How would you fix the Fate franchise?

How would you fix the Fate franchise?

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By giving the anus some defence.

make Jannu faster

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Cancel FGO
Make an Ilya route VN
Make a HF sequel where Shirou and Sakura get to fight side by side
End the Fate franchise and go back to Tsukihime

More Shirou and more Medusa

Fate is based around absolutely retarded fight. It really puts me off and devaluate every other aspect. Maybe you should think of a better reason for them to fight.

Remove ginger
ONE Arturia
Axe all spin-offs
Focus on the grail war
Limited waifushit
No traps

Prisma Illya already fixed everything

Hire the mad man himself to direct a 50 episode fate anime, no restrictions or oversight.

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dont fix it better create a new IP since the nasu is concentrated on Fate, hire the butcher to create the new IP " project Butcherverse ".

Kill it.

Give it to the guys doing Yuyuyui

>Remove ginger

By deleting all fate franchises except FSN & FHA.

By making a spinf where Illya becomes a magical girl

F/sn uses the HGW as a backdrop for the characters and themes, which nasu excels at. All the other fate spinoff are just DUDE SERVANTS FIGHTING LMAO, which is fun but not as memorable. There's a reason why Sup Forums has had fate threads like every day for the past 10 years.

Fate/Stay Night is different from the later spin offs of the concept because the everything in the story had a *purpose.*

The point of bringing in mythological heroes was to ask the question "What makes a Hero?" and tie it to Shirou's own character arc.

Even the magic in the story exists to advance the theme. It's not just there to look cool (though it *does*) but each character's magic abilities is also a reflection of their character and personality.

Remove Illya

By finishing it

Gutting FGO and rewarding everyone who has played it (irregardless of whether they paid or not) the next installment of Fate, which is collaboratively written by Carlo Zen and Nasu, set in WWI Europe, and is fought by actual adults.

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Get rid of all the shitty spin-off universe garbage.

1. Stop FGO bs
2. Stop making Fates
3. Nasu stop fucking around with JK hookers and get back to writing/VNs (like finishing Mahoyo)
4. TM will have original content and stories again.

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FSN is already finished. EXTRA and Grand Order exist to tell new stories

Autistic adults.

By finishing it

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I'm not a miracle worker, buddy.

They should just make something new, they can continue milking Fate, but at least they can try with something else without fate. They can even make a collab with Fate later on.

No one wants to. Nasu hires guys, guys just want to write more Fate.

remove 99% of the characters
stop making stupid anime adaptations
Cancel that trash GO game
No more waifu bait shit

>Female protagonist
>Add a harem of pretty boys with homoerotic subtext

Mind of Steel is canon ending.

Shut up, Demiya.

You can't fix chuunishit. Everything in the Nasuverse is chuunishit and stupid.

Make FGO anime.

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A Punisher Redman series

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>>No more waifu bait shit
>implying you can fix Fate without at least one Saberface

I would invite Gilgamesh and Kirei to Shirou's cooking shorts.

>how to make fate generic shonenshit #482

Have you realized yet that we will never get an actual Type-Moon visual novel ever again?

Mahou Tsukai no Yoru, the last traditional Type-Moon visual novel was a financial failure that tanked, and despite the fact that it was supposed to be part 1 of a trilogy, we heard nothing about a part 2 yet.
Most likely never will.

Meanwhile Type-Moon projects that have departed from the traditional visual novel angle, such as games like Extra and F/GO were financial successes despite having mediocre game-play.

This makes it obvious to me at least that Type-Moon will never make another visual novel ever again, there will be no new Fate visual novel, no Mahoyo part 2, no Tsukihime 2 or even Tsukihime Remake, for the simple reason that it is not profitable and a waste of money for them to do so

Of course secondaries and tertiaries most likely do not give a fuck, but it still makes me kind of sad.

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finish the tsukihime VN and localize CCC. everything else is fine since im not a contrarian

desu just give me an arcsys fighting game that's fate based and I'd be happy. You can even do their weird movie-esque story mode and I'd be down with that.


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>Mahou Tsukai no Yoru, the last traditional Type-Moon visual novel was a financial failure that tanked
Stop with this meme. Mahoyo did well enough, the only reason we didn't get a part 2 is simply because Nasu doesn't care.

Delete everything Fate-related that [started] after CCC came out from history.

Make a Gilgamesh focused route.

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Give Kirei a spinoff or two.


Also more Saber/Illya interactions.

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what happens in mind of steel again?

how is it chuunishit?

Nuke the phillipines

>Cancel FGO
cancel the biggest money maker of the franchise, sasuga retard

Bash Nasu on the head until he start writing a coherent plotline that doesn't rely on MUH MULTIVERSE copouts to excuse bad writing.

These, Kireis past,Ciels future and Redmans shenanigans arent really touched on

>urban fantasy where unsuspecting normalfag is sucked into a conspiracy revolving around foreign magic but overcomes it via his own personally developed magic skills that conveniently overpower the few characters he needs to
Literally the definition of chuuni shit

that the anime of the prologue of the game retard

More Saber.

No thanks

Fuck off, Takeuchi.

Just because something makes a lot of money doesn't mean it is good.

break the authors hands

more rin!

As this user said every fate that isn't stay/night and zero is retarded flashy battles with bad plots.
Apocrypha is the worst offender of this.
Also Rin is best girl.

>anything but flashy battles with a retarded plot

How can you even ask for more Rin when she's literally in every possible fate

okay more kirei and kiritsugu

Mmm I wonder
I don't know if I want more edge on fate/

he is one of the more interesting characters and doesn't fuck around like shirou

>Not liking Kerry's sociopathic arc
I mean, at least it's clear he's fucked up in the head.

>doesn't fuck around like shirou
Elaborate please

God, this prose is fucking awful.

You're a good user. A faggot, but a good one.

Seriously, fuck TM at this point. I consider myself a Fatefag because I loved the original VN and I really enjoyed the Zero anime, but even I'm just fucking tired of this endless terrible Fate milking. GO is trash, Extra is trash, Apocrypha is trash, why can't TM go back to making good VNs that aren't just shitty derivative milking?

Because Fate is a well established franchise it's one of the safest way to make money instead of investing into something new.

They'll release Tsukihime remake eventually in near future. As a collab-event for FGO.

Nasu writes Tsukihime Remake, Mahoyo, DDD, and abandons Fate for a while.
El-Melloi Case Files animation.
Higashide and Sakurai can keep writing GO trash and milking that fanbase with the same low amount of effort. Use those funds to make a Tsukihime anime and an actually good Fate game.

There, fixed Type-Moon.

>and abandons Fate for a while.

Nasu already tried this

He lied.

Last VN TM made flopped hard, Mahoyos failure put Tsuki and Girls on ice forever

Only Fate sells. Dont blame nasu,blame the consumers

Nasu should do a Ultimate style reboot and just fold everything into one timeline.

He hasn't.

You can't fold every route in Tsukihime and FSN into one timeline

>this baseless meme again

Would be cool to be honest, but he seems really invested in the Fate/Tsuki universe split, and Case Files has definitely hinted at more stuff about that in the future.
I really just want Nasu to step away from Fate and mobageshit. Servants as a concept are dead to me.

Tsuki isnt even in Fate timeline,thats KnK

Prisma Illya VN
There's a Shirou route where you pursue a happy and fulfilling life as an elementary schooler magical girl, Kuro route where you explore the secrets of the Einzberns, and a "far side" Miyu route leading into the events of 3rei.
The "Taiga Dojos" are variants of the Einzbern Consultation Room featuring Irisveil alongside F/SN Illya, who considers herself your senpai and will both smugly mock your mistakes and encourage you to try harder to live up to the name of "Illyasveil von Einzbern."

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>Sakurai can keep writing GO trash
Is prototype: fragments bad?

>How would you fix the Fate franchise?
Delete everything except zero. This is the only way to save that franchise.

They should make an anime adaptation of Fate/Stay night, that combines all of the routes into one story. There are a few good bits and pieces in FSN, but they are all in different routes.

Like this?

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A real Jannu can go FASTER you faker.

How about more Shinji?
Make him more likeable and give him some more development and reasons.

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As a VN FS/N is pretty shit as there are no real choices to be made. Is Tsukihime any different in this regard?

by getting shaft to do a series

a gay shinji route

good idea

another good idea is a gay kirei route

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Tsukihime has plenty about Nasu's views on society. That's even more of a theme than Shiki's discontent with life and acceptance of death

They made the right decision and animated the UBW route as a TV series and the HF route as a 3-part movie

What do you even mean by this? There are three separate true endings, two good endings, and a whopping 40 bad endings, many of which are well fleshed out. It's a great example of choice in VNs.

Secondary spotted

That's what they tried to do with fate/Deen. I think everyone knows what happened

Shinji is actually already a good character. Also in fate/extra he becomes somewhat likeable

>Make him more likeable and give him some more development and reasons.

Already exists in FSN/FHA