"that arc" that completly ruins a series

>Manga is extremely enjoyable and you love it when a new chapter comes out
>"That Arc" starts
>Manga immediately goes to shit and you can never enjoy it like you used to/drop it
What is it's name?

Motherfucking Hayate No Gotoku
At one point it was one the biggest series on Sup Forums.

And then the Doujin arc started.

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Obligatory Giant Aliens in Gantz answer.

Prison School- The motherfuckin sports festival. It was a giant shit salad sandwich afterwards and it never recovered.

cavalry arc. nothing tops cavalry arc for me

Tournament arc

I wouldn't say ruin, but it could be removed without much issue.

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The entirety of Stone Ocean from JoJo

Literally fifteen chapters of nothing. The mangaka got lazy and said fuck it. I'd like to punch him in the dick for ruining the series.

HxH Prince arc
OP Fishman Island

The manga thankfully ends on a good last chapter but the final story arc of Eyeshield 21 was easily the worst and most rushed one by far. They already won the big game that the whole story was working towards and even the real Eyeshield 21 was impressed by the MC in the end, only for there to be yet another tournament filled with almost nothing but surprisingly weak teams.

Yakuza in Boku no Hero Academia.

>HxH Prince arc
This. They're too good and probably won't be topped.

Everything after Lem-IX in Sidonia.

Berserk, the fucking boat to elf island, no question.

Yorkshin and SBR shits on them.

Pain arc - Naruto
Chao arc - Negima
Goddess arc - TWGOK
Dark Dragon arc - DBGT
Dark Wedding arc - Medaka Box
Flashback arc - Magi and Shin Angyo Onshi
Cousin arc - Freezing

Never had a tournament arc ruined a series for me

in fact they are often the best arcs of the series (like in YYH and Naruto)

didn't push the narrative along that much but I still feel it's only hated because of all the shitposting

Rape arc in wolf guy.
Wait nevermind, that's the whole story.

Gunsmith Cats: Burst

I wish I never read it.

BnHA current arc

>Prison School

School Festival arc, is pure JUST

Actual arc, we now muh enemy of humanity

Doesn't exist lalala

World Trigger, Holy fuck that was the worst filler arc i have ever seen in my life.

HxH ant arc
Who even laps up this chicken scratch tier drawing and 11y/o edge?

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When this faggot became a main character in Birdy The Mighty.

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I absolutely hated the multi level marketing scheme arc on NHK. Completely unnecessary, drags on too long, and ruins the flow of the series for me.

Some really horrible arcs only really get to that level because of the time it takes to release.
Somthing like say, the Fantasia arc from Berserk is a fucking nightmare to read in a monthly basis, but if you read it now, it's just super mediocre.

>Flashback arc - Shin Angyo Onshi
That was like half the fucken manga. After they had like 5 chapters to resolve everything so the author copped out and just nuked everything.

I'm pretty sure this arc generated more hate than Seo's entire career

China arc in Shamo

That's the best arc

Fate/Grand Order ruined the Fate series

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Why did my OP image get deleted?

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Cavalry Arc in prison school, it had it's fun moments like pic related but overall it was what killed the series

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oh really? please elaborate
not anime

The characters were shit (sans Mirio) and the powers were even worse.

Dressrosa in One Piece was a slog to read weekly

Everyone hates the most current arc in Grappler Baki. Even japs shitpost about it.

battle angel alita last order jumped shark at tournament ark

masked chink arc in shamo

sidonia was good before shitty penis monster (terrible ending)
otaku no musume san was decent before shitty marriage thing
again!! dropped off after end of baseball game
ballroom dropped off after mako arc, going with most annoying partner instead doesn't make things better not to mention needless drama

>jumped shark at tournament ark
i disagree it was a master piece, current arc was very boring but the ending of muster old life to last pages its on track

Anyone think that the endgame arc of Claymore was pretty drawn out?
I still liked it, but there was no scene where Raki and Clare kissu’d so I was disappointed.

Chimera ants
>art went down the gutter
>started to take breaks for years
>not all that interesting until the last bit
and of course:
>high school arc in Usagi Drop

Azami in Souma

>Goddess arc - TWGOK
That's one arc to early user. At least it ended well though.

>Chao arc - Negima
Check out this shit taste.

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Why the fuck was Aji Tae so dumb?

>yeah, let me nuke everything and also kill my allies, there's no way this could ever go wrong

funny thing is it's wonderfully appropriate now that the author is selling mind-misakis pol.tokyo/2016/04/27/misaki-evocation-meditation-english-ver-now-released/

Endless Eight

>when the manga switches focus from the likable and interesting character to the shitty generic edgelord and then scanlations slow down so you're stuck in that arc for like 1.5 years

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Togashi is a hack

Anime not manga but
That NTR scene in Gancrest Senki, previous ep really good for setting up the romance between Alexis and Marrine, the ep 9 comes along she NTR's him by whoring out for Mirza's alliance. Fucking hate NTR

>inb4 needs to do what she can to win

Don't give a fuck, I know that eventually that Marrine and Alexis get together in the LN, but fuck I wish she'd be strung up for it, or at least treated like the whore she is. Not dropping the series but lost a lot of my interest.

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Goddess arc was great. Time travel arc killed the manga.

>Oh he didn't use his quints properly

TWGOK's is of course the Jupiter (time travel) Arc. Do I even need to explain why it's bad with that premise? It's the final arc of the series and it follows the absolute best arc in the series. It made me drop the manga and at one point in time I considered TWGOK my number 1 favorite.

Another that comes to mind is how Azami's appearance in Shokugeki no Souma ruined the entire series. It can no longer be saved.

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I dropped HnG I don't remember where.
What happened in that arc?

That was the Best arc, fuck you.
now, the sports festival is a fanservice show.


Eyeshield 21 and Liar Game are the two manga that got the ball dropped so hard at the end to my disappointment.

>Liar Game
Volumes of build up, literal ass pull face heel turn and only 5-6 chapters for the whole exposition thing out of nowhere before the damn thing ends. It's almost like the manga got canned and the author rushed his shit to get it wrapped up. The climatic final battle, main protag got his shit beat up, aaaand it's a monologue about how the game is evulz and we need to kill the gamemaker for they are the illuminati. Fin. The fuck is that?

still better than the current boring arc, yakuza actually moved the plot but now you get a shitty comic "youtube villan"