Where were you today 7 years ago [a/?

Where were you today 7 years ago [a/?

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Here but happier

At the lowest point in my life desu, also the last time I felt hope.

Failing my classes.

Literally just marathonned madoka today because it was that special day

Actually I just finished the 10th episode, should I wait a month before finishing the series?

Having both the best and worst school year ever

sucking on my moms tits xD

I live in Germany. After the fukushima incident, people demonstrated against nuclear energy. I also went to one of the demonstrations.
Well long story short, now we use clean renewable energy

fresh out of highscool full of hopes and dreams

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Shitposting at full speed in Madoka and Infinite Stratos threads

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>I live in Germany. After the fukushima incident, people demonstrated against nuclear energy. I also went to one of the demonstrations.
>Well long story short, now muhammad rapes my sister


oh man i forgot about infinite shitos
DIdn't that blowout fractale in sales, which was supposed to save anime?

Wait, it's been that long? Remember shitposting about it while it aired. Fun show. Not enough lewds.

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>against nuclear energy
>Herp derp, I'm an ignorant faggot, and fission is the only nuclear energy I know of

are there ways to produce nuclear energy that don't require radioactive waste that needs to be stored for hundreds, if not thousands of years?
well we should probably stop talking about it since this isn't Sup Forums or /sci/

I was eleven. No worries about school. Waiting and hoping for the exciting high school life I was introduced from all the anime I watched. Going to the park after re-watching Higurashi and running in the fields while smelling the air of the summer afternoon with my group of friends. Returning home tired, taking a bath and discover new anime to watch. I fucking hate this I'm scared of becoming an adult.
Every season had a new feeling. Christmas, Easter and Summer. All I can feel now is pressure, anxiety and fear.

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>All I can feel now is pressure, anxiety and fear.
Better buckle up because it's all downhill from here bro.

I didn't even finish high school and I feel like if I died today I wouldn't even have a problem. Nothing matters and I just watch anime as a form of escapism. How pathetic is that.

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Literally fusion, you fucking pleb.

>blogshit thread
fucking epic

ah ok good thing we have all these fusion reactors readily available, oh wait we dont

I was 17 and stayed home to shitpost on /jp/ all day or something.
I fucking wish I was 18 again.

playing skyrim and reading shitty fantasy books probably

In a sane world the construction of the first fusion reactor would have been years ago. But unfortunately we have faggots like you that chimp out at nuclear energy, just like the natural energy profiteers planned.

And why the fuck do you think enough funding isn't allocated to research? There are what, three completely different kinds of fusion reactors in the works now, that I know of anyway, but good luck getting them all properly funded when dumb shit activists go full autistic at anything with "nuclear" in the title.

Desperately trying to protect my oldfag Sup Forums.

Nigger you're 18. You could literally start anything right now and in 5 years have a god tier skill or be earning good money. Get your shit together, right now it doesn't even matter if you have to start at the bottom.


meh let the chinese handle it

Remember what you were watching?
I actually backlogged Madoka to watch Infinite Stratos.
Also watched Wandering Son, since noitaminA was a thing.

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>Try to remissness with oldfags on this fateful day
>polshit thread instead

finna delete this thread for the sake of a

>let the chinese handle it aka the people most likely to handle it in the most environmentally unfriendly way

t. eco-brainlet

>Level E
Forgotton masterpiece that one

>Level E
Oh man, I remember those threads.

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yeah but i don't care about the chinese environment

All the shows airing the week after 3/11 had scrolling disaster updates.
Lots of episodes were delayed.

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move the goalposts harder envirocuck

fug dragon crisis, that was my benchmark for "dogshit anime" for a long time.

>mediocre winter followed by mediocre spring
If you weren't into Madoka & Nichijou, it was rough times.
But not as rough as it was in Japan.

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Sometimes I see the morning lescue banner and wonder how many people even know what it is anymore

Watching the best midriff and best BOUSHI.
I remember that we talked about the fighting scenes. Someone mentioned, that a fresh new team was working on yumekui merry and that's the reason why those scenes didn't feel smooth at all.

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I disagree 2011 was like the second renaissance after 2007 before anime started dieing again.

t. nostalgia

You wot m8?
I'd kill to get such seasons again.

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Alright mods I get deleting the Sup Forums-ish posts but you're going off the rails here now

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Madoka was definitely the unofficial 3/11 disaster anime.

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Since airing, Madoka still has the laziest ending and "fans" ate that up. They're called ironic weebs today.

I still have no idea why they went full retard with the characters. Still mad.

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Shitting on deadman wonderland and stein’s gate?


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Man that season was stacked with good stuff to watch.

no choice but to wait cuz tsunami delays
>inb4 fukushima explodes and we never get last 2 eps

>I don't like you at all, Big Brother!
They were 2 years ahead of their time.

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So many good OP's that season

On Sup Forums wasting my life away. Not much has changed.

You’re an actual retard. The problem with protestors like you is that you protest against something that you barely know anything about.

Arriving and setting camp in Sup Forums
Waiting for Madoka's last episodes.
Sinking deeper into the hikki life.

Wow, I can't believe it's been 7 years already.

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I was in 6th grade watching Naruto

>I'm scared of becoming an adult
Don't quit anime. The 20 years old crisis is quite the ride and you're going to need something to make you feel better.

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This. Better stock up on SoL/Iyashikei anime in the meantime.

2011 = Year of the Rabbit

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Only that was actually good, while oreimo is objectively trash.

Coming home from night shift, eating a Shoppers donut, listening to NPR news.

I was actually active with a Japanese language/culture club and nip exchange students at my uni at the time and went to a Japanese class right next morning. Moods were grim.

>Waiting for Madoka's last episodes.
>Madoka was 7 fucking years ago
>Rozen Maiden was like 12