It's Hoku's birthday.
Takkyuu Musume
Hoku is lifu!
This picture was in response to another recent image where Hanabi took Hokuto's scarf. This time Hokuto took Hanabi's hat. I guess they like stealing each other's clothes.
Oh yeah, this happened.
A good day to train for Nationals.
Kum a best!
the true ACE
I actually started training again yesterday. Time for you to lose these Nationals once and for all.
You think you can survive the desert after only a day of practice?
How many fucking power ups did this match have already?
Now bear is fucking hydrib drive/cut or some shit and Akari is getting her (supposedly) final power up for the match again (most likely to no get love'd by bear)
When the fuck are we going to leave bear namek?
She'll never win nationals.
Literally next chapter. Agari is probably not getting a power-up but she'll give a good fight before losing.
By the way, Asano is the one who said it was over next chapter. So this match really had two power-ups, the only big one being Agari's since she was being lovegamed before that.
Can't bearst the bear. But I'll make sure you have fun while losing.
This. Hokuto went from designated jobber to hero.
What is the airing date of S2?
May 11 when the ride ends
Asano's latest tweet:
I hope she jobs again next match.
Is Asano a cute takkyuu?
Why 3/13?
Captain and Munemune are losing their next match that's for sure, their winstreak is too good. Hanabi and Agari have to win after their Tsubame loss, and Koyori has to play.
Yeah, Hokuto jobs.
I'm glad Kinima Citrus still cares.
That makes me believe in season 2.
So Sup Forums, what are you wearing?
A tennis racket and cute pantsu
Touch my rubber and find out.
I want to find out what kind of panties Scorp wears.
If I tweet this at Asano do you think he'll tell me?
Also is my moon right?
Beam, beam.
I think she's wanko.
That takkyuu dork on twitter is having too much fun.
Post BEAR.
súper saiyan dios "el perro rojo"
y su esposa: la AS "diablesa" blanca
All Kumamifags changed girl before she loses. I wonder who they like now.
Kumami wins both the match and the best girl title.
I would agree with the second part if you remove the "tile" part.
Kumami will win the ACE?
Kumami wins both the match and the best girl t?
Better wife than the dog.
>winning yourself
That's not how it works.
>read the manga again
>save every page in which Kumami makes a great face
>66 pictures already
>save every page in which Kumami makes a great face
You should do it with every single Kumami face instead.
I really want to read it again but I'm still waiting for translations on the early chapters.
What's the difference?
Every Kumami face is great: but not every great face Kumami makes is a great Kumami face.
This is your captain for the next year. Say something nice!
>Say something nice!
How long have you got? Or do you only want one?
This face is a great Kumami face. It's a great face Kumami made, but it's also a great face for Kumami: this isn't always the case, as some faces Kumami make are great but not Kumami great. I hope it's more clear now.
>this isn't always the case, as some faces Kumami make are great but not Kumami great
Please provide me an example of one of these as well, I still don't quite understand.
This is a great face, but not quite a great Kumami face. I want to save it, but I can't.
I can't save it, because I have to save great Kumami faces, like this one. I hope you can see the difference now.
Ah I get it now.
Kuma friends really are smart, and excellent teachers too.
Let me help.
She looks so beautiful during every chop, and so cute with every smile.
Her care and confidence is inspiring.
She is my irreplaceable captain and my oasis on the desert horizon.
And I will post her every thread until we win Nationals.
I don't even know how I got 1512 screenshots of ACE, doors and other irrelevant characters.
To be fair there's a lot of doors in Shakunetsu no Takkyuu Musume. What does Asano mean by this?
That's adorable but you're still not winning those Nationals.
Doors are weird.
A door can be a wall or a corridor. But how do you know if a corridor or a wall is a door?
I mean, you can break a wall or block a corridor, yet those things are not considered doors.
Would ACE be a door or a wall if she's blocking your path to nationals?
Ace would be nothing more than a stepping stone.
Ace would step on your head.
To be fair there's a lot of irrelevant characters in Shakunetsu no Takkyuu Musume. What does Asano mean by this?
Hoku's thread.
Itty bitty bing bong baddle!
Nice legs though.
Irrelevant characters praise the ACE.
What the hell does "1%5" mean? Or is the kerning in Hokuto's pupils just really really bad?
i's 0.05
3/13 looks like ほく
I can't stop seeing it now.
I disagree.
Why would you lie?
The only ones lying here are the ace fags lying to themselves.
>ace fags
So you agree that ACE is ace. Nice.
Nah, everyone has to call her Ace or she'll go cry in the bathroom again.
Koyori cries more than ACE. Yet nobody stops bullying her, people call ACE "ACE" because she's the ACE.
Koyori's little sperg moments are cute, "Ace" crying is just pathetic.
>Koyori's little sperg moments are cute, "Ace" crying is just pathetic.
No, you're lying again.
Koyori's crying is lame, ACE's crying is hot.