Now that the dust has settled can we finnaly admit this show was flavor of the month garbage just like gabriel dropout

Now that the dust has settled can we finnaly admit this show was flavor of the month garbage just like gabriel dropout.

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It was unironically good.

normalfag dragon was terrible

i'm glad another yuri kyoanus cancerous show is a flop.

no. Gab dropout was a terrible show on all levels while maid dragon had some redeeming qualities.

it was pretty allright, manga is better though

The more I watch, the better this show is by comparison, honestly. It uses all the old moe SoL tropes but still seems fresh and well written. But

It was a major commercial success.

It was a poor adaptation of a mediocre manga that didn't have any profound message or themes.
The most unique thing the show offered is a sexy preteen girl with "thicc" legs.

It was a middling anime. 5-6/10

no such thing

Takemoto is a one-note director. All his anime have the same atmosphere and he relies on references too much. It's been a problem since his Fullmetal Panic days. The only good Kyoani directors are Ishihara and Yamada.


Regardless of whatever your pretentious anime critic wannabes on reddit say, every seasonal show is "flavor of the month" material. And that doesn't mean they're bad.
I hope you too can be able to enjoy things more than you enjoy shitting on things you hate one day.

I don't understand why kyoani has such shit directors.
How can they have money to have good animators but Not directors?

post proof

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>mediocre manga
nigga fuck you that shits great

>profound message or themes.
commedy series don't have profound messages

OPM has plenty.

Not constantly watching edgy/2deep4u/out-there shows doesn't make you a normalfaggot - Sometimes a bit of wholesomeness can be refreshing.

well yeah, it's a kyoani show

Stay in your dragonball containment general.

If it was flavor of the month, then the month was tasty.

No, fuck off

i liked it, it was warm and sweet, fuck off

Really mediocre outside the animation. So pretty much every kyoani show ever including VEGetable right now

looking at COOL's art i'm surprised it even has a show. Guy just draws mouthless moeblobs for everyone except the oppai characters. His male/female protagonists are indistinguishable from each other. You're either cow tits or short tiny long-haired moeblob.

COOL is Japanese Jago for sure.

The show was good but it would have been way better if it cut out half of the Shouta/Pedodemon jokes or it at least changed the punchline. It was literally one joke the entire time.

The punchline is your penis getting erect over serpent tits.

All of the characters were so 1d and the jokes so repetitive...I really hated the MC.

Pretty fun comedy anime. What did you expect? It was a little better in quality than Gab Dropout but I'd say a similar genre. Why do you hate cute funny shows? Don't watch them. Faggot.

It was a decent anime, not game changing but still very watchable, but it got popular with normalfags because of memes so now Sup Forums HATES it.

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it's his third anime, fourth if you count one where he wrote the story

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Don't say "wrong" without giving reason.


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i loved the first two episodes where they established the setting, Kanna calling her a cuck was gold, but it dragged

Hah, you dimwit. Not even close. GabuDrop at least gave us girl of the year.

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pretty iconic desu

You know the studio has nothing to say when they have a filler christmas episode.

I enjoyed it, I wasn't overly ecstatic when watching it but it was just some good old chilled Kyoani show with delicious Lucoa.

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Do you prefer girls who are on the sex offenders registry?

its fucking sol

>girl of the year
>not even good for porn
How is this possible

Oh fuck off

>and a pedo
Perfect for most of Sup Forums

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>filler christmas episode.
animeonly fag

It was good, not amazing, just a good comfy show. Konah Kitten, Flying Witch, both come to mind as being in the same category of fun comfy shows that'll be forgotten.

It was a solid show. I'm glad it didn't flop.

I liked both. They were fun.

I personally dropped Gabu mid season by I watched all of Maid Dragon. I can't explain why, I just missed an episode one week and couldn't be bothered catching up. Did I miss anything good?

What? You have seen it right.

What's the point of putting out an opinion without backing it up with any substance? With how many replies follow the same format you might as well have just put up a strawpoll.

Satania dies and best girl Rapheil takes over the show

It was a shit show. No explanation is needed, but you know you can like a shit show if you want.

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Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Blend S wasn't shit.

The substance is everyones recollection of browsing Sup Forums and the threads about this show.
It's mostly about Kannas fat thighs.

I bet you watched it just for the little boy dressed up as a little girl.

>Shota trash.
>In my monster girl show.
Show was just fap bait for ironic weebs, glad nobody remember it anymore.

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I don't like how hard it tried and failed to be funny. Held it back.

The shows art and pastel style was refreshing relying on simple cheap backgrounds over CG. It had a nice message of family being the bonds you form which is fairly common I'll grant. My only complaint was that there wasn't more and the sound track wasn't that varied.

I suppose people who've closed themselves off to healthy,heartwarming and meaningful relationships in real life won't find it appealing in anime and try and forget about it.

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tohru was the only good thing about this shit just like satania was the only good thing about gab maid dragon was still fucking trash though, kanna and lucoa ruined it

maybe for the couple first episodes and it went straight down afterwards

>It had a nice message of family being the bonds you form
>I suppose people who've closed themselves off to healthy,heartwarming and meaningful relationships in real life won't find it appealing in anime and try and forget about it.
>sexualizes little girls and abuses little boys
I suppose this show was only for those with patrician taste, like Rick and Morty fans.

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last few eps were pretty shit
blame the little faggot

It wasn't but it could've been much better. It was paced poorly compared to the manga and cut characterization in order to amp up the comedy and fanservice.
I don't read/watch Maid Dragon but from some comments I've read it looks like its manga to anime adaptation was equally questionable.

Which dragon would you fuck

agreed, Maidragon atleast produced some decent lewds

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Tohru all day every day.


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what impeccible taste

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The inly correct choice

Ms Kobayashi is the best choice but shes not a dragon

>literally just a man without a penis (and sometimes with a penis)
>best choice

yeah thats what im sayin


The only people who hate it are Sup Forums crossboarders who literally hate everything KyoAni because 'muh moeshit'.


>a fat pedophile
now i know why so many people here hate this show, it's the forced self-insert

Maidragon is something of a foil to Flying Witch in how it decided to introduce, develop and color the interactions between its cast and the world. FW is a low-key setting with speed-bumps of fantasy which only gently whisper into the world rather than attempt to contrast or oppose any natural goings-on. Maidragon saturates its initial scenes and scenarios with magical shenanigans, but slowly hushes into a mellowed day-to day shared among a cast who are slowly waking up to the world in which they live and the new friends with whom they now share it. If anything, given the way the manga is structured, maidragon has a bit more variance to the SoL formula than a lot of series given how it gears down and picks back up with its fantasy vs daily Japanese life paradigms from time to time.

Just because it's a little more aggressive than a standard SoL flavor doesn't mean that maidragon isn't one of the more heartwarming and enjoyable series of the past few years.

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So what, you're saying all the little girls on Sup Forums grew up and now self insert as cakes?

Always Tohru. Add marry and treasure forever to that list too.

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>no tail
>no boobs
>no ass
>no vagina
No thanks user I like women

Koba > Tohru > Lucoa > Elma > the rest

Can we agree that the op song is GOAT?


Okay first 30 seconds, then its awful for the rest of the op.

Aniki ;_;

>can we
Maid Dragon was ok to good. Gab was just bad all around.


Why can't we agree that both were good?

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What if it was Ojoujojo the one to get the KyoAni treatment?

Haru would have been WOTY.

Forest Map was still by far the best single to come out of maidragon. It's super cute how it relates to the story too.

>flavor of the month garbage just like most modern anime

After careful consideration, I changed my mind: Tohru's omurice love song single is untouchably best.

Both really felt like a chore to finish if you ask me. I still can't comprehend why so many of you faggots would defend either of these when they felt like nothing more than dull gatherings of generic tropes with no substance to speak of.

Why is the dust always settling?

>flavor of the month garbage
True, like gab dropput and kemono friends, but not necessarily bad.