Land of the lustrous, post best gems
Houseki No Kuni Thread
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Reminder that Phos wants to know what is love
I was waiting for a thread because I have to admit something.
I watched the show like four times but I just now realized that Bort was slung over Sensei's shoulder in this scene.
Dia is best gem
Alex Rojo
Look what got scanned
it wasn't that good.
Obligatory post to remind everyone praise our rightful ruler Euclase.
Is Euclase the oldest gem left on earth after Yellow and Padpa went to the moon?
Probably is, since the ones confirmed to be "senior group" are Euclase, Yellow, Padpa and Alex.
Human Jade is the cutest.
Is Bort just a huge autistic tsundere who feels responsible for protecting all the other gems?
>tries the hardest to look for Phos even though he says he hates him to the point of passing out in the ocean
>constantly thinks of ways that other gems can protect themselves better and wants them to git gudder so they wont lose to lunarians
>the first to arrive to rescue other gems all the time
>that devastated face when he's being pulled by Cicada and reaching out because he was about to lose this one in a lifetime chance at getting back a mooned Phos
basically yes. i want bortsu to bully me
>not bullying Bortz by stealing the jellyfish
...i really should get around to granting myself access to this
>no futanari
I don't want this.
Post moon Laphos straight up looks like a villain
Rutile chapter when?
best tiny gem
Just finished the anime. Might pick up the manga later. Season 2 when?
>Season 2 when?
Fucking never, now hang yourself you stupid housekifag
>Japanese gems
>Thin and beautiful
>American gems
>Fat and hideous
>Sensei is a NEET who refuses to work and instead plays with gems (figmas) all day, so the lunarians (his parents/family) steal his figmas in order to motivate him
Is HnK just a criticism of Japanese otaku youth?
>not loving all kinds of gem kind
New Chapter out
Is there any imgur or google drive or other kind of online gallery that contains the artwork by anons in hnk threads?
I love Phos! The happy phos, the sad Phos and the Phos with lapis' head! I love all Phos! Phos is the cutest!
Phos was the cutest.
Just picked these up the other day, I've basically enshrined them.
This anime touched me so deeply, I haven't been able to start watching anything this season. Sometimes I listen to the soundtrack and feel a flood of emotions wash over me.
Also here is pic of best gem
>tfw phos is gone for good
But Phos is right here?
Have you pray for Jade today?.
PD:Jade chapter in 13 days.
You're a funny guy, jade user.
Right? It's very rare for me to get emotionally invested in an anime. But Houseki really nails it for me.
Im way too invested in this series. I have re-read and rewatched this series 5 times over in 3 months and still not even close to being bored of it. I don't know what makes me just enjoy it so much.
Phos being relatable and lovable as heck is probably one reason.
For me part of it is the sheer amount of detail I keep discovering on each read/watch. The plot itself is relatively simple, but there are so many subtle and tasteful touches that are really easy to miss the first time through. I can see myself enjoying Houseki long after the manga is over.
I miss our cute genki Phos. Why did she have to leave us?
I want to hug this rock tightly, pat her head, whisper in her ear that everything will okay and never let go.
Because genki Phos was useless
Deep down I know you're right. I still miss genki Phos though.
I'm half expecting a new Phos to be born at some point just to drive in the point that the Phos we have now doesn't have that much relation to old Phos, or how new Morga and Goshe were implying that old Morga and Goshe were "dead"
incredible, once more I wish I was the sensei... oooh, it would be great if I could headpat all of the gems, not caring they're male
That sounds much more likely than the crackpot theories about reassembling Phos' lost limbs. That would make sense from a narrative perspective, considering the issue of same gem type has been brought up through new Morga and Goshe.
I wouldn't say that, more that Phos really didn't apply himself to his true potential. If we look at a gem like Antarc, who was 0.5 points less hard and about as brittle I think, and the things he was able to achieve, I don't think it's that far fetched to think Phos could have been more too.
what's that book on the right? is it concept stuff?
Is the manga author art book.
Hard to say how much of that is due to Antarc's weird physical structure getting stronger as the temperature decreases, though Phos would have probably found something useful to do eventually given enough motivation.
it kinda bothers me that Phos has gotten so many "power ups" and still is a shameful main character. cute, but shameful. also damn do you imagine the stench those shell eggs give off?
That's me with MiA. Sadly I missed out on HnK when it was airing, but the threads are nice and calm now and the manga is definitely better than the anime.
Next chapter when?!
Thank you Jade user, you truly are my greatest ally.
Are the official english releases any good? I remember reading something about bad translations but I don't know if that's true or not.
They do some kind of awkward things to avoid the whole pronouns thing which probably could have just been avoided had they just gone with he/him/brother, but they're fine for the most part
They also don't have the shiny dust covers like on the JP releases but they are a bit larger
>which probably could have just been avoided had they just gone with he/him/brother,
And thank god.
Holy shit that Antarc
Why is Alex so sexually frustrated?
It's because she's repressed. She needs to learn to let out her wild side
Dust yourself, LaPhos is the cutest the the smartest and most beutiful gem.
I agree but he's not wrong, LaPhos in even what he's doing has a villain feel to it. I think its kinda charming.
LaPhos is doing what needs to be done in order to save the gems, unlike a certain someone
I'm kind of hoping that Phos doubles down on the villainy and becomes gem-hitler, but Phos is probably too nice to do that at the moment
Just wait until her chest gets pulverized.
>first houseki thread in the month.
Where have you been?
But there was one a few days ago? You need to search for it more often
When will Zircon finally be relevant?
I checked the Sup Forums archive and saw one thread with barely any replies.
Should've checked desuarchive then.
> it kinda bothers me that Phos has gotten so many "power ups"
I wouldn't really call them 'power ups' rather than it being her getting slowly replaced over time.
Theres been 2 threads in the past week and a half both of which got to bump limit. Need to keep your eye open user.
Once the civil war ends and he has to fight Upgraded Moon Dia along with Bortz.
>Warning: Multiple Bosses Incoming:
>TOFKA Phosphophyllite, The Betrayer
>Yellow Diamond, The Ancient
>Diamond, The Resenter
>Alexandrite, The Mad One
>Amethyst, The Wandering Twin
>Padparadscha, The Why Am I Even Here Oh Hi Rutile Hows It Going
>Cairngorm, who is suddenly attacking Phosphophyllite
>Goshenite, The Psycho
That delicious flattens.
>Benito, no one love than gembutt
>Cairngorm, who is suddenly attacking Phosphophyllite
Cair wold never harm his boyfriend, they love each other.
B-But what about Shinsha?
She had her chance.
He's Bort's now
B-But what about Dia?
This is gonna get lewd as hell.
Bortz is a nigger, loyalty to his partner is a foreign concept to him.
Part of Phossu's harem
Red Beryl is underrated.
Benito deserves more