Is this show the Evangelion of our generation?
Is this show the Evangelion of our generation?
It's the Evangelion of Eureka Seven clones
It's the guilty crown of our generation but retards still like it.
Probably. My older sister who had next to none knowledge of mecha-genre asked "is that evangelion?" When she saw me watching it.
the last 3 episodes were nothing but cookie-cutter SoL antics and shameless fanservice.
We're supposed to be watching how Hiro starts defying Papa's beliefs and how he is the only who can ride with Zero Two, not a fucking beach episode, a TLR-tier episode about grills vs boys, and constant NTR-bait with milkman and kokoro.
All hope for this becoming the next Evangelion is lost.
why would you want that?
It's not even close to being like Guilty Crown.
No, its the Bulla Aurea of our generation, but animated and with cute girls.
Both are shit, so probably.
Are waifushitters easier to bait than ever before?
>muh dazzling manic semen demon, tfw no oni gf to turn my boring life upside down ;_;
It was shit since the first episode.
The only reason this shitshow won't breeze through as uncared about as Kiznavier is due to the butts and the NTR memes.
you still need to ask that?
tell me one anime this season that isn't waifubait
Why does a garbage show like this get such great animation? It's just not fair
>my older sister
Is she a tomboy oneesan?
Because Nishigori went out drinking with Imaishi.
No. In fact if not for the doggystyle piloting and butt handle bars it'd be a fairly unremarkable series.
Trigger bros are taking it in turns to let each of them make their dream show. It turns out some of these guys, despite being fantastic animators or character designers, are fucking abysmal when it comes to showrunning and have awful taste.
Ah, the classic "CUTE GIRLS is the purpose of ALL anime" defense. Most female characters will have at least a few waifufags latch onto them, that doesn't make them waifubait.
I wasn't defending that, he asked about the mental capacity of waifufags, when there is no need to even question if they are that dumb
Gud joek
Yes. Amazingly all of Sup Forums, leddit and MAL think it's the best anime to come out in a long time.
No because everything outside of Zero Two is trash while Evangelion had positives beyond Asuka.
I don't know what you mean by that but anyways Evangelion is the Evangelion of my generation.
>Is this show the Gurren Lagann of our generation?
Only if I end up dropping it 20+ episodes in, too.
This user gets it.
Yeah, it's worse.
>is due to the butts and the NTR memes.
Don't forget the fact that this is Trigger, which has one of the most obnoxious fanbases in recent anime. Triggerfags always try to make each new Trigger show as if it's some landmark event in anime.
I remember them trying to unironically insist that Inferno Cop was good. Some still won't even accept that Kill La Kill is trash.
Those shows are good. Trigger fans don't even like DITF, because it's not a Trigger anime. It's exactly the kind of shit Imaishi shows are liked for being different to.
Given that they're both shit, I'd go with yes.
Fight me weebs.
>the last 3 episodes were nothing but cookie-cutter SoL antics and shameless fanservice.
>All hope for this becoming the next Evangelion is lost.
Did you even watch evangelion? Evangelion had the same level of fanservice these series had, and from 7-12 it was literally cookie cutter SoL antics, the only difference with franxx is that they had a monster of the week
This, its a mecha show with a male lead and straight romance
Most triggerfags are tumblrinas so they dont watch these kind of shows in the first place
Not really, Triggerfags tend to be into the same shit as Imaishi - hotblooded MCs doing zany shit, often very referential and tongue in cheek.
DITF is a dime-a-dozen LN tier mecha romance that takes itself too easily and has a blank self insert MC that is the polar opposite of everything Trigger shows bring to the table.
It's an A1 show with Trigger helping out.
The first 9 franxx episodes are unironically better than the first nine eva episodes
To be fair
Franxx 1 = Eva 1 (just setup and introduction of the world, ends with mc piloting
Eva 2 >>> Franxx 2, eva had shinji piloting and foreshadowing about their true nature, franxx had an ichigo chapter
Eva 3 > Franxx 3 This is more tied, both were pretty meh, hiro cucks himself so his friends get saved vs rei joins school, angel attack and shinji saves his friends himself
Franxx 4 >>> Eva 4 This is a easy one
Franxx 5 > Eva 5 both setups for the big fight, both were good but franxx episode was far better
Franxx 6 = Eva 6 The first big battle, shinji heals rei and hiro heals oni.
Franxx 7 = Eva 7 Both episodes were pretty shitty
Franxx 8 >Eva character development vs asuka introduction and the dumb water battle.
Franxx 9 >>>> Eva 9 Self explanatory too
As this guy said people should stop bashing franxx while dicksucking evangelion, because up to episode 9 they were pretty much tied, in fact eva from 7 - 11 was pretty fucking shitty and plot didnt advance besides asuka introduction and it was driven by the monster of the week, while franxx had episode 9 already
>blank self insert MC
Ah those are lots of buzzwords there user-tan
>Inferno Cop
Imagine having taste this terrible. This user is like a parody of an awful person.
not him but great argument faggot
They are descriptive, because there is absolutely nothing to DITF other than the most generic shit. They put no effort in this show and the complete lack of passion is obvious.
Maybe try watching the show next time tumblrina
This isn't a debating club. Sometimes the right thing to do is just point and laugh at the terrible faggot.
I can't wait til these crossboarders crawl back to where they came from after this shitshow finishes.
Nice meme
You only think this crap because you're too attached to Zero Two. Literally the worst girl in a long time.
i mean there is an active tag on tumblr for DITF and its usually populated by gifsets, not tumblrina pining about problematic points
It's the kiznaiver of anime
B-but we got valuable development for the deep complex characters and information about the world
It's unlikely FranXX will have much influential impact on the anime industry so no. The most recent thing even close was Madoka.
Your generation have shit taste so you might be right
It's good so far, please stop comparing it to other shows. Especially Eva.
>The most recent thing even close was Madoka.
It had a few ripoffs but wasn't influential.
What's your point? Can you name something more influence after 2010?
Sword Art Online
Deconstruction of Mecha versus Deconstruction of anime romance.
They're completely different, stop comparing them.
EVA is a masterpiece this is a piece of trash.
why is everything a deconstruction these days?
>Is this show the Evangelion of our generation?
No, DITF is actually good and makes sense.
thankfully no
it's just a comfy romcom with cute waifus
>evangelion is not his generation
>tfw eva was 23 years ago
I only want to learn more about zero two and the shitty world they live in everything
I want to hurry and see all the bullshit behind papa
Are you forgetting Ichigo?
No, it's even better.
It's Charlemagne of our generation!
Evangelion is shit. Franxx is okay and fun.
Then I'll laugh at you.
They would be descriptive. If they were - you know - true.
Because it makes people think that you are smart for saying it
>Is this show the Evangelion of our generation?
There needs to be a huge stinger plot that defies premise in order to pull it off. Otherwise, it'll end up being forgotten in 6 months after its showing
Eva was boring nonsensical edgy trash disliked by at least half of the anime world while Franxx has a cast of developing likeable characters and is actually the best anime of it’s year.
this but unironically
>actual opinion and deconstruction of plot progress and decent comparison between series
>bad taste kek
you sure got him good champ
So, train user, did you end up fapping?
Oh I didn't read that part I was just laughing at user for his terrible taste.
>the Evangelion of our generation
Not really. It's lighter than Evangelion but not bad either.
I wasn't being ironic. It's not really debatable.
How long until a Dummy Plug plot device?
>he still hasn't ascended to the point that Guilty Crown became entertaining due to its sheer unpredictablity and ridiculousness
More like the aldnoah zero
No, but it's the newest one in the DROPPED EVERY WEEK category of anime.
>older sister
user, you know what you must do.
Yes, but done right
>Guilty Crown
>Aldnoah Zero
Am I missing any other one?
I unironically dropped it a few eps back and only regret watching that far. When they didn't kill off the self insert boy there was no point.