She was impregnated on screen. Maybe she can't like a human, depends how you read "a woman who doesn't bleed" and the pills.

Attached: terminated by the father who was also the intended offspring.jpg (1920x1080, 313K)

Fans think she's a doll for your control.