Attached: Darling in the Franxx.jpg (700x480, 73K)

Attached: not this shit again.jpg (800x450, 57K)

I like how I didn’t even need to know what this was at first glance.
Great shitpost sweetie.

Fuck yes keep going OP. The more the hot pockets gets pissed the more often stalker generals get deleted on sight.

Stalker threads are banned now. Thank god

They're being deleted not for being Stalker threads, but for being blatant attempts at starting fanbase wars. In previous seasons Stalker threads were left alone since they weren't fanbase war centrals.

They were left alone because they were fucking d e d. Because guess what? These threads are only alive when shitposting exists because that's their entire point.

More like they're only alive because of KyoAni. Remove KyoAni from the equation and no one would care.

They are being deleted because mods are bootyblasted FranXXcucks, don't kid yourself

Buy high sell low

Remind me which series has multiple concurrent and active threads on Sup Forums at any given point. That's the only metric that matters.

It's back in top 1000, take that VEGtards!

Dragonball? Naruto? YuruCamp? Re:Zero? Fate?

Franxxfags are mostly Sup Forums crossboarders though. You can tell by the way they post.


Attached: 1517265084658.jpg (378x349, 56K)

I liked it better when Stalker threads weren't fanbase war threads.

>5/5 wrong
Impressive in its own way.

user by my count there are currently at least two DBS and three Naruto/Boruto threads up right now.

>Franxx falls down the stalker ranks
>Daily Stalker threads
>"Bahaha fucking faggots xD shitty flop!!!"
>Episode 9 airs and the show gets a boost and climbs up again
>Stalker generals nowhere to be seen
That's a bit of a strange coincidence. Is there any meaning behind that?

Attached: HorribleSubs_Darling_in_the_FranXX_08_720p.mkv_snapshot_11.21_2018.03.03_12.10.53.jpg (1280x720, 90K)

Daily Stalker threads were made by shitposters and Sup Forums crossboarders who care about their stupid forced fanbase war, "regular" stalker threads were made by Sup Forums regulars who don't give a shit.

>"regular" stalker threads were made by Sup Forums regulars

Well, I was the guy who made Stalker threads with this picture and I'm pretty sure I don't favor any particular shows.

Attached: sales numbers are justice.jpg (1280x720, 132K)

The only thing you favor is shitposting.

Pretty sure you'll find at least two fate threads at any given time.


The only purpose of Stalker threads is to shitpost. It doesn't matter if you favor any of the sides, the only purpose is still to get them to fight each other.

How are stalker threads not banned yet? They're 100% shitposting.

Or maybe to see if your favorite show is doing well or not?

You don't need a fucking stalker for thread for that you tard. Besides, if you really cared then you would pay attention to actual sales instead of preorders instead.

You mean because this season is packed with popular shows amongs normalfags right?
Franxxfags and VEGtards are mostly Sup Forumsedditors and normalfags like and mods are deleting the threads because we don't encourage console wars also don't take me wrong I like VEG and Franxx there is nothing wrong with the shows but they indeed attract the worst of the worst.

That's wrong and all of you are showing of new you are, Stalker threads were decent till 2013/2014.

Ah yes of course. Decent literally almost half a decade ago.

Get over it you shitposter. Even if they were decent these threads have gone to complete fucking shit.

Stalker and VEG fag here.

Don't fall for shitposts like OP that easily. Franxx is actually higher ranked than VEG.

***,310位/***,314位 (**1,276 pt) Franxx 1 (a)
***,343位/***,348位 (**1,966 pt) VEG 1 (a)
***,527位/***,587位 (**1,420 pt) VEG 1
***,705位/***,802位 (***,814 pt) Franxx 1

So Franxx fags have reason to celebration, unlike past week where it got pretty much no noticeble boost from episode - it got one this week and even out did VEG. Also it is projected for only short time as its is temporary boost and VEG episode will be in 2 days, while Franxx was day 2 days ago - so statistically it does not give Franxx any notable advantage, especially as BDs 2-4 still are ranked inferior to VEG and as last week all of them predicted to fall at very least below top 1000 in few days.

Still it is a good news, showing people liked recent episode and if Franxx abandons 02 and makes more Ichigo episodes it might even recover to stable decent result. If it is more 02 episodes on other hand, prospects are grim..

They were decent till this season. The Stalker threads in Spring/Summer/Fall 2017 were chill.

>threads about comparing different shows and how successful they are/aren't are just shitfests full of cancer, trolling and faggots
What a surprise.

The big reason for its boost was them showing the covers and artwork bonuses for the volume, which always gives a boost to sales, more than the episode itself.

That's because KF killed them. In fact, Fall 2017 was the best season for stalker because of how dead they were.