Like most people on this board, I enjoyed Devilman Crybaby though I did feel it was a bit of a style over substance kind of show. However, with Netflix involvement in the shows production, a few things have made me wonder whether the show was always allowed artistic freedom. For example, was Koda gay because it was just a natural product of the show or was it Netflix saying "you must include X number of Y to appease Z"? Was Miki's father changed to a white man to explain there Christianity (and therefore at to the shows Biblical themes) or because Science Saru were told to do this to appease to foreigners? In summary, part of the reason I like anime is artistic liberty is so staunchly ingrained in its foundation. With western media currently obsessed with every being about politics (e.g Black Panther being unjustly elevated from okay cape shit to God-tier movie) I find anime an enjoyable escape from it all and I would like to hear your opinion on this.
Is anime safe from SJWs?
This is going to be a great thread
No, you should give up on anime and leave Sup Forums forever.
Will we get moments of "check your white privilege"? Possibly. Will it last? No, for two reasons; 1:sjws don't buy anime and never will so their an unviable source of income. 2: this will only pissed of hardcore anime viewers (which is to say, all of them) so they'll quickly realise that continuing down that path is suicidal at best
*piss off
Japan doesn't give two shits what sjws think
>However, with Netflix involvement in the shows production
Except they weren't involved at all and Go Nagai the original creator is known for BTFO sjws in the 70s so you're wrong on all counts
>Dear White People: The Animation
No, just no
You’re retarded op. Japan doesn’t give a fuck about feminism. Or their foreign fan base.
I've heard Netflix has a hands-off approach to their shows. I'd say we're probably good
Could it be because they don't actually make fucking anything?
Thank fuck Disney is coming to kill them
If I'm remember correctly, the anime industry made something like 18 billion dollars worth of revenue last year. Of that number, only 2 to 2.5 of that is the western fanbase. The Japanese can't afford to piss of the Japanese. If they start including shit like "muh feminism" or "muh black lives matter" there'd be a riot and they'd never make any money
hi, Sup Forums. I hear ntflix is planning 300 out of th 700 shows they plan on having to be lgbt. so nope, not for you
whats a sjw?
The SJW bug never hit the East, we're good
It's like a Sup Forumstard but not as bad.
Did you have to bring them into this? Speak of the Devil and all that.
Let's examine Japanese society for a moment.
>does not believe faggots should marry
>views foreigners as pests
>thinks trannys are freaks at best
And you think a little of Jewflix money is gonna change that?
I think it's telling how retarded foreign anime fans are when they think fucking Devilman, out of all things is the poster child for SJWs.
Like, do they even have any history with Go Nagai? He's the kind of dude who managed to piss off every Japanese parent in the late 60s. Violence Jack literally got banned in Australia, and now OP wants to pretend that anything Devilman is SJW?
People said the EXACT same things about comics and video games, but both these mediums have become infested within the last 10 yrs. Number one is absolutely true, but the people who end up bullying studios and creators into being pc are rarely consumers of the content they influence. Its all a big power trip to them.
If anime continues to become a global phenomenon (like its been trending towards), then they might have to change content in order to cater to foreign markets. Its a simple fact. People are already complaining in their blogs and on tumblr how devilman is 'problematic'. The Chinese are our only saving grace, as they don't give a fuck about this shit, and they are a huge foreign market for Japanese studios.
time to move to japan, then
The Protagonist literally raped a women.
I completely agree with you, but I choose to look at the positives. As long as westerners are never at things like board meetings or marketing strategy no one will suggest anything sjw-like
I mean both writers from Polygon and Kotaku loved it, so...
gay marriage is becoming wider spread, though its still hardly mainstream.
>blogs and tumblr
The Japanese don't know and don't care about gender fluid landwhales whose only experience of Japanese culture is the Soytendo
>muh sjw boogieman
Fuck off
The longest running anime is feminist.
no, but regulatory bodies putting pressure on distributors in the west = lost licensing deals in NA. Thats a huge revenue stream that just drys up overnight mate. That would be a fucking nightmare over there.
t. triggered sjw
Will Japan be hit by Western SJWism?
Does anime and manga have liberal themes (inclusion of gays, feminist undertones, anti-authoritarianism etc.)?
Yes, and it always has.
The good thing about Japanese liberalism is that it developed in a far healthier manner than it did in the west. This produced results such as The greatest irony that SJWs fail to acknowledge is that when it comes to diversity and female empowerment, anime and manga are unmatched as a medium. Hollywood can't even compare.
Safe from SJWs. Get the fuck out here Amerimutt. SJW really are your own problem. Not Japan's.
I liked the part where everyone lined up and hugged the gay demon
Fuck off, Sup Forums.
who gives a shit
Tumblr and Reddit is already into anime. That means fat white manchildren and neon haired landwhales will try to push their agenda onto Japan, a nation of timid pushovers. Too late.
Say what you will about Reddit, at least rAnime doesn't complain about it being "problematic". Tumblr can get fucked though
SJWs do buy anime, or at least merchandise. A typical western fujoshi is progressive and feminist and hates sexualization of women. There's also the Love Live fanbase, which is almost exclusively gay and are very typical feminist lgbt people. Love Live is probably safe though because of how big it is in Japan, but other franchises may rely more on western sales and will do more to appeal to them.
This doesn't tell us much without more context. If almost all of that money comes from two or three anime, then the western income could actually make up a significant portion of the artistically interesting anime.