Okey user, you'been reading berserk for a while, but what would make you drop it once and for all?
Okey user, you'been reading berserk for a while, but what would make you drop it once and for all?
this ride is for life
Heavier focus on Isidro and Puck. Art shift to a more "popular" style. Less then 3 releases a year.
Miura dying
shut up
If I see that little shit Puck making another totally out of place fucking pop culture reference I'm gonna hit my imoute
Realistically, what would happen to the manga if Miura died?
They can't just put another artist, even If Miura already had the entire script finished
Make an afternote on the last volume that says
>Griffith died on the way back to his home planet
>Through the power of friendship, Dragonslayer glows and gives Guts the strength he needs to cut down a God Hand
Screencap this, because Miura became a hack
This guy gets it.
But seriously, not much. Miura would have to fuck up the story royally in some way or another for me to drop it, and I don't really see that happening. I do see him dying before he finishes it, though, desu, and at this pojtm, I'm prepared for it. I'm 32, and I've been on this ride since I was 13 when i first watched the 97 series, and then started importing the Japanese volumes and reading them with partial translations printed out on legal size paper, because it wasn't out over here yet and there were no scanlations back in those days. So yeah, I'm dedicated to Berserk, i love it, and I'm in it for the long haul, but I know what to expect now, and its becoming more and more clear that I really don't think Miura will live to finish it. I've kind of reconciled with that a bit at this point; I'd rather it was never finished than rushed out and ruined.
I’ve invested so much time in it that there’s nothing that could stop me now. Miura’s got fans by the balls and he can do whatever hack shit he wants and we’ll eat it up because there’s only one Berserk.
Going way too shonen,way too slice of life.
We need Miura to kill of some characters of Guts party in a major gruesome way.This manga should be suffering for fans to read.
Not much. It's been mediocre for a long time now and I'm still reading.
not gonna say that you're right but I think you're right. Between the toned down gore and sex for the past few dozen of chapters this manga's starting to feel way too much like a typical shonen.
It started entering Shonen territory with the multiple chapter fights against Mozgus and his apostles during Conviction.
only right answers
If Guts got some kind of a JRPG party full of friends, a magic set of armor that takes away from the coolness of being a man fighting beasts, and got on a boat for years. I'd drop it right away in that case.
Wouldn't blame anyone if they dropped it as Isidro's introduction desu.
If Miura did something retarded with Casca after all this time, like have her decide to stay on the island while Guts goes back to adventuring or whatever, that would burn me pretty hard after all this time.
Can't you see, user? You were the real struggler all along
As someone who recently started the series and has read up to chapter 120, you can tell the editors have been meddling. That fucking elf, man. "I'm here because otherwise things would be too dark." And now we've gone from brutal medieval shit to high fantasy adventure.
That said, I'm glad that this manga continues to examine the depths of human frailty in between the extensive violence and rape.
i thought you guys were already suffering
Casca wakes up and her first word is Griffith.
Haven't read Berserk in 5 years or so. Waiting till there is at least a few hours of reading available. Maybe another few years lol.
Griffith x Guts
Ayyy. Started when I was 11. 30 now. I just want some closure. Even a little, before Miura kicks the bucket. I also just want to know wtf the One Piece is so I can drop that shit entirely. That's all that's left for me manga wise.
Guts dying with Isidro becoming the new protag
Joke's on you, I already dropped it when the moe loli mermaid hijinks happened.
I'm not sure if there's anything that can make me drop it.
Someone went through the trouble of creating this? What is wrong with people?
>dozen chapters
You mean over the last decade?
griffith becoming the mc again and guts being killed off
It'll only get worse from here. Isidro and Puck become a comedy duo during fights and Guts gains a harem of underage troubled girls to go with him on a boat trip to fight silly pirates.
Make the God Hand killable by Guts without proper metaphysical reasoning and without expense.
Forgot to add: also killing them off without giving the backstory of how each member came to be.
Why would you add a backstory to the God Hand?
They've been introduced more than 20 years ago and we don't even know their original names. What makes you think he'll develop them later down the road?
Because the antagonists are usually the most important characters in a heroic/morally driven story?
Without pic related there wouldn't be any reason to move the plot forward.
Griffith is the antagonist. The God Hand aren't anywhere near as important as Guts and Griffith. I personally think that if Miura wanted to give them some backstory or development, he would've done it years ago. Again, it's 20+ years that we know nothing about them.
Griffith dindu nuffin wrong, he wuz a good homo
Well, from my point of view, he hasn't been able to focus on them because he had to do it first with Griffith, who tells you that we aren't just at the beggining of the story?
And it's not just the five God Hand members, do you think Miura introduced so many characteristic apostles just to waste them and never focusing on them? We aren't even halfway done.
Dude, if you think that we are just in the beginning then why did Miura spend 7 years in a boat trip that didn't do anything for Guts, the characters, or the plot?
Because he still has many years to live (hopefully), and wants to leave a work that's considered an exemplar masterpiece by making a Mona Lisa out of every fucking panel, since it would be a waste to drop the quality after so many years of work.
As for why i think he spend so much work for a rather intrascendental mini arc? Well, since the fantasy genre tends to overlap a great deal with adventure elements, it was pretty obvious that Miura would use the boat trip as an opportunity to add some sea related challenges, since he probably wasn't planning on touching the sea again it was the time to do it (this was also meant to add a feeling of distance to the trip because instantly teleporting to the next plot point would have been rather cheap), it's just a shame that he had to take several years of hiatus while doing it.
You're crazy, the artsyle dropped during the boat trip, just compare anything from volume 30 to what do we have now.
Miura doesn't care, he is rushing to have ends meet and call it a day.
Can't tell if you are trolling or obfuscated by all the Miura hate from so many people obsessed by Guts vs Griffith because of their first impression of the anime, or from people blueballed by the hiatuses.
I mean it seriously, the art suffered from the passage between handdrawn and digital. The drawings are too clean and less raw.
Even if Miura is immortal, I don't think that Berserk is such a big part in his life to dedicate his last few years on this earth to draw. The boat trip is proof that he's just stalling. He could've used the boat trip to develop the characters, just like he used the world and setting to develop the characters in the golden age arc. He didn't use this time to develop the characters, and uses precious panels to create jokes at inappropriate moments. You yourself have stated that there are a lot of things that he could work on if he wants to expand the story. The past of the god hand, skull knight, Griffith's goal. Hell, he has Serpico and Azan just sitting there on the boat. They might as well be cardboard cutouts, no one will notice if they are there or not.
Face it, he hasn't developed them when he had the chance, and I doubt there will be any development from them. First we probably would need more development from skull knight, and who knows when that's going to happen.
>muh muh grimdurk
the tone of the manga has evolved over the years, so has Guts and his party, it would be pretty fucking stupid if we went back to how it was in 89
Then it's just a matter of personal stylistic taste, but the emotion he puts in is still there.
>Griffith's goal
Isn't that obvious?
I do prefer the hand drawn, maybe it's thst. I will say thst to menit's like berserk is on life support, he is compelled to finish by thirds, it's not coming from him just like Said.
The tone being lighter is a good thing
After hitting rock bottom with the Eclipse and the Black Swordsman arcs it's only fair that it starts going better
Perhaps someone in the Guts party will die but for now they should just enjoy the break
Sure it is. He wants to create a new peaceful world.
Just kidding, however I was just giving examples of ways that he could increase the length of the story and not feel like a giant waste of time.
If you guys want the tone to get darker, just wait until Casca wakes up proper and we'll have to deal with that.
And I know the pacing fucked us all up, but let me remind you that Isma's island (so a couple of chapters back) had literal children changing into horrible fucking sea-tentacles which Guts later promptly slaughtered.
No one cares about the tone or the lack of grimdark scenarios. People who are bitching are doing it because they don't see a progress in the story and just goofyness.
I'm actually much more interested in Rickert and the Kushan guys and what they are up to
It would suck if Miura doesn't deliver
if they killed Guts but didn't end the story
I feel like I spent too many years thinking of Casca, worrying about Casca, giving a shit about Casca. I will dump it when Casca gets her memory back, and she storms off to go look for Griffith to be by his side because she's always been that type of stupid stupid bitch, always has been, always will be. It's predictable nonsense that I know will inevitably happen for the sake of keeping the story going in that romance triangle direction they always had going on, but as soon as that moment occurs, I'm done. I think I even began to sort of hate Casca for a while now, so that will just be the straw that broke the camel's back and enough to finally make me not give a shit about reading it any more
If we are being honest, i prefer the hand drawn style so far too like the boat pic i posted (maybe it's the shades of gray that are mellower and more organic), but by no means i dislike the current stuff or think it's any sign of Miura giving up, quite on the contrary, hopefully i'm not too naive and he just needs to perfect his new tools and is not just scamming us, because if we have to start mistrusting someone who puts forth such a compelling and emotionally invested story then our standards for trusting people are rather low.
>Aquire god like powers
>Create an army of monsters
>Stop the current war and become a hero
>Turn the world into Mad Max with fantasy creatures
>Create a capital where everything is fine and everybody loves you
>Get the pope to admire you
>Marry the princess
>Enjoy how clever you are
Well, at least she's not Farnese.
Farnese is better than Casca
>Just kidding
I don't know man, I feel like the status quo that Griffith created is already strange enough to where it wouldn't be a stretch to say that his only goal at this point is maintaining it.
He merged the world of normality and the world of magic and will remain king of it forever, there's nothing else to achieve here. Even the Idea of Evil, something connected to humans, wouldn't want all humanity to die in some retarded sacrifice now.
guts get off Sup Forums and go protect your waifu
I could never truly drop it, but I wish Puck would stop breaking the 4th wall, it's the hackiest thing you can do.
Also, is it just me or has the dialogue become really excessive with a lot of useless panels? The first 12-13 volumes of the manga covered most of Guts' life at a perfect pace, but he has accomplished hardly anything after 26 volumes.
I dropped it at the boat. The only good part of Berserk is the Golden Age and the 97 anime tells it better. Besides the art, Berserk is a pretty bad manga.
Casca regaining her memories.
Not gonna drop it no matter what happens but seeing how art turned into utter shit and the story is now one of jrpg campaign it saddens me greatly.
>Miura ends the series with Guts' Party dying due to plague and Griffith spending his days in happiness
>Sup Forums goes nuclear
>In the end...we are truly Berserk
>tfw i started reading the manga last week and finished the boat part in no time
I can't imagine getting through that in 7 years, i feel bad for you people
At least now i can join you when the next hiatus starts, i felt like Hunter X Hunter just wasn't enough
Miura dying, work passing into hands of Togashi for drawing and to Kubo for plot. Only possible combo that would make me stop.
At least HxH is moving the plot forward. Imagine 7 years without anything happening.
You thought you knew suffering with HxH. You don't know half of what we go through here.
Why is he the fucking Genie from Aladdin now?
Wasn't being the cute sidekick that makes silly faces once in a while already enough?
Besides the manga's got like what, five comic releafs now?
this, I'm a relative newfag to manga and holy shit that hiatus must've been excruciating
At least i managed to avoid the boat suffering
It was actually pretty fun but waiting seven years for a One Piece chapter is just inconceivable
I already did and it's hard to explain why. Maybe it was the years in the boat, maybe it was me who changed. Just one day I woke up and put my grasses on and everything was wrong
Maybe this will happen to me. There's a point where you realize Miura doesn't give a fuck.
This little panel should be much more iconic than it actually is
This. I've been on Miura's wild ride for 15 years now and I refuse to jump ship before the captain does.
Personally, I don't see where's the problem. I've been reeding berserk for what, 15 years, and it always came out at a very slow pace. I got used to it and don't even notice it anymore. HxH, with its random hiatus, is much more pain.
If someone will try to talk Guts out of his revenge. Especially if is coming from Caska.
There's a huge difference between trying to talk him out of his revenge and actually convincing him to stop his crusade. One is infinitely more plausible than the other.
>"Guts, it's time to move on"
>"You're right, Casca. I guess i trully was a Berserk"
>The End
Honestly whatever Casca does in the next issue will make or break this entire series.
literally nothing aside from what said
I've been in this ride for too many fucking years to drop it
Casca survives this arc.
Honestly just kill her already.
If it was all a prank and Guts is being recorded, the God Hand is actually green screen and everyone is clapping.
Guts had the time to elaborate his feelings, go on the revenge travel and then move on to protecting Caska. She's still at the start tho so she still has to process all that. A talk between them about it will be necessary. What her istinctive reaction will be to it, it's hard to tell tho.
>"but what about my severed arm?"
>Griffith blinks at the camera
>end of chapter
>watching the OVA anime
>Guts wakes up in the Hawk camp after getting ko'd by Griffith
>Guts runs up to Griffith
I dropped that shit right there, a long, long time ago.
>when guts flings a load of turf at Griffith's face and shouts "PUT YOUR GRASSES ON"
If Casca or Guts decide to reconcile with Griffith in any way. Revenge only.
I'm not reading manga
but i'm still waiting for 4th season of Berserk
But Guts letting Griffith get away with this is something I'd find hard to swallow
the eclipse was 20 years ago now
It felt like that but then Ganishka happened, i'm willing to forgive everything because of these incredible chapters before fantasia
That boring
I want to see eclipse with my own eyes
so than I should call my self Guts
(just joking no one really want to be Guts and don't sleep at night because when you are sleeping you can rest and in dream whatever you want like your favorite wifu become true )
>I want be Guts