Tokyo Ghoul:re 164

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Stop it. Get some help.

This doesn't even look remotely like Kaneki. What's Ishida smoking?

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I'd fuck Hide


Me too.
No homo.


Hide a cute

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Kaneki gotten stronger once again.

>not fucking Hide

I miss black reaper

new beach boys cover

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Kaneki and Hide's reunion honestly feels pretty underwhelming so far. I hope they talk more next chapter or something, I'd like to see a flashback to what happened in the sewers.

Why did Kaneki's hands suddenly heal? Was it the kagune monster jizz?

What a kiss

It was incredibly underwhelming

It was supposed to be huge, like one of the biggest moments in the manga. Way to drop the ball yet again. I'm assuming Ishida was going for the "Kaneki doesn't rely on Hide anymore" angle but this is too much.

>keeps whining about Hide
>heh, I knew you were alive
I don't get it

No one expected anything to be honest.

It's like with Amon and Kaneki's reunion. Ishida hypes it up and never delivers

They should turn him into ghouls and fix him up.

Meant for this

Who wouldn't, best boy in the whole series.

>Kaneki freaks out and does wing kagune
i teared up a little

Is Kaneki a really good kisser?

That wasn't too bad, he still looks relatively good looking.

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Maybe Nico or Banjou can do something about it.

>bringing Sup Forums up for no reason
Fuck off tumblr

This entire chapter felt like conversation you would have with man who's on meth. Says things too fast, jumps to next point then next. Just trying to tell multiple parts at once as fast as he can. Even if he was telling you pure Shakespearean story, you would feel nothing due how he is telling that story with no passion at all.
That is how this chapter looks like. Even though you have Saiko/Urie thing on one part and Hide reunion on another ... there is no passion into its writing whatsoever. Just feels incredibly overwhelming.

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What did you guys even expect?

And ultimately shows just how little Kaneki cares about people and disregards their feelings for his ego and self-destructiveness.

Ask Touka
Meh, I enjoyed it. If you're not having fun with the manga anymore, consider dropping it.

>bringing /tumblr/ up for no reason
see where I'm trying to go with this fag?

How are fujos responding to the chapter?

Can't say I ever had conversation with man on meth but I did find this chapter too underwhelming.
Idk is it bad to think that maybe just maybe Hackshida would try to at least give some more fuck at writing Hide and Kaneki's reunion?This was awaited for years and not only in last chapter it was underwhelming asf in this one their reunion also feels too unrealistic.
>O yo Hide
>Yo Ken
>Show me da scar
>Here is da scar man
>(crying) I'm gonna do everything right now man

Is it me or it became super boring ? It felt like the best manga ever until :re volume 8, it went completely downhill after...

So why does Kaneki has hands again?

>Kaneki gets power up again without doing anything
>Wow Kaneki looks like you are the only one who's not affected by the poison

His dick and ass haven't been eaten so nothing has really changed.

He also didn't give a fuck at writing Kaneki and Amon's reunion. He clearly lost his touch when it comes to interactions between characters in general.

The Yoriko/Touka reunion and Amon vs Donato encounter will probably be lackluster as well.

>Says things too fast, jumps to next point then next. Just trying to tell multiple parts at once as fast as he can

Maybe some mental block that kept him from regenerating or those explosions have some healing effect on him because of his dumb dragon organs.

He can control his body functions now as he pleases. He's probably like Uta and Roma now.

>Idk is it bad to think that maybe just maybe Hackshida would try to at least give some more fuck at writing Hide and Kaneki's reunion?This was awaited for years and not only in last chapter it was underwhelming asf in this one their reunion also feels too unrealistic.

I asked you what you expected. You still pointed out only that you didn't liked it. I know that. I'm asking wha tyou wanted instead.

You wanted Kaneki to cry like a bitch or something?

>Kaneki gets power up again without doing anything
Did you forgot he ate a ton of Oggai and humans?

Does anyone remember what happened to Takizawa and Kurona? or dog and ape? We haven't seen them for so long.

>characters talking like actual people is unrealistic

Then he turned into a battery for dragon and almost died. So where did he get this power up from?

Don't bother. Some people are just forever bitter at this point. This chapter was perfectly fine, it explained what those dragon remnants were doing with the population, progressed the plot by advancing Saiko's sickness and making Kaneki regain his power. Reunited Hide and Kaneki, we saw Hide's face. Things definitely happened.

Dragon was still him, retard even if it also led to the creation of new life (Rise). It's not unthinkable that he acquired part of the accumulated power Dragon had since he was part of the main body.

We don't know that.

He becomes Femtoneki.
Fem like FEMALE of course.
So we can have this sweet, sweet Hide x Kaneki relationship. Plus he already planted the seed, so he doesn't need his dick anymore.

Please don't pretend to know what happened to Kaneki in the dragon and what's his current condition.

>almost died
He was just unconscious for a bit. I doubt all those rc cells and shit just passed straight through him without any lasting effect. It was obvious that he was gonna get a power-up. An unnecessary one, I might add. Evenwalkign corpse, half-blind Kaneki almost beat Suzuya and Hanbee in Arata armor.

Peaced out, said he wants nothing to do with goat shit because it's stupid.
She confronted Kanou and then fucked off
>dog and ape

hey, at least people can see his shining teeth.

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There are more dragons. Kaneki was just one of the power sources if anything he should have lost most of his power since it went all to Rize.

>characters talking like actual people is unrealistic
Because this is for sure how you react and talk with someone you
>thought was dead
>found out they're alive
>seen them again after long time
Then again bunch of you're just neets that forgot how talking with another human being even looks like.

Wasted 17 pages for some uninteresting conversation but could kill off Tatara in less than 1 chapter.

>Kaneki, you are super special in yet another way
Of course.

I liked how casual Hide and Kaneki's reunion was. The two of them just being able to fit back into each others' company, even after everything that's happened... it's comforting.

Dog and Ape got offscreened this time for real.
Kurona probably fucked off for good after Kanou an heroed since there's nothing left for her character in this series.
Takizawa was last seen killing some dude and witnessing Dragon coming from underground so he's probably living the normal ghoul life and wants to be by himself. He'll come back though since his conflict with Amon and Akira wasn't wrapped up properly yet.

Why the fuck does Kaneki look like a completely different character every other week? What the fuck is Ishida doing

>draw Mutsuki with Urie's moles
>call it Kaneki
>draw Touka with a mole
>call it Furuta
>draw Arima with long hair
>call it Rize

>Says things too fast, jumps to next point then next. Just trying to tell multiple parts at once as fast as he can.


wtf man

>Wasted 17 pages
I'd say 3 volumes.

why are his eyes so fucking big

>Kaneki has the strongest rinkaku and the strongest ukaku
Truly the Tokyo Ghoul

Zombie Arima fucking when?

Hide miss his mouth and last time we checked Hide told Kaneki to eat some part of him, why the fuck he would eat his mouth? why not eating part of his hand or something? is this homo fan service on TG style?

No one gives a shit about Tatara.

Kaneki is cute, CUTE!

Near-death experience.
Notice how they're black and "deep" also.
Also notice how Kaneki is a lot calmer and especially the page before the wing kagune thing.

You need to earn those fujobucks somehow.

Why are you making it seem like you actually know what happened within Dragon?
>Kaneki was just one of the power sources if anything he should have lost most of his power since it went all to Rize.
Citation needed.

Shit chapter, as usual. Shit story as usual too.

he doesnt look calm the page before the wings

So you wanted Kaneki to cry like a bitch? Fuck off, people here would just trash him for behaving like a weak shit. You probably only wanted that for your fujo fantasies.

>bottom left panel
legit thought it was eto, I was about to prepare mentally for the shitposting over here.

Who cares about Tatara?
>Making it seem like the enitre chapter was only one conversation

The other pages he is and the last chapter.
The page before the wings he cuts the bullshit and says what he feels.
Point is, Kaneki is done bullshitting and has reached some state of equilibrium.

>Main character is special
Stop the presses!!

Yeah, anything else would be out of character.

Until he jobs again and goes through another journey of mental shenanigans.

>hurr durr this time I'm gonna protect everyone I promise guise

but if I lost one arm or one leg I think is worst

For Hide, yeah; I did expect Kaneki to be more of a little bitch about it so that was a nice turn of events.

The only ones that wanted something different are the fujos.

I don't think so this time, especially with the wing kagune becoming a thing.
Remember the black reaper, and then he became the OEK, which was more or less the white reaper?
Notice how Kaneki looks after he woke up, he's a mixture now, especially with the black eyes again and his new attitude.
Also, the wings signal Abraxis, I think this is quite literally Kaneki's final form.
I'm probably just autistic and looking too much into it though.

losing an arm is better than ruining your face forever

Eto and Mutsuki both have resemblance with Kaneki and in the bottom middle panel he has the exact same hairstyle as Eto.

also this page.

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Hide's case was a cool improvement

t-take that back

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To further my point and satisfy my autism, look at the bottom right panel with Kaneki.

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Why is his index finger so small?

>Kaneki's face in the middle

>humans turning into ghouls
>Washuu wanted to become humans
The Washuu were the good guys.

Especially when they have the tech for robo legs, no doubt they probably have prosthetics for arms

>red iris with white sclera
He is here boys.

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