Hypothetically speaking, if you took her virginity and her hymen bust during, wouldn't her blood dissolve your dick off and kill you?
Kyoukai no kanata
Yes but it would be worth it in my humble opinion.
"was it worth it user? was it truly worth it"
That's a good question
Why does she look like Yui?
She would have to remove her ring.
I think this is a commentary on cheating and it is bad.
Great gif
That's not how virginity and the hymen work (at least not necessarily). Google is your friend, but tl;dr the penis is not the only thing in the world capable of affecting the hymen, which in turn is not some sacred gate that can only be destroyed by a penis. It's also not a complete covering which needs to be broken (otherwise how the fuck would a girl menstruate?), there are plenty of ways it can be worn away, etc. without anything entering the vagina and it's only likely to bleed if there's no warming up (a pretty key part of sex) and you just J-J-JAM IT IN like some kind of bumbling virgin.
I want to take imouto and nee-sama's virginity
A JC version maybe.
Pretty much. As long as Akkey makes sure she's not desert dry it'll be fine.
What's she saying
Baba. Ba.
In fact, there's no such thing as hymens. They're a myth resulting purely from men being too rough during sex.
That butt doesn't fit her tiny legs
Based sex ed user.
Hymen can break because of basically everything that requires movement, even riding a fucking bicycle.
U gay?
Is this a show worth watching? Saw clips of it once and the artstyle looks pretty good.
if you think a 6/10 is worth watching
The penultimate episode in the snow place is my particular fetish of safeguarding a dying person at great personal expense, animated really well to boot. Overall it was pretty fuckign LN but I don't regret it.
She and Mitsuki were the cutest
Sometimes the storyline is really cheesy and cliche, but overall the art style and animation are great. Would recommend.
It's a fun series. I wouldn't call it groundbreaking but I enjoyed my time with it.
She’s deliciously cute
How did their bloodline get that far?
>That episode where the teacher is bragging about getting a date while the camera shows us her phone with the guy canceling on her
>The ending of the series shows her, the big sister and the fox woman together
This show had some really great thighs just like Amagi had great hips and Phantom world had great boobs, Hopefully their next fun show has great asses
Chances are due to her athleticism her hymen already torn from all that running and stuff.
My nigga
This entire gif is somehow my fetish.
I'm sure something's off with my taste if a little side character is my favorite one in the show.
I need more mitsuki
You're a sick youkai lover.
Yes, but remember this is a romance story, not an action.
im 12 and what is this
*tries to gently bust hymen*
pic related (though 6 out of 10 is a fair score tbhbh)
disgusting trips
It's pretty good if you have faith that your questions will be answered later and know that the main plot is the romance between the main characters. Also looking for the similarities between them and their way of viewing life and themselves is important.
Oh and also know that loneliness is a huge theme in the show and most characters are tied to it.
Never watched this show, is she an ability user like the children fron Phantom World? That sounds like a dangerous and kind of non-human ability if her blood can dissolve flesh.
>Never watched this show, is she an ability user like the children fron Phantom World?
Pretty much.
>That sounds like a dangerous and kind of non-human ability if her blood can dissolve flesh.
It is dangerous and that's pretty well addressed in the show, from her backstory to her self-esteem.
Probably but I'd rather the cake, milf or imouto anyways
It's decent . Just don’t watch the movie.
it's a show where you watch the first episode and hope that it isn't going to take itself that seriously but then it absolutely does
>wearing apron
ew disgusting! fuyukai desu..
the show is mediocre
the movie is decent
Sex sounds so complicated, I'm glad I'll never have it
>consider your partner's feelings and physical comfort and don't be a violent clumsy idiot
>don't believe everything you read about the hymen in H doujins written by virgin men
Yeah, so complicated.
>consider your partner's feelings and physical comfort and don't be a violent clumsy idiot
Like I said, complicated
Mirai is one of those characters too cute for me to lewd. I look at porn of her and I just can't fap to it.
shes my waifu and I never even thought of that