I miss these times with no power level bullshit and space aliens destroying universes.
I miss these times with no power level bullshit and space aliens destroying universes
Powerlevels will almost always exist, it's just how they quantify it.
21st Budokai Goku
I'll still take it over Z or Super any day.
Chun only won because he had a higher height level.
He wasn't even in muscle mode...
I miss slower paced adventures, you can't have those anymore because every kid has some Saiyan blood in him/her so they just win by default.
Seeing how long Super and Z lasted, I wish Dragon Ball was longer oh well at least we still have Dragon Ball.
Read Hunter x Hunter instead. Doesnt have this crap.
I only read OG Dragon Ball, so I'm good.
Vizbigs are pretty nice, I'm loving the art.
Hunter x Hunter turned to shit with the chemera ant arc though.
Author tried way too hard. Before that it was just fun adventures with some seriousness here and there
You retarded or something? Roshi destroys the moon in that fight.
>I only read OG Dragon Ball
Good boy. Everything after Goku vs Piccolo Jr. is a mistake.
Don't call me "good boy", I'm not a doggo.
Dragon Ball was best when it was focused on comedy, prove me wrong.
You're not wrong user.
Personally, DB should have ended at Cell. The whole Buu story didn't have enough high points, instead just introduced new mechanics and character all over the place, making it a chore to read through.
>DB should have ended at Cell
That's a funny way of saying 'Frieza'
It should have ended after Saiyan saga, with Goku killing Vegeta.
Reminder that Jackie Chun was stronger than Goku during this battle and the only reason the latter even had a chance was because he transforming mid match into a giant ape, which not only cockblocked Chun's technique but lso forced him to expend most of his energy to blow up the moon.
>they quantify it
Because that didn't matter as much. Technique and skill mattered.
The last time that happened was Kaioken
You mean Krillin
It should have ended after Goku learns the Kamehameha
Dragonball is a masterpiece.
I hate to tell you this, user, but powerlevels were a thing since basically the beginning. Roshi's training of Goku and Krillin had specifically zero combat techniques being taught, it was almost entirely increasing their powerlevel via strength and reflex training. That's why they were overpowering everyone in the tournament, their powerlevel was simply much higher than the competition.
Dragon Ball GT was the closest thing to the comfiness of Dragon Ball. You CANNOT refute this.
Cute doggo!
Something I don't get about GT, when Goku was transformed into a child how come he was still so strong? I can accept him not forgetting his martial arts skills and super saiyan transformations, but shouldn't his base form at its strongest be back to how it strong it was against King Piccolo if not weaker?
He was aged down, but not regressed. He was supposedly weaker than his adult form, but that's because his body was smaller and frailer, not because he had the same body he had back when he was 11-14.