
>Mei was ready to fuck
>Yuzu declines

What was Yuzu's major malfunction?

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Nope. Yuzu rejected Mei's because Mei expressed it like she did a favor to repay Yuzu for her kindness. Yuzu wasn't nice to Mei because she wanted something from her in exchange. Mei worded it like it was a trade.

Poor communication between these two. Yuzu knew something was fishy, but she didn't understand why she declines. By instinct, she did it and she was right. She should have been clear on her reasons. Mei wanted it, but she badly worded it.

Yuzu wants Mei to "want " to be with her, not have sex with her as a reward or to just feel good

>This Series

Disgusting trash.

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Not an edgemaster but the manga would make a lot more sense if Mei was raped on her childhood or something. She seems to genuinely see sex as an exchange, not as an expression of love and desire. That's really fucked up if you think about it, like a Sion Sono flick rather than shoujoshit. The shoujo male lead rape girls because it feels good, his sad past try to tell us why he isn't a bad person for raping the female lead but Mei seems genuinely confused about human sexuality and social interaction.

why is Mei such a cunt

Beta bitch.

Someone on the other thread said the manga was supposed to end on vol 4 but YH demanded Sabu to stretch it so that mean Mei can't stop being a cunt because there won't be a plot

"Nothing personnel, Yuzu"

Bad pasta

idk why Yuzu doesn't just drop mei at this point. I would easily get sick of her wishy-washy decision making about this. From one second she's all "lets fuck" and the next shes completely uninterested.

It is an assumption. There isn’t any proof of that just because arc 4 is considered as badly written. It was never stated that YH asked that.

because forced drama is the lifeblood of yuri

Could be worse, see Hana Yori Dango.

>Author wanted to make a manga about female empowerment and class struggle
>The audience sided with the elitist sociopath
>Author spent 9 volumes trying to make the audience to hate the sociopath
>The audience only loves him more, even when he sent his minions to rape the heroine
>Author gave up and made him the love interest
>Best selling manga ever and ran for 37 volumes

>From one second she's all "lets fuck" and the next shes completely uninterested.
Like real women

> She seems to genuinely see sex as an exchange, not as an expression of love and desire.
Who cares. They should fuck already!

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so yes seeing that the anime is interesting I've started reading the manga, here are my impressions reading the 1st chapter
>well everyone looks different
>doesn't look like they didn't have enough money like the anime
>no low-quality-recorded meimei voice
>yuzu looks more like a good girl
>harumin still best girl
>seems less drama-y/serious than the anime, see pic related
>looks like they're banking on the story more than the lewds, the anime made it seem mei taking yuzu's phone and then kissing her much more sexual
>mei looks less autistic and more like a bitch

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wait does this mean Citrus has good and realistic writing after all

Japanese and their shit taste never fails to amuse

Comparing yuri series:

Magical Lyrical Nanoha is adorable.
Revolutionary Girl Utena was artistic.
Simoun was boring.
Strawberry Panic was passionate.
Valkyrie Drive was disgusting.
Saki was tanoshii.
Kannzuki no Miko was expressive.
Sakura Trick was stupid.
Citrus is melodramatic.

Maria-sama ga Miteru seemed boring.

Then there's Yuru Yuri, which was outright silly.

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>What was Yuzu's major malfunction?
I fucking screamed.

Attached: mei getting all the mixed signals.webm (1280x720, 2.39M)

>intimacy too far

Someone remind Yuzu of this

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It wasn't just Japan. HYD is an international hit and even latinas love it for it for the K-drama that aired on TV. Hell, the tumblrinas whining about social justice love HYD too

So people love rape?

Based nips.

Yuzu should go back to liking men

Yuzu knows deep down that she belongs with best girl, hence the decline.

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Dream on, ShiN.

Is there a point to the best friend aside from being the best girl that the mc will never love because she's stupid

Everyone should have a best friend.
That said, Harumin didn't even understand that Yuzu is dating Mei in 9 volumes.

Yuzu best girl

She's just a virgin who thinks sex is a big deal after reading too much yuri manga. If your sister-girlfriend wants to have sex then fuck her you dumb orange.

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Yuzu with hairs down is fucking hot!


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The poor fool just got scared. Shit happens.


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Can't be mad, she's qt.

The amount of stupid coincidences and misunderstandings piss me off so much


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>this will never be in the anime

why live

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Yeah, her eyes are much more expressive in the orig manga. Still a bitch tho

Harumin is the only reason I have not dropped this

Considering they finger each other later, that's kinda dumb

Yuzu sent a ton of mixed signals to Mei here.

She's gorgeous.

I'm annoyed that Mei just seem to take Yuzu for granted here. She should be more aggressive in keeping Yuzu for herself.

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Keep your big hard flute away from my citruses.

Mei is convinced that she's better off with someone who'll show her unbridled attention and affection, and only in the way that she wants them to be shown.

Nah, Mei is convinced she's better off with some random dude that will give her a position of power through their family name.

No she isn't, you absolute retard.

Then why did she dump Yuzu and left her house?

Former Mei supporter here. This is fucking hilarous watching Yuzu crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can’t let this chick inherit the Aihara’s academy.

Not because she wants to get married, mong.

>grandfathers academy is super conservative
>girls aren’t even allowed to dye their hair different colours
>son can’t take over at the school, he won’t do it
>grandaugter has to instead
>in order to contiue her grandfathers legacy, Mei would probably have to be wed to a man, also of status
>this rules out being publicaly in lesbians with someone, who is her sister no less
Is it starting to make sense?

So, what you're telling me, is, that, she's better off with some random dude that will give her a position of power through their family name so she can inherit the academy, right?

looks honestly like Citrus is one of the top yuri shows if we go by this list

>Strawberry Panic was bullshit

Wouldn't it be amazing if in Chapter 37 Mei goes to the academy to spy on Yuzu because she is worried, just like Shou did with her?

Please Sabu make it happen

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She's too autistic to stalk anybody.

But it would keep a bit of her character development

>getting character development


No thats Yuru Yuri

Sex as repay for a favor is as bland as wet bread

Unless you're a thirsty sexless nerd virgin

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>Unless you're a thirsty sexless nerd virgin
Yuzu kinda is.

That's not why she refused, she just panicked like the dumb virgin she is.

I'm genuinely convinced that everyone who thinks the series doesn't "make sense" is just speedreading or retarded. Say what you want about the drama being over the top but some people don't even seem to understand the most basic ass shit behind the character motivations.

So wait, Yuzu would only fuck Mei if she's explicitly convinced that the latter is hopelessly seduced and wants the pussy?

That's a tall order, just take the gift horse

Now do you understand why people were calling it telenovela with yuri?

and here's my impressions after the end of the first volume:
>mei is much more pushy and teasing
>why the hell did yuzu fell for this bitch again
>harumin best girl
>everything is going so fast
>if I didn't know mei had such a good reason to become autistic I'd hate her

Citrus is so shitty. YagaKimi anime when?

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Who are you quoting?

>who are you quoting

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>I love you as family

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>but I also really want to smash

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REEEEEEEEEE i diddnt come for feels i just wanted some comfy romantic

>Sup Forums
>being a functional adult that understand such concepts
you don't belong here apparently

yuri is dead genre

Omae wa mou shindeiru.

>he didn't like Sakura Trick and Valkyrie Drive
are you gay or what

That YUZU bothers me whenever someone posts this. I freehanded it on my laptop trackpad just to get it done quickly since someone was asking for the edit. Here's an improved one.

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ST comedy was bland. The gayness only peaked at kissing, it gets boring after a while. At least give us something like 'and then they fucked off screen'.

VD was stupid. Bad stupid, not fun. I don't mind the idea of lesbian hentai airing on TV, just the setting/characters were stupid.

>handful of crushes that never culminate
>all kissing is purely for jokes, even rape kisses
>no relationships or crushes consummated
As bait as bait gets. Good bait, but not yuri.

Season 2 when?

>i didn't come for the feels
Literally how?

Pinkshit is worst girl.

she's not getting the position of power because she's married. she's inheriting the academy because it follows the bloodline. but in order to maintain the family's public image and status she must be married. i know that by reframing your retarded opinion you think it makes you right, but it actually reiterates how poor your reading comprehension skills are.

to be fair, i think a lot of people who "don't understand" are being willfully ignorant, or are purposefully obfuscating basic facts about the plot so they have something to criticize. this is one of those people

Lower quality, random black bar in Mei's hair. The fix to the shoulder just makes it stand out more.

No. Why marry a man of status? Isn't she the one inheriting the academy? Why can't she marry the guy she likes, if ever. That issue is 10~ years or so down the line for her, grandpa could die in the mean time.

A clearly unhappy person in leadership/ownership position doesn't make the business/academy more prestigious. Would send a message of 'this place is a shithole, but it does make you autisticly obedient'.

Sure that's about the only excuse this has going for it. Still doesn't make it logical. Only makes her fathers decisions seem more sound.

she's rejected a number of Mei's advances b/c of the fact she felt they were inauthentic (done in a reciprocal manner or purely out of lust). that's why their first "actual kiss" after the himeko/shou arc was such a surprise for the both of them - it was done out of authentic passion

VD was the stupid kind of fun. Enjoyed it a lot even though it was retarded. Season 2 never.

The VD game was much better than the anime.

>buy it on vita
>PC version announced shortly after
>just never ended up playing it because of this


I just rewatched Marimite today and I forgot how amazing Yumi's character development from a little sister to an oneesama.

Why can't more Yuri be like this?

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>Nanoha as a benchmark for yuri
>Maria-sama ga Miteru seemed boring.

opinion discarded. goback2 nuroto narutard

Yumi was the ultimate player. From the very beginning she had everyone eating up from her hand (even if she wasn't even aware of it).

Have we already forgiven Mei for this?

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This has been explained multiple times in the manga (and the anime probably). Most of the girls (including Mei) have pre-arranged marriages they have little control over. They do it to maintain prestige within the household (sort of how the royal family used to never marry commoners), and consolidate wealth. Some of the girls discuss how they have met their fiances, and that they will be getting married shortly after school ends. If you don't understand why/disagree with arranged marriages then, I don't know what to tell you. Because I'm with you there user ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Furthermore, Mei's Grandpa picked someone who could help manage the academy's assets as it had grown tremendously since he began running it, hence her Fiance is some business magnate at the top of his class. It all ties into the major them running through the series of love vs. duty.

forgot to link this image

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