Ladies > underage girls.
Ladies > underage girls
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Kaede looks like shit in that image
fucking disgusting
Kaede doesn't even look that old.
Teleiofags get out
I enjoy both.
You wouldn't be saying that if you have ever fucked a little girl. I almost felt bad for her anus
I hate Kaede
anarexia hit her hard
I love both.
Honestly I love short girls. They always interest me.
She does look too skinny in that pic.
Acceptable JKs?
JKs are too old anyways so eh
how many dicks?
I really dig the casual slutwear and photo feel. It gives the sense of a scene you could see in real life. I also dig skinny.
Occasional prayer for new manga chapter.
Long > oppai
>3D >2D
I think it looks good. Get some taste, bitch nigga.
>things that never happened
The artist is the greatest.
>another cake thread
I love Kaede!
The era of cakes starts now.
>Kaede thread
>no bad puns
Old Sup Forums users realized that cakes are the future and lolis are boring shit we used to post because it was "trendy".
Who is the artist?
He also draws some super kinky stuff under a different name.
It's literally in the filename, dumbass.
I want to wake up to this.
Why is she wearing a leotard though? The sight of her bare ass is great but she's not a ballerina.
>Why is she wearing a leotard though?
Is that a question you ever really need to ask?
Enjoy the perma
looks like she's swiped/adapted her whole look from Tina Turner circa 1984 there!
Tomboys are the best.
Lolis disgust me
What would be hotter is seeing some cum dripping on her inner thigh from the morning fuck we just had. I'm a degenerate, I know.
What would be hotter for me is seeing a bit of my cum around her mouth because she sucked me off before I even woke up. I'm a degenerate too.
thank you Tina Turner circa 1984
Used goods > virgins
>honey, that's not enough coffee for the both of us
>oh? No that's only for you, dear. I've had my morning drink already :P
What kind of cake would you request from Tawawa Bakery?
translation of after 25 never
Can i get a name? Dont use sad panda
You at least have a Pixiv account, or (bare minimum) know how to use IQDB and booru sites.
Coming your way user
(((you))) don't deserve those dubs
"After20", actually.
>Taneda back in action
>Ashigara finally gets married
JKs a best
>draw a teenage girl
>call her a cake
>draw a cake
>call her a teenage girl
I can only find his shibu11 stuff. I meant the name for his nsfw stuff which has a different name
>turkish coffee grinder + drip coffee
patrician taste, would wife 10/10
What's your point?
Nana should have kids.
>I am literally going to marry Nana.
Don't forget to get her parents' permission first. (I suspect they'll desperately agree, for some reason.)
>Flat chested
might as well
Dubs confirms
Grown women with modest chests and great legs.
She's definitely built for it.
"Cakes" are shit. There's no point to older women if they're pure.
I think they just want women their own age that they can relate to, but also mutually lose their virginity to.
From what it looks like it's definitely more about the relationship potential than just sex
inb4 it becomes a cuck fantasy.
ty cuck
I think you mean women, unless you're actually an unbearable faggot neckbeard that tips his hat to m'lady.
JDs, OLs, and Christmas cakes need love too.
The New Game threads say they're all gay, though. Or is it just a phase.
A JD is fine too.
[ ] get lovingly bullied by a JD idol
[ ] do not get lovingly bullied by a JD idol
Choose wisely.
Kaede a shit. A SHIT.
He draws the female body realistically. Shame he doesn't have any doujins.
Reality is bad, but not that horrifying.
t. Miofag
Oh I fucking love this artist.
haduki, rin, and yun are gay. the rest are straight.
My waifu is a cake.
You mean the same Mio that scamco rigged a poll to get into the top 3? Please don't accuse me of being one of those shitters. There is no such thing as a Miofag, they don't exist.
Looks like we still haven't forgiven anime Mio.
I'm Miofag. I love her.
>Cross necklace
Non-Christian girls wearing crosses are sluts.
I want to punch you right in the guts.
Mio is a cunt and deserves no love.
I prefer an innocent pure loli with a tight cunny that I can mold into my perfect wife than some cake that has slept with more guys than she has fingers
Sauce. iqdb gives nothing