Berserk thread

How old is guts anyway ? 26 ? he looks old as shit.

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He's seen some shit

hes like 22

>go through a lifetime's worth of suffering
>realize it's only just beginning

Too old for purses anyways

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>26 ? he looks old as shit.
That hurt more than it should have.

>a lifetime's worth of suffering
He reached that before puberty.


Nah, man.
Rectuited at probably 17, did 3 years with them. 1 year spend alone then returned. Spend 1 year hunting demons then returned to casca. Thats all i fkn know

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>tfw no doujin of femGuts being raped by femDonovan
Why even live, brehs?

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Also that nigga spent 5 year on some boat

Younger. He was around 19 when the eclipse happened.

I believe hes supposed to be 26 currently

He's 24.

Fuck off.

Welp SkullKnights have no track of his age either

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24, you just have to read a timeline

He looks 34.

That's not nice. Why is Sup Forums so hostile these days? Has Sup Forumseddit and Sup Forumseddit entrenched so much?

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He's seen some shit

These are still great

He was recruited at 15 by Griffith. Spent 3 years with them then left at 18. Rejoined to save Griffith a year later at 19 and then the Eclipse happened. Apparently 5 years have passed between the end of the Eclipse and where the story is currently as the guidebook lists Guts as 24 but that doesn't really add up timeline wise. He would be 21 after the black swordsman arc as he was doing that for 2 years so its hard to believe 3 years have passed from then to Elfhelm.