People that think that puck isn't based explain why

People that think that puck isn't based explain why.

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How strong is puck?

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He's the fucking strong.

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Ha ha what if somebody wanted to bang him, that would be weird wouldn't it? ha ha

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Puck is just some comedy relief and some excuse to make Guts have super human regeneration. but he isnt a very likable character. He should've made Schierke heal Guts with piss too, Berserk would be 100% better this way.

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without puck pic related would't have the same impact

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>I'm not the only one
I mean, I don't want to hurt the little ball of cute but drunk Puck giving me a hug job would be cash

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>you never are going to have a petite cute elf in love with you that desperately wants to give you pleasure by stroking your dick

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Because there are now 3 comedy relief characters in Guts's party and none of them are funny.

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>bicisi thiri ari niuw 3 comidy relif charactirs---
fuck off

>you will never feel him press his minuscule up against your shaft as he uses his wings do move himself up and down

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Does Puck have a dick? The showed the genetalia of the fake elves, but never Puck's.

Would be sad if he's a eunuch.

Nice Quads.

And it is kinda true, Puck basically has little purpose anymore. He started the story as Guts's moral compass and healer, but then both those roles got taken by others so now he's just comic relief. But he's not even the only comic relief in the story.

It's disappointing really.

isidro would be death without puck

Isidro is a worthless character who provides nothing to the story

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Schierke stop bullying your peers.

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What has he actually done to progress the plot? The closest he's come is being the heal slut.

>Implying that isn't what we want

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I'll stop the bullying when the monkey becomes relevant.

Puck is a good boy. I like him. Stop bullying Puck.

He's still a kid. Will become stronger after the time skip

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I'm looking more forward to Rickert to be honest. He's pretty much Isidro but actually done well.

This. Without puck, Guts would've lost his sanity a long time ago

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He was great initially. Comic relief but also helping Guts remain sane too.

But you'd never guess he ever had that role if you started reading basically any time in the second half.

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Isidro with training and a nice time skip could be on judeal levels of aiming and fighting

not as good as guts/caska/griffith/pinpin levels but good enough to give you cover

after the time skip on next episode we will see if he redeens hinself

He absolutely is. Guts' first friend that he made after the eclipse. It took persistence, but Puck is the one that opened him up to feel anything besides rage and despair again.

Pretty weak. His healing is strong, but his magic is limited to brief light shows.

Puck has no visible genitalia because he's a magical elf and I don't think they reproduce like mortals (or even trolls) do. HOWEVER he was shown peeing at least once that I remember, so that raises the question of whether or not he can grow that appendage when needed. My theory is that he can form a dick the same way that Ivalera forms her clothes from her own body.

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If you only think in terms of fighting and power levels that may be true, but Isidro has been a great help to Guts on many occasions and has a very clear character arc that he's working through. Say what you will about liking him, but at least he isn't a stagnant character now, like what Serpico has become.

>bee secretions
Why does that always make me laugh

I never knew I wanted this so much

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I think it's censorship. Griffith's dick was never shown despite multiple scenes showing his crotch. He had the same crotch as puck

That was probably just earlier on in the story where Miura couldn't/wouldn't draw dicks. He drew Guts's dick later on and all the kids that were turned into fairies had dicks too.

I wonder how much control has Miura over Berserk now. Like, if he wanted to draw a bunch of lolis being fingered, could the editor stop him?
>"fine, no lolis, but then I need at least a year to think into something to fill that void"
>but miura-sensei...we need to publish the volume the next week
>"make it two"
>ok, but at least can we censor the nipples?
>"I think guts party need to go back to the boat"

It would be odd to censor only Puck in the cornucopia of pseudo-elf child penis that was lost children though. I always figured it was an intentional design thing with him in particular, whereas with Griffith and to some extent Guts, it was made a vague outline so as not to be distracting from the overall scene. This is especially true in earlier volumes, but becomes increasingly less frequent later on.

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>>ok, but at least can we censor the nipples?
>>"I think guts party need to go back to the boat"
He has a manga where a loli pees in the MC's mouth to make him go Popeye or some shit. Miura could probably have the Trolls come back and gang rape Sherieke and the editors couldn't do shit.

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Reminder that Puck is the endgame villain.

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That reminds me to a game where the real antagonist was a cute pet that the supposed villain had with him all the time

Isidiro will never age or grow or change remotely in size or shape.

Nu puck a cute! A CUTE!
I won't last 10 seconds if he gives me a hug job

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Puck WAS funny. All his current humour falls flat.

Berserk lost it's way a long time ago.
I read it and read it and it made less and less sense. Then one day i realized the eclipse was long ago and there was now a one legged top tier swordsman pirate fighting the wind cloaked pretty boy from the band of merry friends that include an elf, a loli witch and power ranger armored one eyed " i can't keep tense" giant sword man.
That was when i realized things where crazy and when the boat vacation happened i gave up caring. Now i just wait it for it to end.

You sound like someone that needs to awaken the crystals.

It happens to many great artists that release an amazing piece of work in their prime. At least it has good art

True. And it had nice arches beyond the eclipse too, but it shouldn't exist after such a perfect closing.
And then came those animated abortions. What where they thinking!?

He was fine until he became chibi puck 24/7

Puck was great, but is a victim of Flanderization.

Largely because his primary role was superseded by the introduction of the other companion characters, so all that was left was his secondary role (comedic relief).

Trips of truth.

At least we'll always have the Golden Age.

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Puck is so tonally inconsistent with the rest of the series, his chestnut form is the worst and I want him gone forever

>just finish catching up to vol 39
Where do I go from here guys? I tried to get some EG scans but it looks like their downloads are screwed and the torrent uploaded to nyaa has no seeders. Is there another place I can find chapter 343+?

I want (you) gone forever. Without Puck, Berserk is edgy trash. Like it or not, Puck gave Berserk depth

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I'm not a fan of Miura's sense of humor


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i remember laughing my ass off with this panel

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how the FUCK is it this difficult to find lewds of a very cute fairy boy in a popular manga

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It's hard to make porn of a fairy boy when Isidro's dick is longer than Puck's height

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Humans are pathetic!
Pathetic! Dirty, smelly...
Might as well just die.
Hey, that's it! Kill yourself!
Go on, finish it off, useless human.

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Puck was alright when he still looked normal and wasn't pure comedic relief/Miura's self-insert. Now 9 out of 10 times he's drawn in that simplistic chestnut style and doesn't contribute anything.

Because dick sleeves are better for girl fairies. Have you tried to put anything in your ass? It take lots of lewd and effort. Imagine trying to fit your dick into Puck's ass. It'd be like trying to force a 2x4 through a keyhole..... sideways.

Puck doesn't really have a job since Schierke took over as Gut's compliment, he's relegated to chestnut head.

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Isidro is more relevant than Guts these days

>tfw just finished the '97 anime
What were they thinking with that ending? It's even more depressing than the manga

>I'm waiting so long...

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it's the fucking ending song man

he's more than just comic relief

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