Remember when this gay shit was every-fucking-where? When will you retards realize that garbage like this will ALWAYS die and be forgotten. Flavor of the month retards make me laugh. When you're favourite anime is soulless garbage created by focus groups to sell merchandise to manbabbies, it can never last.
In the meanwhile actual good manime like Fate is still being watched and discussed regularly, no matter how many new seasons come and go.
Remember when this gay shit was every-fucking-where...
Other urls found in this thread:
user, why are you so angry? Take it easy, please.
>garbage like this will ALWAYS die and be forgotten
>be forgotten
He wrote, thinking about the "forgotten" show.
This kind of posting really takes me back.
Of course, K-On is a timeless masterpiece, beloved by exponentially more people than it was in it's heyday.
Seems like you haven't forgotten yet, user. Try harder next time.
My wife Mio is so cute with a ponytail.
> good manime like Fate
Thank you. You made me laugh really hard.
Yesterday's shitposting is today's quality banter, after all.
>actual good anime like Fate
Stay salty faggot
> People can't enjoy things on my watch
How many boards does this apply to? And more importantly, why does it happen?
>Sup Forums image
As much as you're right about what you're saying, stop doing this.
My apologies user, I'm taking a vacation from Sup Forums. I'll keep that in mind next time.
Because crossboarders like you think you're allowed to post here.
Strange way to instigate a K-On thread but no matter.
>I'll keep that in mind next time.
There is no next time go on and get before I ping your server into a cloud-flare.
the funny shitpost OP to kick off a thread for a series you actually like is a great tradition. i hope anons learn to recognize it.
Thanks for seeding user.
I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy K-ON!(!), but I feel it's incredibly overrated. It's an alright anime, nothing more, nothing less.
But it's still basically fucking everywhere and still very popular.
It's been flavor of the month for the last 106 months
>forgotten show
>somehow remembers it
>dude let me in, i'm a fairy
Based K-On Working this faggot for almost a decade
> good manime like Fate
Weak attempt at bait.
Try harder next time.
>gay shit
>manime like fate
3 green flags for an intentional ruse shitpost K-On thread and y'all didn't even catch one of them.
No shit Sherlock, next time read past the first 5 posts.
I'm listening to them regularly driving to work and back home.
Hey, cool your jets flyboy, I'm just addressing the posts taking it seriously.
Was Mio the tallest among the group?
>nichjou is 7 years old
a massive 5'3"
In Japan that's basically a giant
>In the meanwhile actual good manime like Fate is still being watched and discussed regularly, no matter how many new seasons come and go.
Kara no Kyoukai, Tsukihime, Fate/Stay Night and CCC are kino
Fate spinoffs are trash
Post your wife
>Best friends for 2/3 years
>Only go to one anothers houses like 6 times
>Never go to Mugis once
Is this normal in Japan?
But user, that's MY wife
He types furiously, with K-On so deeply entrenched in his psyche that if he is the last man on earth in the distant furture K-on will live from his own mind alone.
underrated post
Friendly reminder than nearly a decade later, nothing has come close to touching K-On's popularity or influence.
Why do people even like this tea drinking anime? Seems like we'll reach a point where retards will even hail anime about fucking paint drying as masterpiece.
Lol no. Illya is peak performance meme turned into anime form. It quite literally does not get any better, and obviously the market agrees with me. The rest of the fate shit is 4/10 at BEST.
K-on is boring shit
Mio and Ritsu went to each other's a lot because they are best best friends
> alright anime
Exactly why it took off
Who cares what is it about if it is awesome
>hail anime about fucking paint drying as masterpiece
This could actually be entertaining, though. SOL is all about the character dynamics, and if done well, yeah, even an anime about watching paint dry will do well.
K-on didn't contribute much to moe kuukikei/nichijou-kei genre as much as other anime that came before it and despite that it's well-regarded just because it got all the stuff in the genre in well-polished way. K-on is great and but the sad part is people only talk about it all time without caring much for other stuff in the genre.
Yeah "best" "friends"
What's wrong about friends being tenderly attached?
god, when is season 3 coming out?
Now this is what i missed. Good old moefags vs manimefags. First it was Lucky star vs Gurren Laggan and then it was K-on vs anything
Any day now user, they'll make the announcement..
Bang Dream will make K-On great again.
>actual good manime like Fate
they make a new spin-off almost every new season and fate have one of the worst story ever made.
Fate is based based on a fucking porn game the story is generic af and the character are blender than kirito
At this rate S3 will star the daughters of the original keyons.
Please leave.
What are you talking about? They went to Mugi's houses twice in the first season
>yui's daughter
>some fag dude fucked and creamed inside yui
God please stop this. I literally can't imagine yui dating and fucking some dude to become mother of a daughter. She's too pure for that stuff.
She's as pure as she's dumb. Some random guy will take advantage of her and she won't realize.
too stupid to ask for condom
K-On is a SoL masterpiece, what the fuck are you even talking about OP
If a third season were made everyone would lose their fucking shit.
>Only go to one anothers houses like 6 times
The show isn't following them every second of their lives. 3 years is much longer than the combined events of the show. Obviously they did things off screen.
>Never go to Mugis once
Did you even watch it?
you sound like a whiny pussy. who cares what people enjoy.
Can all of you read these two posts already.
>falling for the bait for the bait
Due to being raised in an all girls high school and then attending an all girls college, the keyons unfortunately had no natural defenses against the cock.
>actual good manime like Fate
Please user, us fatefags are cancerous as is without you around
Mio is cute!
Ritsu is my wife btw.
Your wife is a man
user there must be some mistake - that's my wife!
He obviously meant her actual house and not her vacation villas.
>garbage like this will ALWAYS die and be forgotten
Then why are you making a thread to fume about it years later?
Her Summer house isn't her actual house you dolts.
They even comment on it in S2 that they've never been, when Sawachan takes her to pick up the new tank for Ton-chan.
Please treat your wife dearly as she's my wife's best friend.
they went to Mugi's house twice.
Which episode? It's a running joke that they've never seen how extravagant her actual house is.
the summer training camp episodes
>the summer training camp episodes
My dudes... for the summer training camps they went to different summer vacation homes her family owns. They did not visit the actual house where Mugi and her family lives on the regular.
Man... K-On! is good.
That the rule of the of world, you can't enjoy what i dislike, or I'll force you to hate it.
I will watch cute girls eating shit if it would have amazing animation and execution.
That's kinda sad. I keep waiting for the anime that will have an impact like k-on but i have seen none so far.
Mugi brought snacks and tea every day, brought expensive porcelain for the tea, secured a huge discount on Yui's guitar, upgraded Ton's tank, hosted the training camp both times in different houses, and backed out of a family trip to Finland to perform with the band. she took advantage of her situation to help the group and made sure nobody felt indebted to her.
so the question "is it normal that they never visited her house" is stupid because she showed where her heart was in every episode. home is where the heart is.
anyway they went to Mugi's house twice, in the summer.
If you wanted to shitpost about forgotten moe anime you should have posted Moetan or something
it must be doing something right if the only complaint that can be mustered is 'they didnt go to this character's house'
I feel like you've made this thread like half a dozen times this week.
Anyway, K-On!! is and remains a masterpiece. yeah it was way more polarizing in 2009/2010 than it is now
>she took advantage of her situation to help the group and made sure nobody felt indebted to her.
i don't like how i wrote this so let me rephrase it: Mugi valued friendship over excess, but didn't hesitate to use her wealth for the group, and always made sure nobody felt indebted to her.
I'm on this ep
I don't want it to end
The final scene on the hill is in the Top 3 endings of the entire series.
>anyway they went to Mugi's house twice, in the summer.
Incorrect. They went to two different houses. One time each.
that's what i said. the first summer they went to Mugi's house. the second summer they went to Mugi's house. that's twice to Mugi's house, in the summer.
This looks like one of those poorly drawn memes from Finland.
This show is gay and stupid