Kawaiikereba Hentai demo Suki ni Natte Kuremasu ka?!

No thread for this? It only has 5 chapters at the moment

Attached: Kawaiikereba Hentai demo Suki ni Natte Kuremasu ka_ - Kawaiikereba Hentai demo Suki ni Natte Kuremas (1114x1600, 748K)


Attached: Kawaiikereba Hentai demo Suki ni Natte Kuremasu ka.jpg (1024x768, 104K)

Someone do a dump

From first chapter?

>Someone do a dump

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Might as well.

I just finished reading ch.5 and was wondering if maybe they don't actually like him?

Chapter 1

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Syaro > brown > red > black

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So fucking flat. I love it.

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>mc a cute
Picked up

Those aren't Lotte, Kaguya, Hikaru and.. Kazuha?

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>yfw love letter is from his little sister

Why not just make an artbook of the cute girls instead of writing absolute garbage?

God damnit, I didn't realize it was the same illustrator

>Why not just make an artbook of the cute girls instead of writing absolute garbage?

>tits hanging out of the frame
God I love silly details like this.

Did op bail?

He died.

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Cute pantsu

I'm okay with this

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I, uh, don't know if that's a correct translation.

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Well at least he honest.

I like this MC, below the milquetoast exterior is a hotblooded kid whose hot blood runs primarily to his dick.

>oh morals-kun why do we need eriri here

my penis

At least the MC is better.
