ITT villains that successfully destroyed Earth. Not "almost succeeded" or "wiped out civilization"...

ITT villains that successfully destroyed Earth. Not "almost succeeded" or "wiped out civilization", I'm talking "Mars is the new third planet" destroyed.

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ur mom
Cuz she's so fat

How can OP ever recover

jesus christ, user

Got 'em.

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but his mom would just take earth place, so it doesn't fit the "Mars is the new third planet"

holy shit


Well I don't know if that counts since it's not Earth, but Frieza destroyed planet Namek, and the entire population had to go to a newly created planet called New Namek.
desu i don't know why they don't call Earth "New Earth" after Boo destroys it

I think he's the only one besides your mom who legit destroyed the earth

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That sleepy dude from Biscuit Hammer succeeded multiple times.

Also destroyed the Earth, but it was reversed by timefuckery

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Frieza technically did too until whis reversed time.

He succeeded in Resurrection F.

So uncivilized

Yes, but as far as I know, there isn't any anime villain who managed to destroy the Earth and it actually stayed destroyed.

Animus from Biscuit Hammer did it, countless times actually.

Hellstar Remina



>ITT villains that successfully destroyed OP


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Destroyed earth and the entire universe

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This abomination from the stars.

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The Gamilas pretty much, but they cheated Earth back to life with space magic so guess tha doesn't really count.

It didn't stay destroyed, they wished it back.

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What was that guy thinking at that moment

But we're the main characters.

This is what Sup Forums considers comedy?

This adorable world annihilator.

You know, Saishuukano was pretty good except for the MC bloke who was almost insufferable.

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t. OP

I fap to planet vore

The Imperium. Thousands of worlds and counting.

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Wew lad

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underrated post

villains that literally destroyed OP

I destroyed his mom last night


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Holy shit

how many layers of irony are we on?

do you remember me?

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This is just for Earth though

I thought Remina wanted to fuck the Earth at first

I don't, who are you?

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Namekians relocated to a new planet after Freeza blew up their planet. When Buu blew up Earth they just wished both the planet and its inhabitants back.

I don't know why they didn't wish the original planet Namek back, though. Maybe to hide the original Namekian Dragon Balls? Namek doesn't have people like Goku and Vegeta to protect it.

This wasn't funny and the fake praise hurts the quality of this board.

>OP still buttburned

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Does Bokurano count? It was parallel Earths/universes though and technically the heroes doing it

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>Does Bokurano count?
It wasn't villains per say blowing them up so I'm gonna say not really.

your moms not that fat OP.

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But his sister? oh boy, she's a whale

>carries a self modified rifle
>"Guns are hard to come by"
Manga Ryo is so much cooler than Crybaby gaylord Ryo.

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The Zentradi in Macross, good thing they had an entire city in the ship

>laced with drugs
it was just a regular dooby wasn't it?

your mom is not funny as well

such savagery

Looks like samefagging with a DNS to me.

don't be mad OP, it's nothing personnel

The joke feels so out of place here that I laughed.

Didnt the villain in Splash Star Precure waste earth? Im pretty sure they ended up fighting on the remain in space.

They went for a far away planet that was hard to find, which is why Freeza's forces couldn't find them in Revival F.

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Earth still exists in 40k though. Theyve just renamed it Terra

>The Imperium
>destroying Holy Terra
Holy mental handicap, Batman!

put me in the screencap reddit! :D

go back there

Came here to poost this

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Forget Earth, this fucker popped 99.99999999999999999999999999999999% of reality[/spoiler] and only failed on the last scraps because reality itself decided it wasn't cool with that. Bonus points to the fact it's name gets erased from history so for most people who would talk about this feat they would end up saying that The D destroyed the multiverse.

Forget Earth, this fucker popped 99.99999999999999999999999999999999% of reality and only failed on the last scraps because reality itself decided it wasn't cool with that. Bonus points to the fact it's name gets erased from history so for most people who would talk about this feat they would end up saying that The D destroyed the multiverse.

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pretty sure this one counts

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In the Dirty Pair universe, isn't Earth uninhabitable due to a historical Grey Goo event? So basically, whoever let the nano-replicators lose.

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OP destroyed forevermore.

I'm indifferent actually