How do you keep track of your seasonal anime?

How do you keep track of your seasonal anime?

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I use the old noggin

animebytes and MAL

I use a nice little site called "My Cartoon Log", you may have heard of it

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No one cares about your diary you little faggot.


I don’t watch cartoons.

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I don't. I just have uTorrent set to automatically download the 720p/1080p release whenever it's available.

RSS feed drops new anime into my torrent program, when I watch it I remove it from the list of downloads. Wow, hard right?

RSS feeds into a seasonal folder. And let taiga deal with it from there

The good ol' noodle
I typically only watch 4-12 animu per season (not counting long running series), while sometimes dropping 1-2 of them and then maybe binge 1-3 animu after the season is over.

shana project + an rss reader

I browse Sup Forums
and then either I remember to watch or I forget

not sure which is worse

My brain. It helps that I have at least some discriminating taste and don't pick up every piece of shit that airs.

I just go here once per day and check the schedule.

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Myanimelist and taiga to manage it, it literally updates automatically when i watch episodes.

the application for the working user who doesn't have time to download all the stuff manually and not the funds to buy a NAS and organize it all in worktime while being paid

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Auto-download via RSS, sort downloads folder by age, watch oldest episodes first, delete each episode after viewing and skimming for reaction images, update MAL once a show is finished.
Alternatively, if it's a normalfag-tier show and I'd rather watch it in the living room, I set the torrent download directory to my media server so it appears on Plex on my PS4. Plex takes care of cataloguing the show with metadata and marking watched episodes.

Show gets its own folder once I've watched three episodes, just check for new downloads, wipe all seasonal shit that didn't hit the three episode mark at the end of the season and begin anew.,

I love Souseiseki!

I only watch 3 anime per season, So I don't do anything

uTorrent+Rss for auto download?

>watching airing stuff
>not having a fuckhuge backlog so you get to things that have BDs out already
>not downloading the entire season and just deleting the episodes you've watched
Tbh i watch like two seasons per semester but follow shitloads of manga

Just use MAL, retards

>b-but MAL is for faglords
It's still good for keeping a log, retards

by only watching 1 at most

>He isn't banned permanently from MAL
Look at this fag.

MAL, just like every other sane person on this planet


fuck Sup Forums elitism


>he was banned from MAL because he stoop down to their level and posted on their shit-tier forums
Maybe you should think about your previous actions before you call others fags. Faggot.

Trackma + Anilist

>Implying I ever visited their shitty forums

How did you get banned if you didn't visit their forums?

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Naming the jew in show reviews maybe